Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4014: Wang Changsheng returns

Chiyang Sea Area, Chiyangfang City.

Qinglian Pavilion, seventh floor.

Wang Maowen was talking to a plump young woman in a purple skirt. Both of them were true immortal monks.

"Then it's settled, Fellow Daoist Wang, notify me as soon as the puppet beast arrives."

The young woman in the purple skirt said.


Wang Maowen agreed, the Wang family has many shops in the Chiyang sea area, and he is responsible for managing the family's business in the Chiyang sea area.

With the strengthening of the Wang family's strength, the Wang family began to sell fairy puppets, low-grade immortal cannons, low-grade chaos armor, and low-grade immortal arrows. They must be settled with chaos beast crystal cores, and they can also be exchanged for rare spiritual materials.

The young woman in the purple skirt nodded and got up to leave. As soon as she left, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked up.

They take turns to control the flying fairy artifacts and take turns to take the golden lotus fairy fruit to practice. After many years of practice, they have successfully cultivated into peak true spirits, and their strength has improved a lot.

"Meet the ancestors!"

Wang Maowen quickly stood up and bowed to salute.

"It's nothing serious in the clan!"

Wang Changsheng asked.

After they returned to the North Sea Immortal Territory, they took the Sea Territory Teleportation Array back to the Chiyang Sea Territory.

Wang Maowen didn't dare to hide anything, and reported in detail the family's situation in recent years.

"Immortal Meteor Tribulation! The Murong family privately purchased strategic materials at high prices!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, his face serious.

"Ancestor Qingshan speculates that there will be a larger wave of chaotic beasts in the Chaos Continent. They spend high prices to buy strategic materials, refine immortal arrows, immortal cannons and chaotic armor, and train the immortal armor army."

Wang Maowen said.

"In this case, let's go to the Chaos Continent first, and it's not too late to return to the Tianchen Sea Area later."

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and said, "Send someone to inform Yongqian, tell her we are back, and let's go to the Chaos Continent first."

After explaining a few words, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left and rushed to the Chaos Continent.


Chaos Continent, Yunlang City.

The east city wall collapsed, a large number of buildings were destroyed, and the monks of the Cao family were cleaning the battlefield.

In Yunlang Hall, Cao Mingjing sat on the main seat, his face was pale, his right leg was missing, and his breath was weak.

Four Chaos Beasts from the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage lead a team to attack the city. The unmutated Taiyi Golden Immortal Chaos Beasts, Yunlang City was still unstoppable and was breached by the Chaos Beasts. Cao Mingjing and Cao Mingxue fought to break out of the encirclement. In hot pursuit, they scattered to break through.

Cao Mingjing dared to come back after the Chaos Beast retreated. He couldn't contact Cao Mingxue, and something might have happened to Cao Mingxue.

Cao Yuanxing walked in with a sad expression.

"Ming Jing Patriarch, just received a message from the clan, Ming Xue Patriarch's natal soul lamp went out."

Cao Yuanxing said.

Cao Mingjing heaved a long sigh and said, "How about the loss of Xuancheng under the jurisdiction?"

"Almost the entire army was wiped out. According to the situation reported by Xuancheng under the jurisdiction, ninety-five Golden Immortal monks were captured by Chaos Beasts. The whereabouts of more than 20 Golden Immortal monks are unknown. More than ten Golden Immortal monks were killed. True Immortal monks More than 2,000 people were lost. Our family lost seventeen Golden Immortal monks. Three of them were killed on the spot, and fourteen were captured by Chaos Beast. gone."

Reported by Cao Yuanxinghui.

There are seventy-two mysterious cities under the jurisdiction of Yunlang City, and the Cao family directly controls twelve mysterious cities. In this way, the income is increased. If the Chaos beast tide breaks out, the Cao family will be under great pressure to defend. This time the loss is not small .

Cao Mingjing frowned. The Cao family suffered a heavy loss this time, and it will take many years to recover.

"Ming Jing Patriarch, won't the Nangong Immortal Clan make a move?"

Cao Yuanxing asked.

"The Nangong Immortal Clan sent the Taiyi Golden Immortal to support them, but they just repelled the Chaos Beast's attack. The last experience is still in front of our eyes. The Nangong Immortal Clan does not want to repeat the same mistakes. The strength of the Chahar Tribe is not weak."

Cao Mingjing said.

The strength of the Chahar tribe is relatively strong. There are many Daluo Jinxians who confront Tianfengcheng of the Nangong fairy tribe.

The Nangong Immortal Clan once launched a war against the Chahar Tribe, but they were unable to fight at all and suffered heavy losses.

Soldier against soldier, general against general.

The Kunlun Immortal City is against the Hunxie Tribe, the Nangong Immortal Clan is against the Chahar Tribe, and the Cao Family is against the Hulan Tribe. The Hulan Tribe is a newly rising tribe in the Hulan Mountains.

The Nangong Xianzu didn't want to expand the war, otherwise it would not end well.

Cao Yuanxing frowned, and sighed: "One will ebb and flow, and if this continues, the strength of the Chaos Beast will become stronger and stronger."

The Chaos Beast captures immortals and sacrifices to the Shifang Zimu Pagoda, which facilitates the cultivation of mutant Chaos Beasts. This time, the Chaos Beasts captured many immortals, and new mutants will definitely appear again.

In the long run, the immortal's strength will become weaker and weaker, and the chaotic beast will become stronger and stronger.

"The loss in that battle was too great. Many Dao ancestors fell. The immortals have not yet recovered their vitality. The number of Dao ancestors is too small, and there are more Dao ancestors in Chaos Beast. If the immortals have more Dao ancestors or Dao artifacts, It will be much less stressful."

Cao Mingjing said, his tone was weak.

"By the way, how about the losses of the Murong family and the Wang family?"

What did Cao Mingjing think of and asked.

"Their loss is not small, but it is much better than other forces. Most of the Xuancheng has been breached, and the casualties are heavy. Their Xuancheng has also been breached, and the loss is not that big. This is the result of an exaggerated loss. The real loss It won't be that big."

Cao Yuanxing said.

This time, the great catastrophe of the immortal meteor has seriously injured the vitality of the Cao family, and it is also a big reshuffle of power.

"It seems that they know something about it, especially the Murong family, which only guards two mysterious cities."

Cao Mingjing frowned and said.

"They all reminded us, and we can't blame them."

Cao Yuanxing smiled wryly.

Both the Murong family and the Wang family had reminded the Cao family that the next wave of chaotic beasts might be even bigger, and the Cao family listened to it, collecting strategic materials at high prices, but within a short period of time, the Cao family failed to collect the Taiyi Jinxian The Chaos Beast's stuff is just refining some middle-grade Immortal Extinguishing Arrows, otherwise the loss would be even greater.

Even if there is no outbreak of Chaos Beasts this time, the Cao family is still collecting strategic resources, but things that severely damage Chaos Beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage are too rare, and the Cao family spent a lot of money to get a high-grade fairy weapon, which cannot be severely damaged at all. A Chaos Beast of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Period.

"How about the loss of the Ye family?"

Cao Mingjing remembered something and continued to ask.

"I don't know for the time being, I heard that Fairy Liuyun is also in the Chaos Continent, I don't know if there is something wrong~ Cao Yuanxing said.

"Order to go on, strengthen our vigilance, and hope that the Great Tribulation of Immortal Meteor will pass quickly, and we will not be able to bear it again."

Cao Mingjing ordered.

Cao Yuanxing responded, turned and left.


In the depths of the Hulan Mountains, in a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, three Chaos Beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage gathered together, and the leader was an eight-color Chaos Beast in the form of a giant.

"You have done a good job. You have obtained so many sacrifices. Lei has escorted a batch of sacrifices back and reported your achievements truthfully."

The eight-color Chaos Beast spoke in praise.

"It's all cobalt envoys who are well-led, and we are just cooperating."

A seven-color chaos beast that looks like a horse said.

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