Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1657: close at hand

The fourth-order high-grade shadow talisman, which they exchanged with huge contribution points, can transform into a phantom.

They patted the shadow talisman on their bodies, and a dazzling silver light lit up on their bodies. One Wang Changsheng and one Wang Ruyan appeared out of thin air. Their facial features and aura were exactly the same. When the divine senses of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were superimposed together, they could not find any abnormality.

After doing all this, they moved in the other direction, very fast.

Jianzun Jinyue frowned. His divine sense sensed that there were suddenly two more late Nascent Soul monks, and the aura was exactly the same as Qinglian Immortal Companion.

His divine sense carefully probed, but still could not find any abnormality.

"It's a bit similar to this sect's Immortal Transformation Talisman, but it's troublesome."

Jianzun Jinyue said to himself that the Immortal Transformation Talisman is one of the five secret Talismans of the Tianlan Sect. It can transform into a phantom that is exactly the same as the body, and possesses some simple magical powers.

At this moment, the ankylosaurus below him let out a painful roar, suddenly stopped, foaming at the mouth.

A fourth-order spiritual beast can't bear the attack of divine consciousness at the level of a god.

Jianzun Jinyue flipped his hand and took out a gleaming yellow talisman. There were countless mysterious runes on the surface of the talisman. These runes were like living things, distorted and deformed, exactly like tadpoles. If you look closely, they look like mini snakes.

The Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman, a special talisman, is proficient in earth attribute spells. As for the cultivation base of the Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman, it depends on the amount of mana injected. The more mana injected, the stronger the Yellow Turban Statue.

The majestic mana of the Golden Moon Sword Sovereign was injected into the Yellow Turban talisman, and the yellow turban talisman burst into a dazzling yellow light, turning into a burly young man in yellow shirt, exuding the breath of Yuan Ying's great consummation.

After the dazzling yellow light emerged from the Yellow Turban Lux Talisman, he suddenly turned into a burly young man in yellow shirt, with countless yellow runes all over his body.

"Go, kill him."

Sword Master Jinyue instructed, a dazzling yellow light appeared on the body of the young man in yellow shirt, and he chased after him.

Even if the Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman was defeated, as long as he entangled Qinglian Immortal Companion for a moment, he would arrive.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked quickly under the seabed. They were wrapped in a cloud of yellow light, and wherever they passed, the mud and stones were separated.

"There is a Yuanying Dzogchen cultivator chasing after him, it should be a talisman."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, it is not surprising that the cultivator of the gods has talismans.

"Let's speed up, hope the double-eyed mouse is all right."

Wang Changsheng's face was full of worry, the double-eyed mouse would have a great risk of pulling away the Golden Moon Sword Master, and maybe he would die, but Wang Changsheng had no other way. Fight for a while, fight for some more time.

A dazzling yellow light appeared on the surface of the double-eyed mouse, and it continued to dive towards the depths of the seabed at a particularly fast speed.

The instruction it received was to dive with all its strength and to save its life.

At this moment, the soil behind him tore apart, and an incomparably sharp golden sword energy shot out.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan on the double-eyed mouse were smashed by the golden sword qi slash, and disappeared into a little bit of aura.

The golden sword qi hit the Shuang-Eyed Mouse, and the Shuang-Eyed Squirrel let out a painful chirp. There was a huge blood hole in its body, and the blood flowed nonstop. few.

A few hundred meters behind it, Jianzun Jinyue's complexion changed and became ugly. He was chasing the fake body, while the Yellow Turban Lux Talisman was chasing the real body.

Jianzun Jinyue ignored the double-eyed mouse, a fourth-order low-grade spirit mouse, not worth his time, so he turned around immediately.

In the sky above the endless sea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into a blue long rainbow and walked away, very fast, their faces were pale, and their mana was consumed severely.

After they threw out the Yellow Turban Warrior Fu Wanli, they immediately returned to the sea and cast the Sky Moon Escape Light.

They used the earth escape technique, but the escape technique was not fast, but the sky and moon escape light was faster.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan each held a mini Nascent Soul, which was the Nascent Soul of Lihuo Zhenren and Zhao Junyue.

"It's no wonder that he is the descendant of the old monster."

Wang Changsheng had an expression of sudden realization on his face, and he had a bold plan in his mind.

They learned a lot about Tianlan Sect from the soul search of Master Lihuo and Zhao Junyue's Nascent Soul.

Tianlan Sect sent a lot of experts to other interfaces in an attempt to open the space channel by combining the inside and the outside. A total of three times the space channel was opened, and the two were in the Dongli world. I don’t know which interface the first space channel was. The reinforcements from Tianlanzong have not yet arrive

In addition, they also know about the cultivator of the gods. According to the knowledge of the real person Lihuo, there are 33 cultivators in the Tianlan realm, and there are 25 cultivators in the Tianlan realm. After unifying the Tianlan Realm, eight cultivators were trained.

There are thousands of Yuanying cultivators and tens of thousands of cultivators in the Tianlan Sect. It sounds scary, but most of the masters are not experienced in fighting skills, and they don't have much experience in life-and-death battles, which is not surprising.

The monks under the age of 600 are not very experienced in fighting skills. They kill high-level monsters and rarely kill monks of the same level.

"We might be able to use this as a threat and change our lives."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, the blue light on the surface of his body was wide open, speeding up his escape.

After a while, the calm sea burst open, setting off countless waves, and a young man in yellow shirt with a tall figure flew out, it was the Yellow Turban Warrior.

The young man in yellow shirt turned into a yellow long rainbow and walked away at a relatively fast speed.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stopped, and in the sea area several miles ahead, lightning and thunder, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

The rumbling thunder continued, and thick silver lightning struck down one after another, slashing into the void below.

The sea area where they were located was calm and the weather was clear. There were dense clouds and thunder and lightning a few miles away, as if two worlds were the same.

"Is this the Wanlei Sea Area?"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, his face dignified.

Under normal circumstances, he is reluctant to enter such a place, it is too dangerous, but there are cultivators behind him who are chasing him, and they can only enter the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea to avoid the limelight.

A little bit of yellow light emerged from the void, turning into a yellow mountain hundreds of feet high, smashing towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan head on.

Wang Ruyan's breath soared, his fingers swept across the strings quickly, a melodious sound of the pipa sounded, and a large piece of green sound waves flew out towards the yellow mountain.


After a huge roar sounded the yellow mountain burst open and turned into dust in the sky. The dust in the sky spun around and suddenly turned into a huge yellow sand curtain, wrapping Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Several small cracks appeared on the surface of the yellow sand curtain, which were torn apart suddenly.

At this moment, a man's voice without the slightest emotion suddenly sounded: "After escaping for so long, it's time to end."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were shocked. They were about to flee when eighteen golden flying swords cut through the sky and came straight towards them.

Feeling the amazing spiritual pressure of the eighteen golden flying swords, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were so frightened that their souls flew out of the sky.

At this time, Wang Changsheng had no other choice, he would not believe that Sword Master Jin Yue would let them go.

He turned his hand and took out a blue and misty token with the word "Zhenhai" engraved on the surface, which was the Zhenhai Token from Feixianxu.

This treasure is Wang Changsheng's biggest trump card. This treasure may come from the spiritual world. I don't know if it can stop this blow.

Zhenhailing burst into ten thousand blue lights, and after one blurred, it turned into a blue palace more than ten feet high. The palace was ornately decorated, and the three characters "Xuanshui Palace" were engraved on the plaque.



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