Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1640: The situation of Tianlan Realm

Fu Wen put his hands on the heads of the two foundation-building cultivators, his hands lit up with a burst of white light, and the two foundation-building cultivators twitched and foamed at the mouth.

"Windless Valley! It's actually teleported to such a barren place."

Fu Wen said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

According to the plan, Dongli Realm dispatched a total of four God Transformation cultivators, a hundred Nascent Souls, and more than 2,000 Pill Formation cultivators. The last time the Tianlan Realm failed to invade was blocked in the Falling Immortal Cave. In Wo Duan, they were divided into three teams and entered the Tianlan Realm from different places.

Before the departure, there were more than 1,000 people, but only 500 people arrived in Tianlan Realm. There were not a few cultivators of Yuanying, and most of the cultivators were less. Some cultivators died in the turbulent space, and some cultivators died Couldn't send it.

It is estimated that the situation of the other two teams is similar, and the top priority is to join the other teams as soon as possible.

Wang Changsheng stepped forward, searched out the storage bag on the base-building cultivator, and found more than a dozen jade slips from the storage bag, and the cultivators explored the contents of the jade slips one after another.

They have killed the Yuanying monks in the Tianlan world, but there are not many records about the Tianlan world in the properties of the monks in the Tianlan world. This is the intention of the high-level people in the Tianlan world. All the monks who invaded the Dongli world. They are not allowed to be carried, and can only be kept in the cave.

In this way, the cultivators of Donglijie killed the cultivators of Tianlanjie, and at most they got some property. Apart from knowing the unity of Tianlanjie, the cultivators of Donglijie didn't know much about Tianlanjie.

The place where they are currently is Windless Valley, which is located in the southwest of Tianlan Realm. There is no major force in a radius of tens of millions of miles. These two foundation-building cultivators are also disciples of Tianlan Sect. Five million miles away, there is Tianlan Sect. One of the rudders is responsible for mining dry soil sand. Dry soil sand is a soil property material that can be used for formation and refining.

"Go, go to the sub-rudder and see, try to capture the high-level monks in the Tianlan world, and it is best to subdue a few people."

Fu Wen commanded, with a chilling look on his face.

They went to Tianlanjie to destroy, not only killing and stealing treasures, but mainly looking for places or space nodes where powerful demons were sealed. However, they did not have this information, so they could only kill Tianlanjie cultivators and look for this aspect from them. information.

"Yes, Senior Fu."

Wang Changsheng and the others said in unison, and they all flew towards the sky.


Master Ganli was born in the Ganli Sect, and the Ganli Sect has been inherited for ten thousand years. However, by his generation, the Ganli Sect had already declined. Master Ganli entered the Nascent Soul period at the age of 400, and when he encountered the unification of the Tianlan Realm, it was inevitable. Violation, he led Gan Lizong to join Tianlanzong, and practiced asceticism for more than 600 years. He cultivated to the late Nascent Soul.

He has been stuck in the late Nascent Soul for a hundred years. He tried to resolve the bottleneck, but it was useless. This situation is not uncommon.

If he can't advance to the Divine Transformation stage, after more than a hundred years, he will be seated.

He is currently in charge of a sub-rudder and is responsible for mining ores. In addition to Master Ganli, there are also two Nascent Soul cultivators sitting here.

Master Gan Li was cultivating in the cave, and a scarlet aura covered his whole body.

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the cave shook violently, as if an earthquake.

The aura of Ganli's upper body dissipated, and he opened his eyes, his eyes a little suspicious.

The Tianlan Sect dominates the Tianlan Realm, and it is impossible for a war to take place, killing the fellows without mercy. Needless to say, most of the monks from the Dongli Realm killed them.

Before he could react, the cave cave collapsed. Master Gan Li reacted very quickly. He hurriedly took out a red flag with a red light, flew around him, released billowing flames to protect him, and moved towards him. Fly outside.

When he got outside, seeing the scene in front of him, Master Gan Li took a deep breath, the flames of the rudder shot into the sky, and a large number of Tianlan Sect disciples fell in a pool of blood.

A huge white cloud floated high in the sky, and more than 500 monks stood on the white cloud.

"Are you going to live or die?"

Fu Min asked coldly, if it wasn't for his smearing of the situation in Tianlan Realm, he would not have left the Master to die.

Master Gan Li was full of bitterness, swallowed his saliva and said with a wry smile: "The junior wants to live, so please spare the junior's life."

He was able to get to this day, mostly by himself. When Tianlan Sect dominated the Tianlan world, he had already conceived a baby. Naturally, he did not have much sense of belonging to Tianlanzong. Just Lan Zong.

The ants are still stealing their lives, not to mention that the Master Ganli, who has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, refuses to die immediately, and promises to live at least a little longer.

Fu Wen nodded with satisfaction, took out the Wanmin pen, and gestured towards the void. Numerous symbols appeared in the void, turned into a white paw print, and went straight to the Master Ganli.

Feeling the amazing spiritual pressure emanating from the Wanmin Pen, Master Gan Li sighed deeply and gave up the idea of ​​running away. Facing a cultivator who possessed the Heaven-Tangling Spirit Treasure, unless he had the Flying Spirit Treasure, he would not be able to escape at all.

The white paw print sank into the body of Master Gan Li, and in his dantian, a white paw print suddenly appeared beside a mini Nascent Soul. As long as Fu Wen had a thought, he could kill the Master Gan Li.

Fu Wen's tactic was pinched, and the cloud slowly fell. The cultivator Jiedan swept the battlefield, mainly collecting the manuals of the exercises. Wang Changsheng and other thirty-five Yuanying cultivators followed Fu Wen and landed in front of Master Ganli.

"Be honest, how many cultivators are there in Tianlan Realm."

Fu Min asked in a deep voice.

This question, Wang Changsheng and others also want to know.

Master Gan Li smiled bitterly, and said, "The younger generation is not very clear, the younger generation has only heard of seven people, namely, Tianbing Zhenren, Qianlei Zhenjun, Long Xiaoyao, Tianmo Zhenjun, Sanyang Zhenren, Ganguang layman, and Long Yan. As for how many cultivators in Tianlan Realm, I really don't know."

"You don't know how many cultivators there are, at least you know about it! Or do you want to taste the power of the Blood Soul Bowl?"

A thin, blood-robed old man said coldly, the blood-robed old man's eyes were sunken, his face was ruddy, and there was a blood-colored flame pattern on the robe.

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a blood-colored round bowl the size of a palm appeared in his hand, the sound of ghosts and wolves howling loudly, the gloomy wind burst, and the temperature in the vicinity plummeted.

Master Gan Li shuddered and said quickly, "There are probably thirty people, but I don't know their specific locations."


Fu Min frowned. This is not good news. Tianlan Realm dared to invade Dongli Realm, and he was well prepared.

Master Gan Li was assigned here, which shows that he is not taken seriously, and it is not surprising that he does not know the number of cultivators in the Tianlan Realm.

"What are the dangerous places in Tianlan Realm? Especially the places where powerful demons are sealed, think clearly and then answer, there is only one chance."

Fu Wen asked coldly.

Master Gan Li thought for a while and said, "There are three dangerous places, the Immortal Burial Market, the Wanlei Sea Area, and the Demon Burying Icefield. There used to be places where powerful demons were sealed, but they were later destroyed by those cultivators. There are also movable space cracks, which burst out from time to time. The Wanlei Sea is a natural minefield. High-level monks will refine treasures outside the Wanlei Sea. The depths of the Wanlei Sea are too dangerous. , the cultivators of the gods will also fall, there are many powerful restrictions there, and the ice field where the devil is buried is snowed all the year round, and the cultivators of Nascent Soul do not dare to go deep."


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