Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1626: trapped

Latest website: It sounds embarrassing, as a late Nascent Soul cultivator, I have to make a sneak attack.

Situ Mei called Qinglian Immortal Companion the second Sun and Moon Sages. It is rumored that the Sun and Moon Sacred Sages can join forces to defeat the Divine Transformation Stage. Even if the Sun and Moon Shuangshen can only have a few moves with the Divine Transformation cultivators, it would be very scary. Therefore, Tianlan Realm attaches great importance to Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Since the start of the war, there has never been a situation where four Nascent Soul monks besieged two Nascent Soul monks, let alone six Nascent Soul monks besieging two Nascent Soul monks.

If they followed behind them openly, Qinglian Immortal Companion would have run away long ago.

The bark of the human shadow tree, they all want to kill Qinglian Immortal Companion to pave the way for their own path.

The red feather fan in Qin Tianyan's hand released red light, and slammed it towards the blue giant bowl below, and the billowing flames swept out, turning into a cloud of red fire and hitting the blue giant bowl.

An astonishing sword intent erupted from Jin Wushuang. Eighteen golden rays of light flew out from the golden sword box behind her, and in a clear sound of sword chants, they turned into eighteen golden pythons more than ten feet long. , pounced downward.

There was a deafening loud noise, and a huge wave with a height of hundreds of meters rose on the sea, the blue giant bowl shattered instantly, and the eighteen golden giant pythons merged into one, turning into a golden dragon with a length of more than 100 meters. , the whole body shone with golden light, like it was made of gold.

The golden Flood Dragon went straight to Wang Changsheng, and the red fire cloud rolled violently, turning into a red peacock with a size of more than 100 feet, with a shocking heat wave, rushing towards Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned. They did not expect that there were actually two late Nascent Soul cultivators hiding in the dark.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and three blue water dragons rushed towards the red peacock and golden dragon.

After the loud bang, a thick white mist erupted, covering a radius for several miles.

A blue light shot out from the white fog, escaping extremely fast.

At this time, another blue giant bowl was also shattered, and the red dragon and ice phoenix escaped, and they went straight to Qinglian Immortal Companion.

The roar of the rumbling sounded, and there were five huge waves more than a hundred feet high on the sea.

"I want to leave, it's too late."

Qin Tianyan's face turned cold, his sleeves shook, a red light flew out, and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, a red light lit up above Qinglian Xianlu's head, and a sparkling red ball suddenly appeared. The red ball was no more than the size of a dragon's eye. After countless red runes lit up on the surface, it suddenly burst out with thousands of red lights. , turned into a huge red light curtain, covering a radius of twenty miles.

A red flame emerged on the sea, a large amount of seawater volatilized, and the heat wave was rolling.

Qinglian Immortal Companion suddenly turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared, obviously it was an illusion.

"No, he's still nearby!"

Qin Tianyan thought of something and said in a voiceless voice.

As soon as the words fell, a cheerful flute sounded, Qin Tianyan and Jin Wushuang were a little lost.

The blue-shirted youth's gaze froze, the void above his head fluctuated, and a big blue hand more than ten feet long appeared out of nowhere, and the surface of the big blue hand was wrapped by countless blue arcs.

The big blue hand took it with a violent breath, and the blue shirt youth let out a scream and fell from the sky. Before he landed, the sea water suddenly split in two, and a blue sound wave swept out and passed by in an instant. His body, the blue shirt youth's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of incredible color.

With a flash of blue light, a mini Nascent Soul flew out from the blue-shirted youth. His internal organs were all shattered and his body was destroyed. Nascent Soul could only abandon this body.

Before the mini Nascent Soul flew far, dense blue fist shadows flew out from the sea below.

With a loud bang, the mini Nascent Soul was smashed by the dense blue fist shadow.

They pretended to run away, but they were actually hiding in the sea.

The mirage is really powerful. So far, no cultivator of Nascent Soul has seen through Wang Changsheng's magical power.

The blue shirt youth's body fell into the sea, Wang Changsheng tore off the spirit beast bag around his waist and put the body into the storage bag.

He doesn't have a necrophilia, the other party's vest is good, he can't use it, he can use it for Wang Qiuming and Wang Mengbin, and the corpse can be exchanged for credit.

The golden belt of murder and arson, anyway, is a monk from another world, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will not be soft-hearted.

In the battle of the sea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have a great advantage.

Bingfeng turned into a human shape, her sleeves flicked, and eighteen blue lights flew out, lasing away in all directions.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed blue light, and the two of them turned into a blue long rainbow and walked away in a flash.

Before they flew far, a shocking heat wave fell from the sky, and at the same time, there was a piercing sound of breaking the air behind them.

"Sure enough, it's a bit of a skill, but that's it."

Qin Tianyan said coldly that the four late Nascent Soul cultivators had already looked down on Qinglian Immortal Companion very highly.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and a red fire cloud with a size of hundreds of feet approached him. Feeling the amazing high temperature emanating from the red fire cloud, Wang Changsheng did not dare to be careless.

He moved his fists, and there was a sound of breaking wind, and dense blue fist shadows flew out and smashed into the red fire cloud.

Wang Ruyan turned around suddenly and saw a golden dragon flying towards him.

The Wangchen flute in her hand released a bright blue light, a deep flute sounded, and a green sound wave swept out.


After a deafening loud noise, the red fire cloud was smashed by the dense blue fist shadow, the blue sound wave collided with the golden dragon, and the speed of the golden dragon was stagnant.

At this moment, heavy snow suddenly fell from the sky, and snowflakes the size of beans fell out of thin air.

A hundred-mile-long white glacier suddenly appeared in front of them, the sea water froze, and all six of Wang Changsheng were inside.

After fighting for so long, they also saw that Qinglian Immortal Companion was fighting in the sea, and his magical powers increased greatly.


Wang Changsheng frowned and was trapped by the formation, which was not a good thing.

There was a sound of breaking the air, and three golden rays of light cut through the sky, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. At the same time, there were ripples on the tops of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's heads, and a red dragon claw more than ten feet long appeared out of thin air, heading straight for Wang Changsheng's head. Tianling cover grabbed it.

Wang Changsheng was about to avoid and an unstoppable gravity came from under him. He felt a mountain weighing one million kilograms pressing down on him, making it difficult to breathe.

After a dazzling blue glow appeared on his body, the pressure lightened and his body swayed, avoiding the red dragon claws, which swept over Wang Changsheng's shoulders, leaving five long bloodstains, which was also Wang Changsheng The physical body is strong, and if it was replaced by other Nascent Soul monks, he would have died a long time ago.

A five-foot-tall white giant ape emerged from the thick ice layer, with wide mouth and fangs, and a fierce look in its eyes. It was a fourth-order monster.

The gust of wind suddenly rose, and hundreds of white hurricanes with a height of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared. Countless white snowflakes were swept into them by the white hurricanes. In a loud whistling sound, hundreds of white hurricanes swept from all directions, and a pair of white hurricanes swept in from all directions. It looks like it was twisted into pieces with Wang Ruyan.

No matter how strong Qinglian Immortal Companion was, he was trapped by four late Nascent Soul cultivators using the formation technique, and even if he didn't die, he would have to peel off a layer of skin.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed eighteen Dinghaizhu, and the magic formula changed. After the eighteen Dinghaizhu turned around, they turned into eighteen blue water dragons with a length of more than 100 feet. The blue water dragons were like seawater. Moisture.

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