Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1655: Expose yourself to the enemy

Fu Min frowned, and was about to wave the Wanmin Pen to help. At this moment, a red light lit up on the top of his head, and a seal with the red light flowing indefinitely appeared. It turned into a red giant mountain more than a hundred feet high and fell head-on.

Before the giant red mountain had fallen, a monstrous heat wave was on its way, Fu Wen felt dry mouth and a burning pain all over his body.

He hurriedly waved Wanmin's pen and made a gesture in the void. A monkey with a wide mouth and fangs appeared out of nowhere. Its body was covered with blue hair, and its arms moved towards the falling Tuo.


With a loud noise, the blue ape collided with the red giant seal, shattered instantly, turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared, and Fu Wen also turned into a white light to avoid it.

Before he could stand firm, the golden sword energy from the sky shot up, blocking his way.

Fu Min frowned, and quickly waved the Wanmin pen to resist.

On the other side, the golden giant python flew towards it, with an aura like a rainbow. Wherever it passed, the sea water was divided into two, a huge crack appeared on the sea surface, the sea water rolled back, and the roar continued.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were both startled when they felt the aura of the golden giant python destroying the trees and the rotten trees. They had no confidence to take this blow.

Wang Ruyan hooked a string with two fingers, and then let go, a sound wave of blue light flew out, facing the golden python.


Sparks scattered, the blue sound wave shattered instantly, and the speed of the golden python was stagnant.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan planned to fly away, and a blue light flashed, and a blue bead the size of a longan suddenly appeared on top of their heads. Wang Ruyan was covered by the cyan glow, unable to move his body, and their eyes were full of fear.

Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, and the eighteen blue water dragons merged into one, turning into a blue water dragon with a length of more than 100 meters. He opened his **** mouth and rushed towards the golden python.

The size of the golden python shrank rapidly, and following the big mouth of the blue water dragon, it submerged into the blue water dragon's body.

The next moment, the blue water dragon roared in the sky, and its body suddenly burst open, turning into eighteen Dinghaizhu, flying in all directions.

The eighteen Dinghaizhu have dim light, and each Dinghaizhu has several tiny cracks on the surface. If it wasn't for the Dinghaizhu being refined with one-yuan heavy water, it would have been destroyed.

The natal magic weapon was damaged, and Wang Changsheng immediately spewed out a large mouthful of blood, his face pale.

Hundreds of thousands of gold-devouring ants flew out from Wang Changsheng's sleeves, condensed into a golden shield more than ten feet high and three feet thick, blocking him.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the golden shield was instantly torn apart by the golden python, turning into hundreds of thousands of gold-devouring ants. They spread their wings and flew high, wrapping the golden python and turning it into a huge metal ball.

With the sound of "kengkeng" metal colliding, the golden giant python tore a hole, and a large piece of gold-eating ants fell down, and the gap was quickly repaired.

Jianzun Jinyue frowned, snorted coldly, pinched the sword, and the sound of the sword sounded loudly. The golden ball instantly shattered, and thousands of golden sword lights flew out.

At this time, a white light flew in and hit the cyan bead, and the cyan bead flew out. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan regained their freedom and turned into a blue rainbow that broke through the air.

"I want to go! No way, next year's day will be your death day."

Jianzun Jinyue was full of killing intent, and Qinglian Immortal Companion's strength was not bad. If these two people were not eliminated, they would definitely become a serious problem in the future.

At this moment, a piercing sound that pierced his eardrums sounded, and a two-color circular wheel shot out, instantly in front of him.

Jianzun Jinyue frowned, and hurriedly took out a small and exquisite cyan shield, entered a magic trick, and the cyan shield instantly swelled and stood in front of him.


With a muffled sound, the cyan shield shook slightly, and there was a deep slash on the surface.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng rushed over, their faces were pale, and their lifespan was passing quickly.

Du Xu's sleeve flicked, and a blue light flew out and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

Blu-ray is an impressively powerful blue long sword. The blade is three inches wide. There are seven finger-sized silver light spots on the blade, which vaguely form a seven-star pattern.

Lingbao Qixing Yaozong Sword, this treasure fell into the hands of Lin Yuzong, and after the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng killed Lin Yuzong, he obtained this treasure.

The Sun Moon Palace's Zhenzong exercises must be equipped with magic weapons, and there are only a handful of Yuanying cultivators who use the long sword magic weapon.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I'll give you this magic weapon! If you can return to the Dongli Realm alive, I hope you can help us take care of the Sun Moon Palace. After we break up, you can go!"

Du Xu said in a voice transmission, his expression indifferent.

They have already killed more than 20 Yuan Ying cultivators. With their current cultivation level and the Sun Moon Ring, it is more difficult to kill the Soul Transformation cultivator, but it is still easy to kill the Yuan Ying cultivator.

They also considered destroying Qinglian Immortal Companion, but after thinking about it, they dismissed the idea.

Destroying Qinglian Immortal Companion will only make Tianlan Realm cheap.

They are willing to make troubles in the Tianlan Realm. In addition to the orders of the cultivators, they also want to use their peripheral vision to do their best for the Dongli Realm.

The stronger Wang Changsheng is, the more damage they can create in the Tianlan world, and they can contain more monks in the Tianlan world, providing a certain boost to the frontal battlefield. Killing the Qinglian immortals will free up the Tianlan world. More manpower to deal with Donglijie.

They are also very clear that their suicide attack is likely to provoke revenge from the Tianlan Realm. If they are afraid of revenge, they can simply surrender to the Tianlan Realm when the war starts.

No matter how the internal forces of Dongli Realm fight, it is their own business. It is not their turn to intervene in the other world. When another world comes in, the forces of Dongli Realm turn their guns and agree to the outside world.

The Qinglian Immortal Companion is not weak, but it is too poor. There are not many spiritual treasures, so it cannot exert much strength. It is like the Sun and Moon Sacred, who can connect the heavenly spiritual treasures, and it is a matching package.

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. Anyway, if Lingbao can’t be brought, there will be Huangquan. It’s better to give it to Wang Changsheng to use, maybe it can resolve the grievances.

Wang Changsheng was stunned. After the Sun and Moon Sages were cut off, that's all. He even gave him a spiritual treasure. It seems that the Sun and Moon Sages were ready to die.

He was not from his mother-in-law either. He clasped his fists and said, "Thank you. If we can return to Dongli Realm, we will help you take care of the Sun Moon Palace."

Fairy Ziyue is kind to him, but Sun and Moon Shuangsheng is righteous to him, and there is a dilemma between grace and righteousness.

Wang Changsheng didn't have time to think too put away the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, he and Wang Ruyan's body expressions soared, turning into a blue long rainbow that broke through the sky, and flew away.

Fu Wen also turned into a white streak of light and walked away, at a faster speed. The direction of his escape was the opposite of Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Jianzun Jinyue and the others wanted to stop them, but the sun and moon rings flew towards them, each spewing out an incomparably thick fire, hitting them.

After five breaths, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were more than ten miles away.


The sun and moon ring suddenly exposed itself, covering a hundred miles with a dazzling aura, and a large amount of seawater evaporated instantly.


Soon, four huge roars sounded again, and the powerful air waves directly razed dozens of islands to the ground.

The two Heaven-transforming Spirit Treasures, the two Spirit Treasures, and the two early-stage cultivators of God Transformation revealed that their power was enormous.

Wang Changsheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, not daring to stay any longer, and flew away with Wang Ruyan, Fu Wen long ago disappeared into the sky.

When they made such a big noise, Tianlan Realm would definitely search for them like crazy, and finding a place to hide and heal is the right way.



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