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Chapter 1614: Sun and Moon Shuangsheng vs Qinglian Xianlu

Liu Ye, Liu Ruyi, and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng all showed a bit of surprise in their eyes. They changed to ordinary late Nascent Soul cultivators and fell down long ago.

"Okay, Daoist Dongfang, why are you angry with the younger generation? You are from a cultivating family, so you may not understand Daoyou Wang, but I can understand him. In any case, he is half a disciple of Zhenhai Sect. You don’t have the guts to say a single statement, and you don’t deserve to rebuild Zhenhaizong. Everyone takes a step back, and the Sun Moon Palace can take out less land and compensation, and hand over some Sun Moon Palace monks who killed Zhenhaizong’s disciples to Wang Xiaoyou.”

Liu Ruyi made a round. She admired Wang Changsheng's determination to seek justice for the deceased disciple of Zhenhaizong. If he just took the land back, wouldn't the disciple of Zhenhaizong die in vain? Even if Wang Changsheng rebuilds Zhenhai Sect, it will be difficult to unite people's hearts.

The Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace can have conflicts, so the Wang family will hug Wan Jianmen's thigh tightly, and she will support Wang Changsheng both in public and private.

"Yeah! Fellow Daoist Dongfang, you are from a cultivator family, so you may not understand. Wang Xiaoyou and Wang Xiaoyou practiced Zhenhaizong's Zhenzong Gongfa, and they didn't seek justice for Zhenhaizong's disciples. How did they rebuild Zhenhaizong? This way? The established sect has no cohesion at all."

Liu Ye agreed, saying that he was happy to see the Wang family grow stronger.

"We can agree to this request, but we also have one condition."

Du Xu said in a deep voice.

Sandwiched between the three cultivators, it was really difficult for them to deal with it.

"What's your request? Du Xiaoyou said it's fine, it's not an excessive request. I don't think Wang Xiaoyou will refuse it."

Liu Ruyi's tone was calm. She was speaking for Wang Changsheng. If Du Xu's request was too high, Wang Changsheng could refuse.

"Our husband and wife have long heard that Qinglian Immortal Companion has great magical powers, and we want to discuss with them. If they win, we can hand over some Sun Moon Palace cultivators to deal with them. If they lose, this matter is over. In addition, They also have to write an oath with us on the forbidden book, and they will not violate each other for cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base You can also receive cash!

As Du Xu said that, he took out a light black page. There were a lot of hideous faces on the surface of the page, looming.

The Forbidden Book of Ten Thousand Ghosts is a secret treasure of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect. Once a cultivator swears an oath on it, he must not violate it, otherwise he will be attacked by all ghosts.

A thousand words is not as good as a page of the forbidden book of ten thousand ghosts, a verbal promise can be repented, and an oath on the forbidden book of ten thousand ghosts can not be repented.

If Wang Changsheng were soft on his words and agreed to reconcile, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng would not believe this statement.

Empty vernacular, whoever believes it is stupid, only things like the forbidden book can be trusted.

With the potential of Qinglian Immortal Companion, there is a very high chance that they will enter the Divine Transformation Stage in the future. Du Xu is thinking about the future, and their life span is running out.

"It's a good idea. There's no need to argue, you guys just have a discussion, and whoever wins will listen to the other."

Dongfang Yulin strongly agrees.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned, but it was nothing to learn from each other. They swore in the forbidden book that they would never break their oath.

"It's okay to compete, but to be fair, none of you can use the Lingbao."

Liu Ruyi made a request. Sun and Moon Shuangsheng became famous earlier, and he was the leader of the faction. Even if Qinglian Xianlu got the inheritance of Zhenhai Sect, it would not be able to compare to Sun and Moon Shuangsheng. It would be fair to not use Lingbao.

"You can neither use spirit treasures, nor use spirit animals."

Dongfang Yulin bargained and said, Zhenhai Ape is in Wang Changsheng's hands, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng doesn't use Lingbao, and Wang Changsheng can't use Zhenhai Ape.

Liu Ruyi and Liu Ye did not object and agreed.

At this point, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't have a chance to back down and agreed.

Liu Ye and eight people flew out of Qinglian Island and came to the sky over an uninhabited sea. The Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace sent people to block off the sea area with a radius of 100,000 miles, and no one was allowed to approach.

Liu Ye, Liu Ruyi, and Dongfang Yulin stood on a cloud that was more than a hundred feet in size, more than ten miles away from Wang Changsheng and the others.

Qinglian Xianlu and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng are both proficient in the art of combined strikes, so I don't know who is more powerful.

A blue water wall more than 100 feet high rose from the sea. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the blue water wall with solemn expressions.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng are Yuan Ying cultivators who have been famous for many years, and they dare not be careless.

Du Xu and Fang Yue stood high in the sky out of thin air, their eyes were solemn, and Qinglian Immortal Companion was also proficient in the art of combined strikes. In terms of mana alone, Sun and Moon Double Saints are deeper than Qinglian Immortal Companion. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, it is true It's hard to say, you'll know after playing.

"Fellow Daoist Wang and Madam Wang, we won't hold back, and I hope you won't either. We also want to experience how powerful the combined attack technique that Zhenhaizong spent thousands of years researching."

Du Xu said in a deep voice, his face full of chills.

"We won't hold back either, please enlighten fellow Daoist Du and Daoist Fang."

Wang Changsheng's tone was serious.

Du Xu's body surface suddenly glowed with golden light, Fang Yue's body surface lit up with a dazzling silver light, the two lights of gold and silver intertwined and gradually merged together, turning into a sun with two colors of gold and silver, half of the sun was golden, half of the sun was golden. is silver.

In the face of Qinglian Immortal Companion, the two did not dare to leave anything behind.

A huge roar sounded, and the sea swelled violently, setting off huge waves like a tsunami.

The sea water for several miles was divided into two and rolled up, forming two huge blue water walls, blocking the sky and the sun.

The two blue water walls turned into two big blue hands and patted Du Xu and Fang Yue.

Before the big blue hand slapped on his body, a huge roar suddenly came, as if ten thousand horses were galloping, and the momentum was huge.

Du Xu turned his hand and took out a small and exquisite golden circle. The surface of the golden circle was engraved with a golden sun pattern. Fang Yue took out a half-moon-shaped machete. , separate is a single magic weapon, can be used together as a magic weapon, the power is huge.


With a low voice from Du Xu and Fang Yue, the golden round wheel and the half-moon-shaped machete came out of their hands, their bodies skyrocketed, the golden wheel turned rapidly, cutting the air, and a piercing hissing sound came out. With a flash of golden light, the golden round wheel bloomed. With a dazzling golden light, the half-moon-shaped machete released a silver blade of light more than a thousand feet long, facing the big blue hand.

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, the big blue hand was smashed by the dense golden light, and the silver light blade smashed the big blue erupted into countless blue water vapors.

A huge roar sounded, and a huge vortex with a diameter of twenty miles emerged out of thin air. The huge vortex rapidly rotated, generating a powerful suction, turning it into an invisible big hand, pulling the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng towards the huge vortex.

Countless golden and silver lights lit up on the heads of the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng. After one blurred, it turned into a golden sun with a diameter of thousands of meters and a silver full moon with a diameter of thousands of meters. The golden sun was wrapped in a layer of red flames, emitting a terrifying high temperature. The silver full moon emits the slightest chill, exuding a biting chill.


Du Xu and Fang Yue said at the same time, and pointed their fingers at the huge vortex below.

The silver full moon sank into the huge vortex, and was immediately shattered by the huge vortex, but soon, the huge vortex stopped rotating and quickly froze, and the sea area with a radius of more than ten kilometers was frozen.

The golden sun hit the ice, and the ice instantly shattered, torn apart, and a large white mist erupted.

After a cramped piano sound, a blue sound wave swept in. Wherever it passed, the white mist collapsed, the ice layer shattered and turned into sea water.

The blue sound wave swept across the sea quickly, and a huge wave was raised on the sea surface, and the huge wave became bigger as the blue sound wave moved.



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