Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1616: Closing

At this moment, the white ice puck exploded, and Du Xu and Fang Yue were intact.

Fang Yue waved the half-moon-shaped machete in his hand and slashed towards the void, and a dazzling silver light flew out, slashing towards the red flame.


The red flame was smashed by the silver light, and the silver light cut the red-shirted youth into two, but soon, the red-shirted youth returned to normal, and the wound disappeared.

The sea suddenly burst open, setting off a huge wave with a height of ten thousand feet, which slapped the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng fiercely.

The half-moon-shaped machete in Fang Yue's hand flew out and hit the giant waves.


After a loud bang, the giant wave was cut in half by a half-moon-shaped machete, the sea water froze, and the giant wave turned into a huge ice wall, lying on the sea.

The golden flames on Wang Changsheng's body all dissipated, and most of the vestments on his body were burned, looking a little embarrassed.

Du Xu and Fang Yue's faces turned cold, and the top of their heads lit up with a flash of inspiration. A golden sun and a half-moon-shaped moon appeared out of nowhere. The golden sun and the silver moon merged into a tai chi pattern. , the flow is erratic.

Combine the secret technique of Tai Chi and Immortal Execution! This is their most powerful ultimate move. In the last South China Sea War, they used this magical power to kill a barbarian monk of the late Nascent Soul.

With their Nascent Soul Great Perfection cultivation base, the Spirit Transformation cultivators did not dare to take it hard. The power of this Tai Chi Immortal Killing Slash was no weaker than that of Lingbao.

A silver ball suddenly appeared above Wang Changsheng's head, and the silver ball had a half-moon-shaped moon pattern on its surface.

The silver ball spun around in the sky, and a soft silver light swept out, covering Wang Changsheng.

Tai Chi Zhu Xian Zhan instantly came to Wang Changsheng, and instantly penetrated Wang Changsheng's body.

A little bit of blue light appeared around Wang Ruyan, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

His gaze was dignified, and the divine powers of the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng were indeed very strong. No wonder it was rumored that they could fight against the cultivators.

What he used was the mirage, or he would die.

Even if the spiritual treasures cannot be used, the Sun Moon Palace has a long heritage and there are many exotic treasures.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, pinched the magic trick, and the sea surface swelled violently, three breathless, a huge vortex with a diameter of more than ten miles emerged out of thin air.

In addition to the double cultivation of the law, Wang Changsheng also has a set of magic weapons.

Eighteen Dinghaizhu, comparable to Lingbao.

After a huge roar sounded, eighteen blue water dragons with a length of more than 100 meters rushed out of the huge vortex and rushed towards the Sun and Moon Sages from all directions.

The eighteen blue water dragons are formed by eighteen Dinghai beads, each of which has the power of ten thousand junctures. Wherever the eighteen blue water dragons passed, there was a huge roar, and the sea water rolled violently, with a radius of ten. The sea water within a few miles rolled back, forming a huge blue water curtain, covering the four Wang Changsheng.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng wanted to cast a spell to resist, but at this moment, a cheerful flute sounded in their ears.

Their eyes were dull and dazed.

When they regained their senses, eighteen blue water dragons had already arrived in front of them, merged into one, turned into a blue water dragon more than a thousand feet long, and slammed into Sun and Moon Shuangsheng.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng flew out like a kite with a broken string. Both of them spat out a large mouthful of blood, and their faces turned pale.


The blue water dragon continued to pounce, as if to tear them to pieces.

Du Xu and Fang Yue thought for a moment, and the silver scimitar and the golden round wheel suddenly shone with silver light, merged into one, and turned into a gold and silver two-color Tai Chi pattern more than a hundred feet long, heading straight for the blue water dragon.

The Five Elements Soldiers were about to attack them when a silver light suddenly lit up above their heads, and a silver ball the size of an egg appeared out of thin air. The silver light flashed, and a silver ray of light hung down, covering the red-shirted youth, and the red-shirted youth was immediately frozen. .

Du Xu and Fang Yue's body surface was full of aura, and the two merged into one, turning into a Tai Chi pattern that was several feet long, and went straight to Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Half of the Tai Chi pattern is wrapped in white cold air, and the other half is wrapped in golden flames, and a large amount of white mist emerges.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were taken aback, Sun Moon Shuangsheng is going to work hard? Although it is a discussion, if the cultivator of the gods can't be rescued and they are killed, for the so-called overall situation, it is impossible for the cultivator to kill the sun and the moon.

When they wanted to avoid it, there were ripples in the void above their heads, and a small golden pagoda appeared out of nowhere. Like a golden sun.

The golden tower hung down a large piece of golden light, covering a radius of thousands of feet. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan felt that there was a huge mountain on their shoulders, and they could not move.

The speed of the Tai Chi pattern was extremely fast, and it was in front of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan in an instant.

There was no way to avoid it, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan burst into dazzling blue light at the same time, a light blue light ball appeared out of thin air, protecting them, it was Shuiyue Xuanguang, which could rebound most of the attacks, and the defensive ability depended on the mana of the caster. Depends.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were both in the late Nascent Soul, and the defense of Shuiyue Xuanguang was comparable to the defense of Lingbao.

With a muffled sound, the Tai Chi pattern hit the Shuiyue Xuanguang, and the Shuiyue Xuanguang sank.

A golden flame suddenly emerged from the Tai Chi pattern, hitting the Shuiyue Xuanguang.

A rush of flute sounded, a blue-green sound wave flew out from the dust-cleaning flute, the golden flame instantly extinguished, Wang Changsheng's breath soared, and quickly ascended to Nascent Soul Great Perfection. , Wang Ruyan's breath quickly declined, from the late Nascent Soul to the early Nascent Soul.

Seeing this scene, the three of Liu Ye were stunned, and the other secret techniques of joint strikes were ignored. It was the first time they had seen this secret technique of superimposing mana.

Even if there are serious flaws after the fact, this secret technique is very powerful.

Wang Changsheng's body surfaced with dense blue electric arcs, and with a move of his arms, he struck at the Tai Chi pattern.

After the muffled sound of "bang bang", the Tai Chi pattern flew a thousand feet before it stopped. Their eyes were full of fear, and other secret techniques were nothing. The mana of Qinglian Xianlu can be superimposed. This secret technique is too Terrifying, if they advance to Nascent Soul Great Perfection, their strength will be even more terrifying.

Their body surface was full of spiritual light, countless golden and silver lights emerged, and a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared out of thin air again, Tai Chi Zhuxian Slash.

With a loud cracking sound, Tai Chi Zhu Xian Zhan went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and instantly arrived in front of them.

Wang Changsheng's hands had already put on a pair of blue-light glistening gloves, and he smashed the Tai Chi Immortal Execution Slash.

With a loud noise, the Tai Chi Immortal Execution Slash was smashed by Wang Changsheng's bang, and the blue trap on Wang Changsheng's hand was also torn apart.

He has taken a variety of body-forging spirits, and his physical body is comparable to that of a dragon of the same rank. If he had changed to other Nascent Soul cultivators, he would have died a long time ago.

"Okay, no need to fight, it's a tie! It's just for learning, there's no need to fight hard."

Dongfang Yulin played a roundabout and continued to let them fight, maybe there would be casualties.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng didn't use Lingbao, and his hands and feet were tied. Wang Changsheng didn't use Zhenhai Ape, and his strength was also constrained to a certain extent. If all his cards were played, Sun Moon Palace had a bigger chance of Moon Palace has the ability to kill and transform gods. The cultivator's big killer, but the price is too high, and the Sun Moon Palace will not use it easily.

The top ten sects and ten families in the South China Sea have more or less treasures that endanger the cultivator of the gods, but the number is relatively small, or the cost is very high, and it is not easy to use.

"Tie! Wang Xiaoyou and the others have the upper hand, and a tie is fine. However, the Sun Moon Palace will also hand over some disciples to the Wang family, and the revenge of the sect must be avenged."

Liu Ruyi spoke up.

"Yes, but Wang Xiaoyou and Du Xiaoyou swear on the forbidden book of ten thousand ghosts that they will not violate each other for life, and you can't take advantage of it."

Dongfang Yulin bargained.

"Wang Xiaoyou, what do you think!"

Liu Ruyi looked at Wang Changsheng and asked in a pleasant manner.

This kind of thing, she can decide by herself, but after seeing the fight between Qinglian Xianlu and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng, she gave Qinglian Xianlu a high look.

Naturally, Wang Changsheng would not be ignorant of compliments, so he quickly said, "Everything is strictly in accordance with Senior Liu's orders."

A flash of admiration flashed in Liu Ruyi's eyes, and she said, "Okay, let's do it like this! Harmony makes fortune, the catastrophe is coming, there is no need to fight in the nest, the past will pass."

The Sun and Moon Shuangsheng breathed a sigh of relief. They had hit the Spirit Transformation Stage, but unfortunately they failed. There was not much lifespan, and the next generation had not grown up. They had to solve this grievance. If the Wang family insisted on revenge, then the fish would die.

They left behind and dispatched a group of masters. Even if the Sun Moon Palace was destroyed by the Wang family, these people could grow up and rebuild the Sun Moon Palace and seek revenge from the Wang family.

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