Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1629: reinforcements arrive

The latest website: At this moment, a rapid bell sounded in his ear, as if someone hit his head with a heavy hammer, and it was extremely painful.

Qin Tianyan's facial features were distorted, and there were ripples in the void above his head. A blue giant palm more than ten feet long appeared out of nowhere, and the surface of the blue giant palm was filled with a large number of blue arcs.

The blue giant palm quickly snapped, Qin Tianyan let out a painful scream, and his body quickly fell towards the ground.

Before he landed, a golden human-shaped puppet beast jumped up, and the human-shaped puppet beast was a fourth-order puppet beast. He held a golden-glittering Mo Knife in his left hand and slashed at Qin Tianyan.

Qin Tianyan was so frightened that his soul flew out of the sky, the red feather fan in his hand turned towards the human-shaped puppet beast, and the billowing flames swept out, hitting the human-shaped puppet beast.


After a loud noise, billowing flames enveloped the body of the humanoid puppet beast.

At this moment, a blue sound wave flew towards Qin Tianyan, who was about to hit Qin Tianyan's body. Qin Tianyan was about to avoid it. There was a rush of bells in his ears again, and Qin Tianyan was dizzy. swell.

The blue sound wave hit Qin Tianyan, Qin Tianyan's face flushed red, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out, his face pale.

The nearby void lit up with a little blue light, and the blue light flashed, revealing the figure of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng held the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword in his right hand and the Soul Destroyer Bell in his left.

The tip of the Taihao Spirit Slaying Saber turned golden, gleaming with golden light and extremely sharp, and slashed towards Qin Tianyan's head.

Qin Tianyan was so frightened that his soul flew out.

His body surface lit up with a dazzling red light, and a thick red armor appeared out of thin air, covering the whole body.


With a muffled sound, the tip of the Taihao Spirit Slaying Sword was blocked by the red armor.

Qin Tianyan wanted to sacrifice the Nanmingli fire talisman in his hand, but the light of the Soul Destroyer Bell in Wang Changsheng's hand soared, and a loud bell sounded.

Qin Tianyan's eyes were sluggish, taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng's wrist flicked, and the Taihao Spirit Slaying Saber let go and double-clicked towards Jin Wu.

Wang Changsheng's right fist lit up with a dazzling blue light, smashing towards Qin Tianyan's heart.

With a muffled sound, Qin Tianyan's body quickly fell towards the ground.

Wang Changsheng's right hand grabbed the Nanming Li Huo Talisman and put it into the storage bead.

At this moment, Qin Tianyan's body turned into a light and disappeared.

The next moment, a fire lit up a hundred meters behind Wang Changsheng, showing Qin Tianyan's figure.

Qin Tianyan's face was pale and full of resentment. If he hadn't had a treasure for robbery, he would have died. The treasure for robbery could only be robbed once. If Qin Tianyan was killed again, he would really die.

Wang Changsheng realized that something was wrong, and before he had time to avoid it, a golden glow descended from the sky and covered Wang Changsheng's body. Wang Changsheng stopped in mid-air, motionless, as if he was immobilized.

A loud phoenix roar sounded, and the red feather fan in Qin Tianyan's hand appeared with a red phoenix pattern, and lightly fanned it towards Wang Changsheng.

With a flash of red light, a large cloud of red fire swept out and hit Wang Changsheng.


A red flame drowned Wang Changsheng's figure, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

Qin Yan flipped the palm of his hand, and seven red flying needles appeared in his hand. With a light blow, seven red flying needles flew out and submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire. There was a muffled sound of "ding ding", as if It was like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall.

A dazzling white glow flew from the ground and hit the flames, which quickly extinguished and turned into an ice sculpture more than ten feet in size.

Qin Yan sacrificed a red gleaming short dagger and slashed at the ice sculpture.

At this moment, a blue light lit up in the void, and the five-element talisman appeared, blocking the ice sculpture.

The red short ge slammed on the Five Elements Rune Soldier, and a muffled sound came out.


The ice sculpture shattered, and Wang Changsheng escaped, his face paled slightly, the robes on his body were tattered, and the power of the spirit treasure was huge, and he was slightly injured.

As soon as he appeared, a white light lit up in the void above his head and turned into a white brick.

The body of the white brick skyrocketed, becoming the size of a hill, exuding a biting chill.

Wang Changsheng wanted to avoid it, but the white brick spurted out a white glow, covering his whole body. He felt like he was in a ten thousand year ice cave, and couldn't help but shivered.

The white giant brick quickly fell and smashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng landed quickly, his feet sank into the ice, his face flushed red.

Two gleaming white daggers flew toward him and hit Wang Changsheng's feet. There was a muffled sound, and Wang Changsheng's feet were bleeding profusely.

A bone-piercing chill emerged from the ground, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng's breath soared, the blue veins on his hands were exposed, he pushed up hard, the white giant bricks flew up, his fists lit up with dazzling blue light, and smashed towards the white giant bricks.

After the muffled sound of "bang bang", the huge white brick flew out, and there were several small cracks at the bottom.

The sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air sounded, and thousands of white ice blades hit him head-on, hitting Wang Changsheng one after another, and there was a muffled sound.

Wang Changsheng's body was covered in scars and bleeding, and he looked a little embarrassed, but his injuries were not serious.

A cloud of red fire that was several miles in size fell from the sky and smashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Countless thick white ice ropes broke through the ice and wrapped around Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng couldn't dodge, his feet were entangled by two white ice ropes, and the red fire cloud fell on him.


A huge red sun suddenly lit up, submerging a radius of more than ten miles, a large amount of ice was vaporized, and white smoke billowed.

The next moment, a blue light flew out from the scorching red sun. Wang Changsheng was wearing inner armor that was already shining with blue light.

A golden light suddenly lit up over the glacier, and a dazzling golden sunlight floated in. Wang Ruyan was surprised to find that the formation was broken.

A golden crow with green eyes descended from the sky and landed in front of Wang Ruyan. Gongsun Yang sat on the back of the golden crow with an indifferent expression, holding a golden flag in his hand, with golden flames emerging from the flag.

He has already entered the late Nascent Soul, after all, he is the future successor of Myriad Beast Island, so Wang Ruyan is not surprised.

"Young Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, are you all right!"

Gongsun Yang asked, his eyes gloomy.

Sun Moon Shuangsheng and Qinglian Immortal Companion are relatively powerful Nascent Soul monks in the South China Sea Xiu Tianlan Realm dispatched six Nascent Soul monks to deal with Qinglian Immortal Companion, even the masters of Dongli World will not Stand by.

Wang Changsheng took out a robe and put it on, shook his head and said, "We're fine, thank you, fellow Daoist Gongsun."

They took a big advantage and suffered a small loss.

They dispatched fourth-order puppet beasts, talismans, spirit worms, plus the dust-cleaning flute, the soul-defying bell and eighteen Dinghaizhu, so that they could entangle with the enemy for so long. The most important thing is that Long Yun was entangled in illusion. After Jin Wushuang, Lu Feng was injured by Long Yun again, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan dealt with Qin Tianyan alone.

The four Long Yun wanted to control the formation to deal with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but the defense of the 18 Dinghaizhu was too strong, and they delayed too long, giving Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan a chance.

If Qin Tianyan used the fifth-order talisman Nanmingli Fire Talisman as soon as he arrived, the result would be completely different, but the fifth-order talisman was too precious, Qin Tianyan kept it for life-saving use, four against two, they had the advantage, He didn't use the fifth-order talisman.

A harsh roar sounded, and the Scarlet Flood Dragon suddenly regained consciousness and stopped attacking Jin Wushuang.

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