Top of Qinglian

Chapter 892: death battle

The yellow Flood Dragon rushed unhindered and continued to pounce on Wang Qingshan. It opened its **** mouth and spewed out a cloud of dazzling yellow light, hitting Wang Qingshan.

With Wang Qingshan's sword tactic, seven flying swords flew out, and one circled together, turning into a giant sword light more than ten feet long, heading straight for the yellow dragon.

The giant sword light easily shattered the yellow light, and aggressively slashed towards the yellow flood dragon.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the sea water reflected a crimson red, as if it was on fire.

A huge crimson fire cloud hung high in the sky, and there were bursts of muffled thunder-like sounds from the fire cloud, exuding a monstrous heat wave.

A red-robed old man with a ruddy face held a crimson flag and looked indifferent.

The red flag in his hand shook violently, and a dazzling red light flew out, disappearing into the red fire cloud.

The red fire feathers surging violently like boiling water, and red flints the size of water tanks flew out of the fire cloud, like meteors falling to the ground, hitting Wang Qingshan.

The yellow Jiaolong shook his head and waved his tail, leaving the battle group and avoiding the red flint.

It didn't stop there, Ye Lang and the others controlled magic weapons and attacked Wang Qingshan.

An astonishing sword intent rushed out of Wang Qingshan, and countless phantoms of cyan flying swords appeared. The phantoms quickly materialized and flew around him indefinitely. The three swept away.

The persimmons were softly pinched, Wang Qingshan couldn't help Huang Yuxu, but that didn't mean he couldn't help Ye Lang and the others.

As soon as the red flint approached the cyan tornado, a large piece of cyan sword energy flew out, smashing the red flint, some of the red flint smashed on the ground, and a huge pit was suddenly smashed into the ground, and the red flame ignited the weeds on the ground. , the fire spread quickly.

The whistling sound was loud, and the blue tornado came straight towards Ye Lang and the three of them, and the speed was quite fast.

The red-robed old man frowned, the red flag in his hand shone brightly, and with a fierce shake, a fiery airflow emerged out of thin air, turning into a red tornado with a height of more than 20 feet, with a monstrous heat wave, facing the blue tornado.

A layer of red light appeared on his body, and he quickly retreated. Ye Lang and the two flew towards the back while manipulating the magic weapon to attack the cyan tornado.

The two tornadoes of Qing and Hong collided, and a powerful air wave erupted. Wherever the air wave passed, a large amount of dust was rolled up, and some trees were uprooted and rolled into the sky.


With a loud noise, the red tornado was shattered by the blue tornado.

"Man and sword unite!"

A cold shout sounded, and three dazzling blue lights flew out from the blue tornado and struck at Ye Lang and the three of them respectively.

Hearing this, Ye Lang and the others were shocked and cast spells to resist.

The red-robed old man gently waved the red flag in his hand, released a large piece of red flames, blocking it in front of him, and sacrificed a red shield to block it in front of him.

The yellow blade in Ye Lang's hand flicked, and a large yellow blade shadow flew out, slashing towards the opposite side. At the same time, he slapped a yellow talisman on his body, and a yellow battle armor appeared on his body, protecting his entire body.

Another man in a blue shirt threw out a blue command flag, which turned into a blue water curtain, covering his entire body.

There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, accompanied by a scream.

A blue-colored Changhong hole pierced through the defense of the man in the blue shirt, twisting it into a large rain of blood, the blue light flashed, and the figure of Wang Qingshan appeared.

"You let the eighth sister go, and I let you go now. You leave here, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

Wang Qingshan sent a voice transmission to Ye Lang. Ye Lang let Wang Qingqing go, and Wang Qingshan also planned to let Ye Lang go. If he targeted Ye Lang just now, Ye Lang would die.

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and there are many things that they can't help themselves."

Ye Lang shook his head and said through voice transmission.

With a loud cracking sound, a yellow shadow suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qingshan, heading straight for his head.

Wang Qingshan flicked his wrist, and a large piece of cyan sword energy flew out, and a layer of golden rays of light appeared on the surface of the body, which was the golden body of defensive spiritual art.


A huge force attacked, Wang Qingshan was hit by Huang Ying, and flew out immediately, the whole person fell into the stone wall, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

A low roar sounded, and a red volcano more than ten feet high came crashing down.


The red volcano was suddenly torn apart, and Wang Qingshan flew into the air, his face slightly pale.

With a flick of his sleeve, seven green flying swords flew out and flew around him indefinitely. After a blur, they turned into thousands of blue flying swords, and slammed into the yellow dragon.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The yellow Jiaolong spit out human words, and the tone was full of disdain. A dazzling yellow light flew out and turned into a yellow jade plate several meters in size. The surface was covered with runes, and the crystal light flowed indefinitely.

As soon as the cyan flying sword approached the yellow jade plate, it seemed to have lost control, and they were all absorbed on the yellow jade plate.

The red fire cloud rolled violently, and the red light flashed, turning into a red fire python more than thirty feet long. The body of the red fire python seemed to be made of pieces of red flint. Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan quickly took two drops of the Millennium Spiritual Milk, his face flushed red.

With a roll of his sleeves, nine blue-colored flying swords flew out, circling around him uncertainly, and the nine blue-colored flying swords exuded an astonishing wave of spiritual energy.

It was the first time he used this second-order flying sword. If he hadn't taken two drops of the Millennium Spiritual Milk in a row, Wang Qingshan would not be able to hold it.

A clear sound of sword chirping sounded, nine blue flying swords surrounded Wang Qingshan, the hilt of the sword was facing Wang Qingshan, and the tip of the sword was outward.

With a flash of cyan light, nine cyan flying swords flew rapidly, and the wind was blowing. Wang Qingshan turned into a cyan tornado with a height of more than 30 feet, and swept towards the red-robed old man at a very fast speed.

Before this time was different, the previous tornado was created by a large amount of sword energy, this time the tornado was created by nine second-order flying swords, and the power of the latter was several times that of the former.

The old man in red robe was startled, the red flag in his hand shook violently, and a large red wave of fire flew out, turning into a red torrent, hitting the cyan tornado.

He put on a pair of red fists and smashed his fists towards the void. The dense red shadows flew out and hit the cyan tornado.


Where the cyan tornado passed there was a loud noise, and the dense red boxing shadows hit the cyan tornado, like mud like the sea.

The red-robed old man screamed badly, turned into a red escaping light and walked away, a giant sword light over a hundred meters long suddenly flew out of the blue tornado, and instantly caught up with the red escaping light.

With a scream, the giant sword light split the red light into two halves.

A beam of yellow light flew and appeared in front of the cyan tornado in an instant, and was swept into the cyan tornado by the powerful airflow.


A dazzling yellow light suddenly lit up, the cyan tornado suddenly burst open, the yellow flood dragon rushed into the yellow light, Wang Qingshan flew out, fell heavily to the ground, vomited blood, his clothes were tattered, and there were several spots on his arms. There were long bloodstains, and bones were faintly visible. His body was covered in scars, his breath was sluggish, and nine cyan flying swords fell to the ground.

He gasped heavily, his eyes fixed on the yellow Jiaolong not far away.

"Man and sword are one."

The nine cyan flying swords flew up, quickly merged into one, and turned into a giant sword. Wang Qingshan fell into the giant sword. go.

Either live or die, he has no choice.



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