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Chapter 1677: The news of the 4th season of Sword Sovereign

In the past two weeks, they have killed ten fourth-order monsters one after another, and there are as many as two of the fourth-order high-grade thunder-type monsters. If these things are brought back to the family, they can help Zhenhai Ape and Lei Feng to advance. .

They almost died several times under the natural restrictions of the Wanlei Sea Area. Fortunately, the Xuanshui Palace protected them.

In front of it is a pale golden sea, and you can't see the head at a glance. From time to time, there are thick golden lightning flashes across the sky, hitting the sea, causing a lot of waves.

The thunder continued, and the golden thunder light lit up one after another, like a sea of ​​golden thunder.

"If we want to leave here, we must pass through here."

Wang Ruyan held a blue jade slip in her hand and said with a frown.

The Wanlei Sea Area is very large, and they definitely cannot leave through the entrance. There is a jade slip in the storage bag of Lihuo Zhenren that records things related to the Wanlei Sea Area.

The entrance to the Wanlei Sea is in the Qingli Sea, but no one knows where the exit is, and no one knows how big the Wanlei Sea is.

Tianlan Realm sent people to search the Wanlei Sea Area, and suffered heavy casualties. A god-turning cultivator once sent a clone to break into the Wanlei Sea Area, but died in the Wanlei Sea Area. It is said that Qianlei Zhenjun also penetrated the Wanlei Sea Area. , but for some unknown reason, Qianlei Zhenjun left Wanlei Sea Area not long after.

"We have no way out, we can only keep going forward."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, the environment of the Wanlei Sea is special, not to mention the impact of the spirit transformation period here, even normal meditation and cultivation cannot do it.

These thunder and lightning are messy, not aimed at anyone, they are natural, and I don't know what caused them.

It was impossible for Wang Changsheng to leave the exit, so he could only keep going forward, hoping to find a safe way out with the help of Xuanshui Palace.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the Xuanshui Palace spun around and flew towards the front.


There was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky, and hundreds of thick golden lightnings pierced the sky and went straight to the Xuanshui Palace.

A soft blue light appeared on the surface of the Xuanshui Palace. Hundreds of golden lightnings struck the blue light and bounced off one after another. However, the golden lightnings were endless, and golden lightnings continued to strike.

After half an hour, the blue light dissipated, and dense golden lightning struck the Xuanshui Palace, and the Xuanshui Palace was safe and sound.

Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, a dazzling blue light appeared in the Xuanshui Palace, countless blue runes appeared on the eaves, and a huge blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, wrapping the entire Xuanshui Palace, and the Xuanshui Palace escaped quickly. up, flying towards the sky.

Golden lightning struck one after another, and more and more golden lightning struck the Xuanshui Palace one after another. The Xuanshui Palace was safe and sound, leaving no traces.

An hour later, the Xuanshui Palace flew out of the golden thunder sea, and an endless black sea appeared in front of them. The sky was a little gray, and the sea was black. There was no thunder and lightning, and the wind was calm. a world.

There is a desert island more than 100 miles away more than a dozen miles away. The island is lush with vegetation, and you can even see traces of many monsters.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, the Xuanshui Palace soared, and it didn't take long for the Xuanshui Palace to land on the beach.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan widened their consciousness and scanned the entire island. They found a lot of low-level monsters, but there were no fourth-level monsters.

"Hey, there seems to be an ancient monk's cave! It is estimated that it is the seat of the monk's seated cave."

Wang Changsheng let out a light whimper, with an excited expression on his face.

When his divine sense glanced to the northwest corner of the island, he sensed a faint wave of the formation. If he hadn't entered the Nascent Soul Great Perfection, his divine sense had improved a lot, and he would not have noticed anything abnormal.

If it wasn't for the Xuanshui Palace, it would be impossible for them to arrive here. The monks who can appear here are naturally the monks of the transformation of the gods.

The Xuanshui Palace took off and flew towards the northwest corner of the island.

After a while, the Xuanshui Palace landed on a green mountain more than a thousand feet high, and the peak was overgrown with weeds.

Wang Ruyan's eyebrows lit up with a red light, and a red eyeball appeared, which was Wufeng Famu.

She could clearly see that there was a faint blue light on the stone wall more than ten meters away, looming.

"Husband, there."

Wang Ruyan stretched out her hand.

Wang Changsheng released five puppet beasts and let them spread out and move around. Strangely, there was nothing abnormal.

"The cave of the cultivator of the gods may be strongly restricted. Let's be careful and don't be careless."

Wang Ruyan reminded.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and with a pinch of the magic formula, the Xuanshui Palace flew up.

Wang Changsheng flipped his hand and took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and slashed towards the ground.

A blue sword light hundreds of feet long shot out and smashed on the ground.


With a loud bang, the entrance of the cave was smashed by the blue sword light, and among the piles of rocks, a light blue array flag could be seen.

Wang Ruyan flicked his sleeves, and a five-colored aura flew out, transforming into a burly young man in blue shirt. His eyes were dull, and he was obviously a talisman soldier, but a talisman soldier at the stage of forming an elixir.


Wang Ruyan stretched out his hand and pointed at the cave, and the blue-shirted youth strode into the cave.

After half an hour, Fu Bing came out.

"It's strange, there is no strong restriction in it, it seems to be empty, to be precise, it seems to be just a temporary cave."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, this situation is not uncommon, high-level monks will open a temporary cave when they go to explore dangerous places, and they will meditate and adjust their breath.

"Anyway, it must have been left by the cultivator of God Transformation. Let's go in and have a Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the Xuanshui Palace and strode towards the cave.

The stone walls are full of pits and pits, all natural.

After walking more than a hundred steps, the front suddenly became clear. They appeared in a huge grotto with a size of more than ten acres. On the left side of the grotto, there was a line of characters - Sword Master of the Four Seasons is here.

In addition to this line of large characters, there are also a large number of flying swords engraved on the stone wall. These flying swords have different shapes and are scattered in scattered positions, as if they were sword formations.

"The Four Seasons Sword Master! He has been here before!"

Wang Ruyan exclaimed, her face full of inconceivable expressions.

The Four Seasons Sword Master is the founder of the Taiyi Immortal Sect. He can be called a legend, but he disappeared later. The Four Seasons Sword Master has not only been to Tianlan Realm, but also here.

"Could it be that the fifth-order demon bird was created by the Four Seasons Sword respect?"

Wang Changsheng put forward a bold conjecture, which is very likely to be true.

Sword Sovereign Four Seasons has this strength, so I don't know if he died in the Wanlei Sea Area, or if he went to another interface.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan searched carefully and found nothing else. One thing is certain, Sword Sovereign of Four Seasons lived here for a while.



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