Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 220: Leave paradise island

The mist was lingering around the three at night, and there was silence all around to hear that the queen's horseshoes were moving away. Thea held the sad Diana, "Don't look back.

The original Diana may have blamed herself for the death of the tribe and Antiop. Her strong guilt led her to this path of almost self-exile, but now the paradise island is almost intact, but a few German soldiers have been captured. For the female soldiers to "research" in their spare time, although the sense of mission in their hearts is not diminished, the motivation to leave is obviously not as strong as the original time and space.

Although Thea couldn't guess the reasons before and after, but she could see that Diana's departure was a little shaken because of Hippolytus' words, and she was not good at saying too many words of comfort. Anyone knew that she would leave. Places that have not been in this place for five thousand years will never return, and will be hesitant. Diana, a little white flower who has not touched human society, will have the slightest fear to the outside world.

Overlord must bow hard! Thea pulled Diana into the boat. As long as Steve didn't greet her, he jumped on the boat and waited for the two.

"This boat doesn't seem to be paddle?" Steve, as a spy, still has the ability to observe colors. Diana's mood is obviously wrong. He doesn't dare to talk to the second daughter now, but he looks around for a slap. The big boat didn't see any power plant, but could only ask Thea, who looked slightly kind.

"No paddle?" How did they get out of the island without the original plot? Thea glanced around and didn't really see the oars. Did the two float out? I was too lazy to find it, leaving the area of ​​Paradise Island, her light-absorbing physique finally returned to normal, and the peaceful night fell a large amount of moonlight on her pretty face, which made her whole person cast a holiness.

Once again summoned the hand of the mage who scared Steve to control the boat to raise the sails. This knowledge was learned when she was an old Robert when she was sailing out of the sea. Then she released a strong wind, and the wind was blowing on the sails. The boat left the shore of Paradise Island at almost full speed.

"You were advanced in sail control. I thought you were paddling." Steve thought he was a bit shameful, and the black light was blind. He didn't really see such a solitary mast. In order to appear not so stupid, hurry up. Explain two sentences.

Thea waved her hands and listened to him explaining "Do you know where we are now? Or how far is it from London?"

You do n’t even know where you are? Steve despises that he is an uncivilized native, but he still said politely, "I used to fly from Germany to the UK. I do n’t know how the route deviated from the sea. Now it should be in the North Sea. Do you know the North Sea? "

"Little nonsense, I know the North Sea." The Quinn Group has a branch in Norway, but that is a hundred years later. Thea has also been to Europe as a child, and some landmark buildings have been seen.

Now being treated as a barbarian by Steve, the unhappiness of that lingering lingering.

Feeling the magic in her body, her spell consumption will be reduced to a certain extent in the night. Putting the magic on the surface of the body, slowly lifted off in Steve's expression of seeing a ghost, when flying to a height of 100 meters, the theatrical power opened the eyes of Horus.

One nautical mile south, nothing, two nautical miles, five nautical miles, and ten nautical miles.

Then he turned to look north, one nautical mile, three nautical miles, and finally saw the coastline seven and seven miles away, and carefully examined the people's clothing and signs on the shore.

Gaze back and land on the ship slowly, watching Steve a little silently, "Your sister in the North Sea, this is the Eastern Mediterranean! Seven miles to the north is Crete!"

I ca n’t think about it. In the movie, the two of them did n’t need to paddle, and sailed without direction. They floated from Paradise Island to London in one night, which is too close to Britain! It is true that the boss of Zeus is fierce, but he belongs to the Greek deities. What is that place in the UK and that is the site of the Celtic deities. How could your old man hiding Primary Three hide in front of the enemy's house? Afraid of being caught by the enemy?

It is very logical in Crete. This is a place frequented by Zeus. People in Greece have many eyes and it is inconvenient to do Zeus. There are no scruples in Crete. The nearby islands are dotted with secrets. God is unaware of the ghost, this is the right place!

"Crete?" Steve had a very good geographic performance, his face blanked, and the plane flew east, but now it seemed to land to the west, which made him doubt about his ability to see the road.

There is still a long way from London, so the three of them can't just float away. Whether they are looking for faster transportation to London or replenishing food and water, they need to go ashore.

"Why don't we go to Ares directly, where the war is most fierce, where must he be!" Diana finally recovered a little with the sea breeze, and looked puzzledly asking whether he was discussing the route with Steve. Thea.

This question really stopped Thea. She couldn't say that your mother was talking nonsense to you. Ares is now dressing up in London. Nor can you say that the choice you make now is actually meaningless. You personally Ten times stronger can't stop the war, let alone a more fierce battle in twenty years. Does this have anything to do with Ares? Yes! But it doesn't matter much ~ ~ You have wronged Him.

I couldn't think of good excuses for a while, and I only winked at Steve on the side. At this time, Steve was definitely a representative of the patriotic and good young people's spirit of freedom and democracy. How many people will go to London by themselves and how much it will affect the war and how many innocent lives can be saved.

Barabara said sincerely on the phone. Although Diana was skeptical of his fighting ability, she was also moved by his words and immediately decided to go to London first.

The three unified their internal opinions, and the next thing was to find transportation. Thea didn't dare to take out the skateboard. Steve could still be suspicious of seeing such sci-fi stuff. Dean also tried several times to prevent the future equipment that Sia obtained, which is the truth.

Who is more stupid than anyone else? Reverse engineering can launch a lot of things. If it wasn't for Amazon-style armor that was too different, her combat uniform wouldn't be worn out. Thea was ready to dominate magic in the next battle.

After determining the orientation, the three of them lost their interest in talking. Thea began to absorb the essence of the night alone. Diana was thinking about her own mind. Steve was holding his thigh and trying to make this unscientific dream earlier. wake up.

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