Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4078: Yang Gan

4095 - Yang Gan

"Didn't you say that the immortal body is born?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, his face full of confusion.

"That is a special spirit body. Some people regard the spirit body as a fairy body. There is only one word difference between the spirit body and the fairy body. It is normal for people with no eyesight to admit mistakes. Not to mention the golden fairy, I am afraid that there are not many too Immortal Yijin has seen the immortal body. The true spirit and the immortal body are two important hurdles in cultivating the Tao. Most monks from the lower realms can survive the ninety-nine thunder disasters if they cultivate into a true spirit. When a living being cultivates to a certain level, there will be a qualitative change, which is a kind of evolution."

The young woman in the blue skirt explained.

Restricted by their own cultivation and circles, most monks have limited information. Many of the information they have is wrong, and more of them are based on rumors. Information itself is also a major resource for cultivating immortals, and the upper levels will not easily spread it to the lower levels.

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized that when he was in the spirit world, the three major clans in the Xuanyang world described the fragments of the fairy world as the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, misleading other forces. This is a kind of information monopoly, and he did not expect that the fairy world also has an information monopoly.

It seems that the content recorded in the classics or the content grasped by the public cannot be fully believed, but can only be used as a reference.

"Senior Xiao, it is rumored that by refining a certain kind of immortal wood or taking a certain kind of elixir, one can cultivate into a fairy body?"

Wang Ruyan asked politely.

"It's like this in theory. It's not that the peak true spirit can't cultivate into an immortal body at all. Even if it has immortal wood or elixir, it will directly kill it. If you give a Mahayana monk elixir, do you think it will kill him?"

The young woman in the blue skirt said.

Meals have to be eaten in one bite, and the strides are too big, and it is easy to pull the eggs.

"There is only one word difference between the spirit body and the fairy body, but the two are not the same thing. The spirit body is a kind of talent, while the fairy body is a qualitative change in life. Many people mistakenly think that the fairy body and the spirit body are constitutions, but because of limited knowledge. , and it is not ruled out that it is deliberately misleading you."

The old man in green robe explained.

If you really believe that you can cultivate a fairy body by refining a certain kind of immortal wood or taking a certain kind of elixir, and a non-peak true spirit who gets this kind of natural material and earthly treasure and directly refines it will naturally die.

There will always be information gaps. The circles of monks in different realms are different, and the information they come into contact with is also different. In addition, some forces deliberately spread false information to mislead others. The spread of the spread is wide, and naturally some people believe it.

"Some are misleading, some people like to show off their knowledge, especially those Golden Immortal cultivators who have no hope of breaking through, write their own hearings as biographies, some of the content is true, and some are nonsense, true and false, it is difficult to distinguish, If it spreads, it will naturally mislead others.”

The young woman in the blue skirt said.

When the rumor spread widely, it became the truth, and at least a group of monks believed it.

"Senior Xiao, where is the treasure of Hongmeng Lingbao? Where is the Xiantian artifact!"

Simon asked politely.

"Hongmeng Lingbao is a kind of heaven, material and earth treasure. Strictly speaking, it is a kind of material. We often say that heaven, material and earth treasure have a wide range, such as fairy water, fairy wood, fairy medicine, fairy stone, fairy jade, etc. Material treasures, the rare cultivation resources born in heaven and earth can be said to be treasures of heaven, material and earth. The middle-grade fairy artifacts made of Hongmeng Lingbao are far more powerful than other middle-grade fairy artifacts. They can absorb other rare materials to automatically upgrade, and It can be refined into rare materials to improve its rank. This is the preciousness of the Hongmeng Lingbao. Under some special opportunities, the Hongmeng Lingbao will mutate, automatically absorb rare materials, and form a celestial weapon. It will continue to absorb rare materials and continue to advance , and eventually become a Taoist tool, this is the origin of the Xiantian Taoist tool, but I have never seen a Xiantian Taoist tool, I heard it is like this."

The young woman in the blue skirt explained.

Most of the fairy artifacts require the immortal artifact master to refine high-level materials in order to increase the rank, and the immortal artifacts that have been refined into the Hongmeng Lingbao can absorb rare materials to advance, thereby improving the rank.

"Since it is a material, can physical training refine the Primordial Spirit Treasure into the body? Strengthen oneself?"

Ximen Zhi asked.

"Theoretically yes, but let's not talk about physical cultivation. This is the name of a monk in the lower realm. If you are promoted to a true immortal, you will only have a true spirit and an immortal body if you go up. It is said that physical cultivation will only decrease in price. Some special exercises can allow immortals to use Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure or Immortal Artifact is refined into the body, thus possessing incredible supernatural powers, but that is the path of an immortal who cannot cultivate into a true spirit. If you are a true spirit, there is no need to do this, self-destroying your foundation, whether it is a true spirit or a fairy body , are the evolution of life, and can resist immortal artifacts, but it does not mean that immortal artifacts cannot kill them."

The young woman in the blue skirt explained patiently.

"Senior Xiao, I heard that there is a secret technique that can refine runes on the body and thus possess incredible supernatural powers. Is that true?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"Almost! Some immortals can't cultivate into true spirits, and they are looking for other means to compete with true spirits. This kind of monks can't cultivate into Taoist ancestors, but this kind of secret technique is indeed very powerful. You are true spirits, and you are heading towards the peak! It’s right for the true spirit to move forward, there is no need to waste too much time on this kind of secret technique, cultivation base is the foundation, don’t throw away the watermelon and pick sesame seeds, and spend too much time on law secret technique or skills.”

The young woman in the blue skirt exhorted.

"Thank you Senior Xiao for your guidance, this junior has been taught."

Wang Changsheng bowed and said sincerely.

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals answered many of his puzzles, and he became clearer about the future.

"Okay, it's getting late, we still have things to do, so we won't stay any longer, you can do what you want! I hope there will be a Taiyi Golden Immortal among you!"

After the old man in green robe finished speaking, he left with Nangong Yunxin.

"Yue'er, let's go too! You can take care of yourself."

After the young woman in the blue skirt finished speaking, she took Xiaoyue and left.

Most of the golden immortal monks left one after another, while the three brothers Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Ximen Zhi and the old man in yellow stayed where they were.

"Old man Yang Gan, just now Daoist Wang and Mrs. Wang competed with fellow Daoist Nangong and Fairy Xiao, which really opened Yang's eyes."

The old man in yellow robe introduced himself.

"It's better for you to call Yang Paopao! Yang sounds like he's not afraid of people, which doesn't suit you."

Ximen Yong joked.

Yang Gan smiled coyly, and said, "You can call yourself whatever you like, Daoyou Wang, too. The name is just a title. By the way, I heard that there will be an auction in Wanmufang City, and there will be golden lotus fairy fruits. I am going to participate , do you want to go together?"

After listening to the two Taiyi Golden Immortals explain their doubts, the golden lotus root fairy fruit became even more precious.

Wang Changsheng looked at Ximenzhi, and Ximenzhi said: "I have no objection, teleport away from Jiuyuan City, and it won't take long to reach Wanmufang City."

"Meeting is fate, let's go together!"

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"That's a good relationship, it's not too late, let's go to Jiuyuan City!"

Yang Gan was overjoyed.

The six of Wang Changsheng left this place and flew towards Jiuyuan City.

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