Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1665: Strong enemy kills the door

In the Wulong Sea Area, there is a barren island that is hundreds of miles in size.

In a secret underground cave, twenty Nascent Soul monks gathered together and were discussing something.

The barbarians sent eight Yuanying monks, and Yanzong took the lead. He has the cultivation of the late Yuanying period. He is the younger brother of Yanguang. Yanguang has cultivated to the great consummation of Yuanying, and he has a certain chance to enter the spirit transformation stage. , naturally will not attack the Wang family.

The Tianlan Realm has dispatched Master Tianlei, Yuan Ying Great Perfection, as well as masters such as Shen Haoran and Zhao Hengbin.

Twenty Yuanying cultivators, one Yuanying Great Perfection, two late Yuanying, and eight barbarians are all physique practitioners. This strength is enough to destroy the sects that do not have the cultivator of the gods, and Tianlan Realm has paid enough attention. After all, the rise of the Wang family has not been more than a thousand years, and there has not been a god-turning cultivator. The influence is not very large, and the god-turning cultivator can't look down on the Wang family.

"The relationship between the Wang family and other forces is not bad. We must fight quickly. If the delay is too long, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave. Fellow Daoist Yan, join us and focus on dealing with the Qinglian swordsman. Kill the Qinglian swordsman first. Others are not important, killing Qinglian Jianzun, others are not to be afraid of."

Master Tianlei said in a deep voice that Sword Master Qinglian is not weak. He was named after him when he was young. He was still the disciple and grandson of the Spirit Transformation cultivator. They gathered five Nascent Soul cultivators to deal with Sword Master Qinglian.

One Nascent Soul is Great Consummation, two late Nascent Souls, and two middle Nascent Souls, to ensure everything is safe, mainly because the strength of Qinglian Immortal Companion is too strong, they attach great importance to Qinglian Sword Master, who makes Qinglian Sword Master be Jian Xiu is also the disciple and grandson of the Spirit Transformation cultivator.

In order to deal with Sword Master Qinglian, they brought two fifth-order talismans, which could be resisted by defensive spiritual treasures, but could not be resisted by ordinary defensive magic weapons.

"Junior Brother Zhao, you, Junior Brother Sun and Junior Sister Liu are entangled with Fairy Qinglian, and the others deal with the other Yuanying monks of the Wang family."

Master Tianlei told Zhao Hengbin that, aside from Sword Master Qinglian, Fairy Bailing was not weak.

"Understood, Senior Brother Lei."

Zhao Hengbin and the others agreed with all their mouths. They all had cultivation in the middle of Nascent Soul, and there was absolutely no problem in entanglement with Fairy Bailing.

"Okay, then let's act according to the plan!"

Lay Tianlei waved his sleeves, got up and left the cave.

After leaving the cave, Shen Haoran took out the Ganguang Escape and Shadow Shuttle and entered a magic trick. A dazzling white light emerged from the Ganguang Escape and Shadow Shuttle, and their bodies skyrocketed. They jumped onto the Ganguang Escape Shuttle one after another.

Shen Haoran's tactic changed, and the dry light and shadow shuttle turned into a white light that broke through the air and went straight to Qinglian Island.


Qinglian Island, in a secluded courtyard, Fairy Cailian sat in the stone pavilion, her brows furrowed, Fairy Ziyue and Ye Haitang sat opposite Fairy Cailian.

I don't know why, but she has been feeling restless recently, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if something important happened.

High-level monks can’t avoid bad luck and avoid bad luck, and they can’t predict the prophets. However, sometimes some signs in the heart are more effective, and the fortunetellers are convinced of the signs in the heart.

Fairy Cailian recognized Qinglian Immortal Companion as her adoptive father and adoptive mother. With the help of their luck practice, her divination skills improved a lot, but she could not predict the good and bad luck of the cultivators of the Wang family, especially the cultivators with the blood of the Wang family.

The Wang family has recruited a lot of loose cultivators. Fairy Cailian conducted divination for the two scattered cultivators at the core formation stage, and found that they were going to be in great trouble. She gave Fairy Ziyue a divination, and it was also a great disaster.

Fairy Ziyue and Immortal Qinglian have a good personal relationship, that's all.

"What's wrong? Sister Cailian? Is it a bad omen?"

Fairy Ziyue asked with a frown, looking nervous.

"Well, a big omen, maybe the family is in trouble."

Fairy Cailian's expression was solemn, she said to Ye Haitang: "Sister Haitang, you should immediately notify the owner of the house and let him strengthen his guard. Maybe there will be a cultivator who will kill you."

The Wang family's elixir-forming guest is about to be in great trouble, as is Fairy Ziyue, who has a good relationship with Qinglian Immortal Companion. The two coincidences are not coincidences, and the Wang family must be in big trouble.

"The cultivator of the transformation of the gods is killed!"

Ye Haitang took a deep breath and looked nervous.

Fairy Cailian is a descendant of Tianyue Zhenren, she is proficient in divination, and she has never made a mistake in divination.

At this moment, a deafening bang sounded, and the ground shook violently, as if an earthquake.

The alarm sounded loudly, and a light blue light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire Qinglian Island.

"Not good, enemy attack, enemy attack."

Ye Haitang exclaimed and flew out of the yard immediately.

Twenty Yuanying cultivators were attacking the great formation of protecting the clan on Qinglian Island, led by Master Tianlei and Yanzong.

Wanjianmen helped build the Wang Family's clan-guarding formation. After Ye Haitang entered the Yuan Ying stage, she set up several more fourth-order formations. Qinglian Island has a total of four fourth-order formations, with twenty yuan in total. The infant monks were besieging Qinglian Island, and they really couldn't stop it for too long.

Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingling, Wang Qingjun and others rushed out of the residence one after another, and Wang Mengfen's response was not slow.

"Ten sister, follow me to meet the enemy, Meng Fen, arrange the evacuation of the clan immediately, and the speed should be faster."

Wang Qingshan instructed that the twenty Nascent Soul cultivators attacked the Wang family, and they could not stop them at all.

Wang Qingshan could run away immediately, but in that case, thousands of clansmen on the island, men and women, young and old, would be killed, so he naturally would not abandon his clansmen.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengfen responded and went down to make arrangements.

Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingjun, Wang Qingling, Wang Tianwen, Ye Haitang, Ziyue Fairy, Murong Yuyao, and Cailian Fairy left Qinglian Island to meet the enemy, giving the low-level monks time to escape.

Murong Yuyao frowned. She thought the Wang family was a safe place, but she didn't expect twenty Yuan Ying cultivators to kill them. Today, the Wang family is much less fortunate.

When it comes to a critical moment, she won't fight to the death. As for the others, she can't control it.

If the Wang family had not treated her well these years, she would have left by now.

"Kill, and leave none."

Lay Tianlei's face turned cold, and he waved a silver flag that was about ten feet long. The thunder was loud, and countless silver arcs appeared on the flag.

Accompanied by a loud thunder, a huge thunderball the size of a house flew out and smashed towards the opposite side.

Wang Qingshan felt the terrifying energy fluctuations contained in the silver thunderball, his brows wrinkled slightly, his sleeves flicked, and nine azure glass swords flew out circling around him uncertainly, and the sound of swords was loud.

With a pinch of his sword technique, the nine azure glass swords burst into dazzling azure light, and a large piece of azure sword light flew out, hitting the opposite side.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the dense blue sword light smashed the silver lightning ball into pieces, and a powerful air wave erupted.

Fairy Ziyue's jade hand shook, and a blue light flew out and landed on the sea. It was Zhenhai Ape. Zhenhai Ape was more than ten feet tall, wearing a blue battle armor, with wide eyes.

The higher the bloodline, the higher the difficulty of the advanced level, and the more resources it needs. The Zhenhai Ape is a water-type spirit beast, and general resources are of little use to it.

It is still the fourth-order low-grade, equivalent to the early Nascent Soul cultivator, but its true combat power is not limited to the early Nascent Soul.

Fairy Ziyue's sleeves flicked, and a long stick with shining blue light flew out and landed on Zhenhai Monkey's hand.

In addition to Zhenhai Monkey, Fairy Ziyue also sacrificed two fourth-order puppet beasts and took out the Lingbao Fire Sparrow Fan.

She slammed the fan lightly, the bird chirped loudly, and a large red flame swept out, with an amazing heat wave, and went straight to the opposite side.

At the same time, other Nascent Soul cultivators took action one after another.

For a while, the explosion sounded continuously, and the void oscillated.



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