Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4107: Open the 7th orifice (it is gone today)

Chapter 4124 Opening the Seventh Aperture (Today is gone)

Time flies, three hundred years have passed.

In Xuanyu City, the streets are crowded with people and cars and horses are noisy.

More than a thousand years have passed since the chaos beast tide, and Xuanyu City has returned to its former prosperity.

In a secluded manor, Wang Qingfeng, Wang Qingcheng, Qi Shuting, and He Mo sat in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

When the tide of chaotic beasts broke out, Qi Shuting and He Mo happened to go out and escaped the catastrophe. All their fellow clansmen and fellow disciples in the city were killed.

After this battle, the strength of the Qi family and Guilingzong plummeted, and they could no longer defend a mysterious city. Facts have proved that Wang Qingshan's decision was correct.

The two of them regretted it at the beginning, it was a done deal, it was too late to say anything, but luckily they escaped.

The Qi family and Ghost Sect are now following the Wang family's lead and obeying the orders of the Wang family.

"Wang Daoyou and Mrs. Wang haven't left the customs yet?"

He Xun was puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist He has something to do with my parents?"

Wang Qingcheng asked politely.

"To tell you the truth, fellow Daoist Wang, it's fellow Daoist Wang from the Blood Vine clan who is looking for something to do. Of course, I also want to talk to your father about something."

He Xun said truthfully.

The Wang family has Chaos Armor, Immortal Extermination Cannon, Immortal Extermination Arrow, and Immortal Puppets for sale. In addition, the Wang family also has a lot of true spirits. There must be elixir to help immortals cultivate into true spirits. With these immortal cultivation resources, drive The other businesses of the Wang family have been broken, the development of the Wang family is getting better and better, and there are more and more forces who want to make friends with the Wang family.

"Blood Vine Clan!"

Wang Qingcheng had a thoughtful expression on his face.

He had heard of this race, the blood vine race is a native race in the fairy world, there are no clansmen in the lower realm, and they are proficient in the blood way.

The blood vine clan has two mysterious cities, which are under the jurisdiction of Yunlang City. In the last chaos beast tide, the two mysterious cities of the blood vine clan were attacked by chaos beasts, and the loss was not small. However, the blood vine clan is relatively strong, and soon A number of Golden Immortal monks were also dispatched.

"That's right, they haven't dealt with your Wang family before, and they want me to help introduce them. I don't know if it's convenient for your father."

He Yao said politely.

"Wang has heard the name of the blood vine clan for a long time, and has long wanted to get acquainted with fellow Taoists of the blood vine clan."

A loud male voice sounded.

As soon as the words were finished, Wang Changsheng walked in with a smile on his face.

Ye Haitang and Bai Yuqi arranged a formation. He used Qinglian Fortune Cauldron to purify the mutated seven-color crystal nucleus, and successfully opened the seventh orifice, and Wang Ruyan also opened the seventh orifice.

After opening the seventh orifice, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan jointly refined the medium-grade immortal arrow

"Father, you're out of customs."

Wang Qingfeng smiled all over his face.

"Wang Daoyou, long time no see."

Qi Shuting greeted Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded with a smile, walked into the stone pavilion and sat down, said with a smile: "Madam Qi, long time no see, I have heard about your family."

"It's all my fault for not listening to Fellow Daoist Wang, otherwise the loss would not have been so heavy."

Qi Shuting sighed, his face full of remorse.

Wang Changsheng looked at He Yao and said, "You Daoist He, how about you contact the Blood Daoist of the Blood Vine Clan and see you in Xuanyu City?"

"No problem, it's a trivial matter, Fellow Daoist Blood must be very happy to know about this."

He Yao agreed without hesitation.

He took out a fairy mirror with flickering black light, and entered a formula. On the mirror, he could see a short and fat old man in blood robe. The patterns are natural.

"Fellow Daoist He, have you contacted Daoist Taihao?"

The blood-robed old man said impatiently.

"We got in touch. Fellow Daoist Wang invited you to Xuanyu City for a detailed discussion, how about it?"

He Yao said with a smile.

"No problem, Master Taihao is beside you?"

The blood-robed old man asked.

He Mo looked at Wang Changsheng and handed the Immortal Mirror to Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng nodded and took the Immortal Mirror.

"This old man is full of blood, I have met fellow Daoist Wang."

The blood-robed old man greeted with a smile.

"I have heard the name of Fellow Daoist Blood for a long time. Fellow Daoist Blood is free some other day. You can sit in Xuanyu City and let's have a good chat."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

If you get the right way, you can help but if you don't, you can't help the wrong way. Wang Changsheng made more friends and expanded his circle, which also expanded the family's sphere of influence.

"Okay, I'm done with the chores at hand, and I'll be there right away."

Xue Sheng agreed.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng returned the Immortal Mirror to He Yao, who put away the Immortal Mirror, glanced at Wang Qingfeng and the others, and hesitated to speak.

"Wang Daoyou, I still have some things to deal with, so I'll take my leave first, and I'll talk to you another day."

Qi Shuting bid farewell tactfully, Wang Qingfeng and others got up to see them off, and Shi Ting left Wang Changsheng and He Mo behind.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I want to buy with you the elixir and wine that can be cultivated into top-level true spirits, as well as middle-grade chaotic armor."

He Mo took out an exquisite cyan jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

He is just an ordinary true spirit. He has taken the holy spirit apricot, but he has not been able to cultivate into a top-level true spirit.

Wang Changsheng took the jade box, opened it, and found a pale golden spar inside, emitting a faint fluctuation of soul power. There were many spiral lines on the surface of the spar.

"Nine Suns Soul Crystal!"

Wang Changsheng recognized this material. Nine Suns Soul Crystal is a second-tier fairy mine, which is usually used to refine middle-grade defensive artifacts, which is relatively rare.

"I got this from the Fairy Spirit Tomb. You Wang Daoyou is a craftsman, so you should know the value of this thing!"

He Yao said that he was actually not willing to take out this thing, but ordinary things would definitely not catch Wang Qingfeng's eyes, and Wang Qingfeng was able to take out the crystal cores of six-color chaotic beasts.

"Just a piece of Nine Suns Soul Crystal and you want mid-grade chaotic armor and elixir wine? You Daoist He may have overestimated the value of Nine Suns Soul Crystal."

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly.

"Of course not, I bought it with the crystal nucleus of the Chaos Beast, the crystal nucleus of the Golden Immortal Stage Chaos Beast, how about it?"

He Yao's tone was sincere, of course he knew the value of what he wanted.

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, and said, "I heard that your Ghost School controls a dark place, which is rich in yin-type elixir and fairy water, and there are many ghosts haunting it."

"Wang Daoyou wants these things? It's easy to handle."

He Yao said bluntly, what Wang Changsheng said was far worse than the value of the middle-grade chaos armor.

"I'll sell you immortal wine and mid-grade chaotic You use the chaotic beast crystal core to settle the settlement. As for the things in the land of darkness, we will trade them separately. This is a trivial matter, just leave it to the juniors. The two families will have more exchanges in the future."

Wang Changsheng said.

Doing business with Ghost Sect is just a rhetoric, the purpose is to make friends with Ghost Sect, many friends are better than many enemies.

"no problem."

He Yao readily agreed, which was exactly what he wanted.

He took out a cyan storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness and nodded in satisfaction. He took out a middle-grade chaotic armor and handed it to He Yao. He called Du Xueyao and gave He Yao a pot of six-color fairy wine .

After chatting for half an hour, He Yao happily left.

Back at the residence, Wang Changsheng walked into a secret room, where the Qinglian Good Fortune Cauldron was placed in the room. He took out the refining materials and prepared to refine a defensive divine and soul artifact. In this way, Wang Ruyan performed the Taoist Requiem, and he received The impact is very small.

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