Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1681: The ruthless Shangguan Tianhong


The void suddenly burst open, and Zhao Yu fell from the void, looking flustered.

His spirit ghost and corpse were killed, and his magical powers were weakened a lot. In the face of Shangguan Tianhong, the number one person in the Tianlan world, he was no match at all.

As soon as Zhao Ji's tactic was pinched, the body surface was full of black light, and there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling from his body, including the cry of a woman, the screams of children, and the shouts of old people.

He turned into hundreds of black lights and walked away, each with a different direction.

"If you escape, the old man's name will be written upside down."

Shangguan Tianhong's face turned cold, and the magic trick was pinched. Countless red runes appeared on the mirror surface of the nine small red mirrors, and thousands of slender red lights flew out, lasing away in all directions.

The dense red light holes penetrated hundreds of black lights, and there was only a scream. One of the black lights showed the figure of Zhao Yu. His face was pale, his chest was dripping with blood, and the blood flowed continuously, and he looked very embarrassed.

As soon as Zhao Jun appeared, the space above his head fluctuated, and a large golden hand more than a hundred feet long appeared out of thin air. The golden hand was wrapped in a large golden flame, exuding an astonishing high temperature.

The big golden hand shot with a thunderous force, and hit Zhao Yu accurately.

Zhao Yun let out a miserable cry, and was burned to ashes by a large golden flame.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned, and his eyes were full of confusion. Spirit Transformation cultivators were not so easy to kill.

At this moment, a black light lit up in the void behind him, and Zhao Yun suddenly appeared. His face was pale and his vitality was severely damaged.

He knew that he couldn't run away, and he didn't want to return to the Tianlan Realm. Even if he died, he would be disgusted by Shangguan Tianhong.

Zhao Yu's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Shangguan Tianhong's body surface radiated golden light.


Hearing a deafening roar, a huge black sun suddenly appeared high in the sky, covering a large area.

A powerful air wave spread in all directions, dozens of hills were smashed by the air wave, countless flying sand and rocks splashed around, the land was blown away, and the radius of a hundred miles was a mess.

After five breaths, the black scorching sun dissipated, Shangguan Tianhong's body was covered with a golden light curtain, and his expression was indifferent.

With a pinch of his tactic, the golden light curtain turned into a pale golden jade lock that landed on his chest. The golden jade lock was engraved with the pattern of a mini unicorn, which was aura.

The Heaven-penetrating Lingbao Jinlin Lock, a defensive magic weapon, is made of 100,000-year-old Jinlin wood as the main material, and is made by refining thousands of materials.

In addition to the three dangerous places, the Tianlan Sect scavenged all the known secret realms and forbidden areas in the Tianlan world, and took away all the spiritual wood, minerals, and bones of monsters and refined them into magical treasures.

Shangguan Tianhong is the number one expert of the Tianlan Sect. He has as many as three pieces of Tongtian Lingbao, one for attacking, one for defense, and one for flying.

"A little bit of backbone, I'd rather die than surrender, that old snake may not have that backbone."

Shangguan Tianhong's face turned cold and he laughed.

The old snake in his mouth refers to the blue-and-white ancestor.

There was a dazzling firelight on his back, and a pair of five-foot-long red wings appeared. The surface of the wings was filled with a lot of red flames and a gust of wind. After a huge explosion sounded, Shangguan Tianhong disappeared. .

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, in a vast and boundless green grassland, Jianzun Jinyue stood on a low soil slope, frowning tightly.

There are hundreds of cyan scales scattered on the ground, as well as a dozen thick and long grooves, which resemble those left by a giant python, and there is a long snake skin on the ground.

A red light lit up in the void, the void fluctuated together, and Shangguan Tianhong appeared.

"Junior Brother Jin, that old snake escaped?"

Shangguan Tianhong asked with a frown.

"She performed some kind of special secret technique, similar to Jin Chan's escape from her shell, and she escaped."

Jinyue Jianzun said truthfully.

"Chasing, I don't believe it anymore, she can run faster than me."

Shangguan Tianhong had a murderous look on his face.

Jinyue Jianzun hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said, "Senior Brother Shangguan, I think it's better to recruit security, and then to clean up and suppress them! If we push them into a hurry, if they start killing people, our losses will not be small."

Tian Lanzong's mountain gate simply cannot accommodate millions of cultivators. Even if it is assigned to several important sub-rudders, it cannot bear so many people. Many disciples stay behind some unimportant sub-rudders, so that they can speed up their cultivation.

"Hmph, I've ordered all the disciples to move to the main altar when it comes to big things. Those who violate the order will die. Dongli Realm thinks that sending some high-level cultivators to Tianlan Realm can threaten us? Hmph, I hate it the most. It's being threatened."

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was cold. The blue-and-white ancestor's body was a fifth-order monster python. Her corpse could be used to refine a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. He would not let the blue-and-white ancestor go.

The wings on his back flashed red, and he slammed it fiercely, and the whole person turned into a light and disappeared.

Jinyue Jianzun sighed, turned into a golden rainbow, and flew high into the sky.


Tianfeng Mountains.

A steep peak, the top of which is an extremely large estate.

In a quiet small courtyard with green tiles, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting on the stone bench. A tall and thin man in blue shirt stood in front of them, and the man in blue shirt looked nervous.

The man in green shirt, surnamed Chen Mingjiang, has three layers of dandan. The Tianlan Sect abandoned most of the sub-rudders, and a large number of disciples moved to the main altar, freeing up a lot of spiritual veins and sub-rudders. Chen Jiang took his wife and children to occupy a sub-rudder. , euphemistically called guarding the property of the sect, but in fact it is for cultivation.

The Tianlan Sect cultivators used to be scattered all over the place, but now they are concentrated in one place. When you think about it, you know that there is definitely a shortage of spiritual energy.

The spiritual veins of the rudder in Tianfeng Mountains are only the third-order low-grade, and they are not inconspicuous. Tianfeng Mountains does not have any special cultivation resources. Chen Jiang and his wife and children have been practicing here for decades, and they have been safe and sound. Unexpectedly I still met the cultivator of Donglijie.

"Senior, you have searched the younger generation's The younger generation did not lie. I also asked the senior to raise your hand and spare the younger generation's life. It's really not good, let the younger generation's sons and daughters go!"

Chen Jiang begged bitterly.

Wang Changsheng has already figured out their location. They are located in the southeast of Tianlan Realm. The Tianlan Realm is very large. It is very difficult for them to find other clansmen. After all, it has been so many years. I couldn't sense it for a long time. I ran around and was easily caught by the Tianlanzong cultivator.

He now wants to find a place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively abundant, and retreat to the period of shocking spirits.

The Spirit Transformation Stage is the decisive force and the force to turn the situation around. The Tian Lan Sect asked its disciples to move to the main altar, which just gave Wang Changsheng a chance.

"We can spare your family of four. It's also a good thing for you to show us the way and help us do something."

Wang Changsheng's tone was full of temptation. He needed Chen Jiang's help to deceive the entrance of a sub-rudder, disguised as a cultivator of Pill Formation, and settled in the sub-rudder there, where he would impact the spirit transformation period. The Donglijie cultivator they were looking for, right under their noses, asked the Tianlan Sect cultivator to protect the Dharma for him.

"Yes, senior."

Chen Jiang had no right to refuse at all, so he honestly agreed.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan changed direction, and the two followed Chen Jiang and his wife to another punishment.

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