Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1643: yellow run

As soon as these words came out, the cultivators present did not have much reaction, they had already expected it.

They can kill Dongli Realm, and Dongli Realm can also kill them. Because of this, the method is different.

"They used the Tongtian Lingbao and the fifth-order talisman to temporarily open a space passage. If they want to go back, they still need to use the fifth-order talisman. They will not send more than five cultivators. It’s not a particularly important place, let go of people, especially high-level cultivators, if they like it, just give it to them, how is the battle situation on the front line?”

Shangguan Tianhong said slowly.

"Senior Brother Lei and the others turned the world upside down in the Dongli Realm. Millions of ghosts rushed out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sea, but we also paid a considerable price. Junior Brother Sun and Junior Sister Long were seriously injured, so Daoist Yan and Junior Sister Li who came over to take refuge. Slightly injured, Senior Brother Shangguan, do you care about the monks in the Dongli Realm?"

A young woman in a blue dress frowned and asked, Long Yanji and many other cultivators made trouble in the South China Sea, successfully opened the seal of the Wangui Sea, and released millions of ghosts, but the two cultivators were seriously injured, and the loss was not bad. little.

"Therefore, the rudders of the various divisions will be dispatched to the elites to consolidate the troop transport route and a few important places. You can give up other places. Hmph, most of the treasures in the secret realm of Tianpin have been looted by us, and the forbidden places where the demons are sealed are also After being levelled, they killed some low-level cultivators at best, and ordered them to move on to the main altar. The high-level cultivators and their close relatives were moved first, and the other disciples retreated to the main altar or moved to those important places."

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was indifferent, and the Tianlan Sect dominated the Tianlan world, but it was impossible for millions of monks to crowd into the mountain gate, and it was impossible for the guardian formation to cover an interface. The rudder in his mouth was actually other forces. 's lair.

After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan world, they dispersed the monks from all the sects and Xiuxian families and distributed them to different places, weakening the control of the original forces over them. Take the Zhao family of Lingshan as an example. After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan world, the children of the Zhao family were scattered and distributed to different places. Qianlingshan became a branch and sent other monks to sit in the town.

In addition, the classics of various sects have been collected to build a giant Tibetan scripture pavilion. According to their cultivation, the disciples of Tianlan Sect can view the corresponding classics. From now on, regardless of race and surname, resources are shared.

An interface is so big that if the monks from other worlds are willing to hide, it is difficult to find them. It is better to give up those unimportant places and stick to the troop transport route and a few important places.

"But in this way, many immortal cultivation resources will be given up, such as metal veins and spirit stone mines."

"Let the high-level monks speed up the mining efforts, and they must evacuate within three days, as long as people are there. For some dead things, send people to stick to it and attack the monks in Donglijie. The gains outweigh the losses."

Shangguan Tianhong said disapprovingly, the Tianlan Sect has been unified for more than 600 years, and the disobedient disciples have been severely punished, and no one dared to disobey Shangguan Tianhong's orders.

Tianlanzong can give up most of the sub-rudders. In the past 600 years, Tianlanzong searched for various immortal cultivation resources, and a large number of strategic resources were stored in the Zongmen treasure house. The major forces are scattered in different places, there are too many places to stick to, and there are flaws everywhere.

In other words, the monks from Dongli Realm came to Tianlan Realm to kill a group of Tianlan Sect cultivators at best. There is no forbidden place to seal the demons, and there is no heavenly secret realm. The monks in the Dongli Realm can only try their luck in three dangerous places in the Tianlan Realm.

"But these people are always hidden dangers. If we don't kill them, we can't invade Dongli Realm with peace of mind."

The young woman in the blue dress frowned.

"I personally lead the team to encircle and suppress them. If they are courting death, then fulfill them and destroy them. It is estimated that Donglijie will not have much resistance."

Shangguan Tianhong had a murderous look on his face. He didn't care about the lives of those Nascent Soul cultivators, he cared about the lives of the cultivators in the Dongli Realm.

If you want to win the Dongli Realm, you must show your absolute strength. It is unrealistic to destroy the Dongli Realm. Their plan is to force the Dongli Realm to return to the Tianlan Realm, and then invade other interfaces until they find a special passage to the spiritual world. Or the transfer station, if it really doesn't work, just plunder the rare refining material to refine the heavy treasure, and when the life essence is about to be exhausted, find the space node to sneak in. This is the last way.

Shangguan Tianhong still has more than a thousand years of life, and he can afford it completely. He won the Dongli Realm, used battle to support the war, and then invaded other interfaces. Everything is for the purpose of ascension. How many monks died.

The purpose of killing the cultivators in Dongli Realm was to force Dongli Realm to surrender.

Because of the power of the interface, he was temporarily unable to go to the Dongli Realm, and the cultivators of the Dongli Realm came over to seek death.

"Instructed to go on, hurry up to mine strategic materials, within three days, it is not a particularly important sub-rudder, all the hands will be withdrawn to the main altar, and the monks in the Dongli Realm will let them dig if they want to dig, and the elixir of the elixir garden will be taken away. If you don't leave, you will destroy it, and it must not be left to the monks of the Dongli Realm."

Shangguan Tianhong coldly instructed that the monks from Dongli Realm came all the way to Tianlan Realm and could only mine ore, which is ridiculous to think about.

The fifth-order ore veins or large-scale spiritual stone mines are either guarded by god-turning monks, or they have long been hollowed out.

"Yes, Senior Brother Shangguan (Shangguan Shibo)."

The monks agreed in unison, and went down to convey orders.

Tian Lanzong established a large-scale communication array, and ordered most of the sub-rudders to be issued at the fastest speed. This is the benefit of unity.


In an endless sea area, cloudless and calm, a blue giant boat with a length of more than 100 meters quickly flew high into the sky.

Wang Changsheng and others stood on the deck, their faces solemn.

It is really strange to say that they have flown hundreds of millions of miles, only to find some low-level monsters, and there are very few monsters above the third-order There is not a single fourth-order monster.

If this is in the South China Sea of ​​Dongli Realm, it is impossible for this situation to occur.

According to Venerable Gan Li's explanation, all the monsters were kept in captivity and turned into spirit beasts. The Tianlan Sect cultivator used the spirit valley to feed the low-level spirit fish, and the spirit fish to feed the high-level spirit beast.

"Finally found it. To the southeast, three hundred miles away, there are three foundation-building cultivators."

A burly black-faced man said with a smile on his face.

Liu Shuo, in the middle stage of Yuanying, was born in the Palace of Divine Soldiers, and his consciousness was extremely powerful, comparable to that of a monk of Yuanying Dzogchen.

"Senior Fu, I'll go catch them."

Huang Fugui took the initiative to ask Ying, his escape speed was no slower than that of the late Nascent Soul cultivator, and there was absolutely no problem in catching a few foundation-building cultivators.

"Liu Xiaoyou, go with Huang Xiaoyou! Hurry up and come back."

Fu Wen instructed that his consciousness had also discovered the existence of the three foundation-building cultivators, and asked the two Nascent Soul cultivators to arrest the three foundation-building cultivators, which was already very worthy of the Tianlan Sect.

"Yes, Senior Fu."

Huang Fugui and Liu Shuo agreed in unison, and they turned into two escaping lights and walked away. Huang Fugui's escaping speed was faster than Liu Shuo.

"If Huang Daoyou enters the middle stage of Yuanying, the speed of escape is probably not much slower than that of Yuanying Great Perfection."

The real blood flame laughed and joked.

"He was able to run so fast by virtue of his magic weapon. He just ran fast. His supernatural powers are not strong, and he actually got the name of Huang Paopao, which is really a shame for us Yuan Ying cultivators."

Shen Wenbin said disapprovingly, Shen Wenbin followed the large army and went to Tianlan Realm to make trouble.

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