Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!

Chapter 463: Majestic Concubine (41)

Chapter 463: Prestigious Concubine (41)

Hundreds of people came to Xuan Yuanmo in person to express gratitude to Dade when the flood occurred. Later, she heard that Anxian Fei proposed to reduce the cost of the palace princess and save the money to help them through the disaster.

For a time, An Xianfei's kind character spread throughout the whole kingdom of Heaven and Qin.

However, An Ningxiang is still not arrogant and impatient. She is more plainly dressed than ever before, and eating and drinking is becoming easier and easier.

Even in the disaster area, she can eat some coarse grains with relish, as if tasting the most delicious food in the world.

Many ministers who followed followed could not help but nodded, so the concubine should be the latter. The Minister has already decided in his heart, and each of them has to figure out how to raise the matter, so as not to make the emperor disgusted.

Tang Guo used corn paste, a nest, and a pile of pickles, sitting there upright, and eating elegantly, but frowning slightly.

When An Ningxiang saw this, her hands in her sleeves were tightly gripped, and she could not help saying, "This kind of coarse grains, isn't the queen concubine?

"What?" Tang Guo lifted his eyes, glanced at An Ningxiang, and chuckled, "What's not used to it, it's not delicious because it's not delicious, and it's not impossible to eat. When you pick something, this palace is pretty If you choose to do it, if you just want to fill in your stomach, not to mention corn paste, you will have a swollen root. "

An Ningxiang was silent for a moment, and said, "I didn't expect people who were so high above the Royal Concubine to be able to know these."

"This palace likes reading books, all kinds of books, histories of the dynasties, wild history, and folk textbooks, which are recorded in them."

An Ningxiang did not speak, she knew that she should keep a low profile, and it was better not to confront the imperial concubine.

Over the years, although she knows a secret, she doesn't understand why Xuan Yuanmo has been slow to start with Tang Guo. Does she really only use Tang Guo as her shield?

As a woman, she thought it was not that simple.

She touched the lower abdomen without any trace, she was pregnant.

Tang Guo noticed An Ningxiang's movements and smiled. An Ningxiang was about to be happy.

Both Meng Defei and Yin Shufei didn't say anything. In fact, many years ago, they found that An Ningxiang's position in the palace was special.

Although the emperor did not clearly love An Ningxiang, as a woman, how could they not feel that the emperor was different to An Ningxiang.

Especially Meng Defei, she knew a secret more terrible than everyone, when she realized that An Ningxiang's status was not ordinary.

Coupled with these years, she has understood why the emperor treated the emperor like that.

For An Ningxiang, the former Anmei, Angui, An An, now An Xianfei.

The emperor was really infatuated. For the loved one, she pushed another woman who deeply loved him into the abyss.

Meng Defei didn't have a taste in her heart, she had no appetite for eating. What a good person Huang Guifei is, I don't understand.

What can she do? A few years ago, the emperor and concubine had taught her what the emperor was, and led her to a different state.

She didn't care about Xuan Yuanmo's favorite.

It was just a pity that she had such a transcendent person.

Tang Guo could not help laughing because he received the poor eyes of Meng Defei. However, the original owner is indeed sad and pathetic.

As a woman, for a person who does n’t love you, have you been together for many years, can you really not feel it?

Perhaps you noticed the anomaly, just immersed in the dream of weaving.

(End of this chapter)

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