Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1619: 5 years

Time flies, five years passed quickly.

Wulong sea area, Baihe Island, the island is densely vegetation, strange birds and beasts are all over the place, strange flowers and grasses are everywhere, ancient trees and strange vines are twisted and stems, and waterfalls hang in the sky.

Colorful lights passed by from the sky, and a group of young and beautiful female monks rode black cranes to fly high in the sky.

In the vast spiritual field, a large number of qi-refining monks are planting spiritual medicine and performing martial arts, and a large number of disciples are practicing spells.

In the morning, the sky was just bright.

In a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is a courtyard as large as mu.

An old man in green robe with white hair and beard was talking to a young girl in a blue dress with clear eyebrows. The old man in blue robe looked doting on his face.

"Yuyao, today is the day when the real Zixiao preaches. Don't be late, choose a good position as much as possible, and listen carefully, you know? Also, make good friends with other people and don't conflict with others... ··"

The old man in green robe was chattering endlessly.

The old man in green robe is called Mu Xiao, who is at the ninth level of Qi refining. The girl in the blue dress is his granddaughter Mu Yuyao. Their ancestors were disciples of Zhenhai Sect.

The skinny camel was bigger than the horse. The main altar of Zhenhaizong was breached, and it was declared to be destroyed. The core elders were wanted by Sun Moon Palace and other forces for colluding with the demon clan. The ancestor of Mu Xiao was a disciple of Zhenhaizong. Zhenhaizong has no sense of belonging.

When Zhenhaizong was rebuilt, Mu Xiao brought Mu Yuyao to join Zhenhaizong, mainly because he hoped that Mu Yuyao could go further in the immortal journey. There are many examples like Mu Xiao. A large number of loose cultivators and small forces joined Zhenhai Sect, and it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

These newly joined disciples do not have much sense of belonging to Zhenhaizong. After all, Zhenhaizong has been destroyed for thousands of years. They are not happy. They just hope that they can take this opportunity to live better. Zhenhaizong is rebuilt. Qinglian Wang Family, if it wasn't for the strong support of the Wang Family, not many people would be willing to join Zhenhai Sect.

Fairy Ziyue announced to the public that the reason why Zhenhaizong was destroyed was that Situ Mei colluded with the monks of Tianlanjie to weaken the strength of the Nanhai Xiuxianjie. In Zhenhaizong, most of these sites were taken over by Wanjianmen.

The Wang family's territory is not small, and those small islands are not uncommon, but Zhenhaizong currently does not have so many people, the Wang family occupies some islands, and when Zhenhaizong has sufficient staff, they will be returned to Zhenhaizong.

There are currently 5,000 disciples in Zhenhaizong, who are mixed with fish and dragons. There are twelve cultivators of Dandan, and most of them are from loose cultivators. Some of them are descendants of Zhenhaizong, and some are Keqing who joined Zhenhaizong. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Everyone understands this principle. , In addition to this, there are also spies from other forces.

The rebuilding of a sect is not easy. If it wasn't for the help of the Wang family, Fairy Ziyue would easily be overshadowed.

Fairy Ziyue used the core disciples of Yunhaizong as the backbone, and only then did she control Zhenhaizong without any trouble.

It is not easy to make new disciples feel a sense of belonging. It takes a long time to cultivate, and the treatment should not be too bad. Most of the lower-level disciples should see the hope of advancing.

There are not many people under Ziyue Fairy, Wang Changsheng sent Wang Mengbin and others to assist Ziyue Fairy, Wang Mengbin and others do not interfere in Zhenhaizong's management and personnel arrangements, they occasionally preach, which is regarded as Zongmen welfare.

Mu Yuyao agreed, and when she flipped the jade hand over, a blue-light glittering jade shuttle appeared on her hand, and the surface of the jade shuttle was engraved with some exquisite patterns.

Feihaishuo, a flying instrument, one for the disciples of Zhenhai Sect, one of the benefits of the sect.

In a short period of time, Fairy Ziyue naturally couldn't come up with a large number of flying sea shuttles, all of which were made overnight by the clansmen of the Wang Family Item Refining Hall.

The Wang family invested a lot of manpower and material resources to help Zhenhaizong rebuild. Naturally, it was not a repost. Zhenhaizong was rebuilt, but strictly speaking, Zhenhaizong was only a subsidiary force of the Wang family. Yes, without the help of the Wang family, Fairy Ziyue couldn't support a sect.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, and the Wang family helped build the air. As long as there was no major crisis, Zhenhaizong could develop slowly and become independent sooner or later.

Mu Yuyao jumped over Feihaishuo and entered a magic trick. Feihaishuo lit up with a dazzling blue light and flew high into the sky at a very fast speed.

Along the way, Mu Yuyao met many acquaintances.

After a cup of tea, Mu Yuyao landed on a bluestone square covering an area of ​​1,000 mu. Hundreds of monks gathered on the bluestone square, and their vestments were embroidered with a pattern of the ocean, which belonged to Zhenhaizong. logo.

Mu Yuyao was only in the qi refining period, so she couldn't sit in the front row, so she could only find a relatively front seat.

"Junior Sister Mu, you came so early!"

A young man in green shirt with handsome facial features greeted Mu Yuyao with a smile.

Wang Li, whose real name is Wang Maoli, was instructed to lurk among the Qi refining monks, secretly monitoring those new disciples.

The Zhenhai Sect was rebuilt, and a large number of loose cultivators and small forces joined the Zhenhai Sect, and other forces must have sent spies.

"Senior Brother Wang, you came earlier than I did. I heard that today is Master Wang preaching. Master Wang is the famous Master Zixiao, the descendant of Qinglian Xianlu."

Mu Yuyao said excitedly.

In order to facilitate their work, Wang Mengbin was hired by Fairy Ziyue as Elder Keqing. Wang Mengbin spent most of his time cultivating. He was ordered by Wang Changsheng to help Fairy Ziyue to deter Xiaoxiao and not interfere in the management of Zhenhaizong affairs.

"Yeah! Last year, Qinglian Jianzun came to our sect to be a guest and talked about kendo. Unfortunately, I went out to do business and missed the opportunity. This time Wang Shizu preached I can't miss it."

Wang Maoli's expression was a little excited.

At this moment, a thick silver lightning flashed across the sky, and the dazzling lightning shrouded the area for hundreds of miles.

The silver thunder light dissipated, revealing a burly young man in silver shirt, with red lips and white teeth, wearing a silver jade crown, with countless silver arcs flashing on his body, like a **** of thunder, it was Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin was still in the early Yuan Ying stage, but his aura was much stronger than before.

This is his first sermon. He has no sense of belonging to Zhenhaizong. He preaches to these Zhenhaizong disciples just for the sake of Fairy Ziyue. He prefers to preach to the clan.

With a flash of silver light, Wang Mengbin suddenly appeared on the high bluestone platform in the center of the Bluestone Square.

The disciples of Zhenhai Sect who were present quickly got up and said in unison, "This disciple pays respects to Master Wang."

"Sit down! Today I will tell you about my views on magic techniques. Magic techniques are easy to learn and difficult to master, mainly because it takes more time to cultivate, but there is no shortcut to cultivation, and you need to practice hard... "

The disciples listened intently and did not dare to be distracted in the slightest, for fear of missing something. If they hadn't joined Zhenhai Sect, they would have never had the chance to listen to the sermons of the Yuanying monk.



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