Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4217: Yellow Class Fairy Ship

Wang Ruyan and Wang Changsheng were standing in an open field, they were rushed over by the movement of the formation, just in time to see the extraterrestrial demon **** the dry gold.

The black light is bright, breaking free from the shackles of the blue glow.

With a flick of Wang Ruyan's finger, a slender black silk thread flew out, the thread of law.

The black silk thread pierced through the black light, and brought it back to Wang Ruyan's side.

"The law of the soul!"

The voice of the black light trembled.

Wang Ruyan grasped the black light in her palm and performed a soul search.

A black light emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, and he slammed into the void behind him. There was a shrill sound, and a black light appeared, and it collapsed instantly.

They have mastered the laws of spirit and soul, if the extraterrestrial demons want to sneak attack them, they are asking for their own death.

"The extraterritorial heavenly demon in the Golden Immortal period escaped from a forbidden place."

Wang Ruyan said.

"Escaped from the forbidden area? Where?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"It's not clear either. It only knows that there are many corpses and ghosts there. If it didn't run fast, it would have been wiped out."

Wang Ruyan said.

All things generate and restrain each other, and the demons outside the territory also have their nemesis.

"Refining corpses? Ghosts?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, he was not interested in these things, his eyes swept away, and fell on the storage bracelet of the humanoid corpse.

A black circle of light bloomed from Wang Changsheng's palm, passing over the humanoid corpse, and there was no abnormality in the humanoid corpse.

He flicked two fingers, and a blue light flew out, hitting the skeleton hand of the corpse, and the storage bracelet fell to the ground.

He grabbed it with one hand, and the storage bracelet flew down on his hand.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, a golden glow passed by, and there were a lot of things on the ground, including immortal essence stones, refining materials, chaotic beast crystal cores, immortal wood and other materials.

"Fairy Ship!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on a mini blue dragon boat, and he said in surprise.

There are many forms of fairy ships, and the miniature dragon boat in front of me doesn't look like an attacking fairy weapon.

Wang Changsheng picked up the mini dragon boat and poured it with immortal energy. The mini dragon boat suddenly glowed brightly, and then its size skyrocketed, and a gap as large as Zhang Zhang appeared in its abdomen.

Wang Changsheng flew into the gap, and found himself in a huge space, with mountains and water, and many buildings. The area of ​​this space far exceeds that of Qinglian Island.

He can be sure that this is a fairy ship, but he doesn't know what level of fairy ship it is.

Wang Changsheng flew down to the entrance of a huge tower that was shining with blue light, and when he looked up, the word "Blue Dragon" was written on the plaque at the entrance.

He strode in to investigate the situation.

Outside the cyan dragon boat, Wang Ruyan was counting his belongings. Except for a fairy ship, there were no high-grade fairy artifacts, but there were some rare talisman-making materials that could be used to refine fairy talismans.

She carefully checked the content of each jade slip, hoping to find out the identity of this person, but she did not find out the identity of this person. The content of the jade slips is more complicated, with experience in refining weapons, alchemy, and hunting chaotic beasts. Multiple forces are involved.

This person must be a treasure hunter, but unfortunately he did not get out of this place alive.

After a while, Wang Changsheng flew out from the belly of the blue dragon boat with a happy expression on his face.

"This is a yellow-class immortal ship with five high-grade immortal destroying cannons."

Wang Changsheng said excitedly.

"Yellow-class fairy ship!"

Wang Ruyan was overwhelmed with surprises, she thought of something, and asked in confusion: "Since she got a yellow-class fairy ship, why not use it?"

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"It is estimated that he got it from the treasure hunt, but he was chased and killed by the enemy before he had time to sacrifice it, and he was seriously injured and died."

Wang Changsheng analyzed.

Wang Ruyan tore off the apron, and found that there were a lot of cracks in the sternum of the corpse, and the bones were black, which must have been poisoned.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were in a good mood after getting a yellow-class fairy ship.

"Use the yellow-class fairy ship to hurry! This is more efficient and saves time on the journey."

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, sat down cross-legged, and practiced the Azure Dragon.

Wang Ruyan put away the belongings on the ground and protected Wang Changsheng.


A vast and boundless black mountain range with high mountains and dense forests.

There is a huge cave at the foot of a steep mountain peak, and there is a deafening roar from inside the cave, shaking the ground and the mountains.

After a while, the roar disappeared, and Chen Yueying and Lan Fukong walked out of the cave with smiles on their faces.

They accidentally discovered the Zuohua cave of a treasure hunter, got a fortune, including some Hunyuan stones and a dozen seven-color crystal nuclei, and made a fortune.

"Mrs. Chen, this time I got your favor."

Lan Fukong smiled all over his face.

Wang Qiulin divination for Chen Yueying, the result of the divination is that Chen Yueying has a chance.

If he acts together with Chen Yueying, he can also get a lot of good things.

"It's a pity that there are no elixir and high-grade immortal weapons that can impact the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Chen Yueying said in a regretful tone.

"To be a human being, you need to know how to be content. It is already very good that we can get so many good things."

Lan Fukong said with a smile.

Chen Yueying nodded, and took out a piece of yellow animal skin. It was a map, and some places were marked with words.

"According to the map, there may be something good here, do you want to check it out?"

Chen Yueying pointed to something and said.

"Since there are clues, why don't we go? Let's be careful. If we encounter those elites, we will retreat. If we can't beat them, we can always run away!"

Lan Fukong said.

He hopes to get the elixir and medicine that will hit the Taiyi Golden Immortal. If he misses this opportunity, he may not be around when the Ten Thousand Immortal Continent's restriction ushers in a period of weakness again.

Chen Yueying nodded. Since entering the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, they have indeed rarely encountered other golden immortals. Occasionally, they encountered a few golden immortal monks. They used good deeds to exchange with the Wang family.

Chen Yueying put away the map and left here with Lan Fukong.


In a vast and boundless cyan bamboo forest, a deafening explosion sounded from the depths of the bamboo forest, accompanied by the roar of beasts.

A golden light flew out from the depths of the bamboo forest, and before flying far, a loud male voice sounded: "Fellow Daoist, stay here! Be a mandarin duck with the same fate as your companion, and die together!"

Jin Guang's speed slowed down, and a handsome young man in golden shirt appeared. His face was pale, his right arm was missing, and his breath was weak.

"Your Taoist companion is You can go on the road with her!"

A gentle male voice sounded.

The young man in the golden shirt's gaze froze and his expression was in a daze.

With a flash of blue light, a giant tower with twinkling blue light emerged out of thin air, emitting a burst of blue light, covering the young man in the golden shirt, and being involved in the giant tower.

Ni Tianlong and Gongsun Yang flew over, and they flew into the giant tower.

After a while, they flew out of the giant tower with excited expressions.

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal sits in the cave, our opportunity has arrived."

Gongsun Yang said excitedly, with a pinch of the formula, the giant tower quickly shrunk and disappeared into his sleeve.

"We'll go there right away, hoping to get the inheritance of the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Ni Tianlong said, the two left the place.

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