Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1607: Begonia shows off its supernatural powers

"Top of Qinglian (!

The spirit beasts that can release the water gangster and thunder, naturally have extraordinary bloodlines.

The young woman in the purple skirt flipped her right hand, a flash of inspiration, and a pair of rings the size of a slap appeared on her hand.

Two rings, one gold and one silver, are engraved with a lifelike dragon on the surface of the rings.

Two-meter lock Jiaohuan, a magic weapon specially aimed at spirit beasts.

With a flick of her wrist, the two-meter lock Jiaohuan turned into two auras and flew out. In the two deafening dragon roars, the body of the two-meter lock Jiaohuan skyrocketed, covering the Zhenhai Ape.

On the other side, Shen Haoran and the green-robed old man were also taking action against Fairy Ziyue and Ye Haitang.

Fairy Ziyue and Ye Haitang each controlled a fourth-order puppet beast to attack Shen Haoran.

Shen Haoran drove the magic weapon or used supernatural powers to attack the fourth-order puppet beast, sparks scattered everywhere, and the fourth-order puppet beast was intact.

The old man in green robe waved a green flag, and released a green gale, facing the opposite side.

The roar continued, and the powerful air waves set off a monstrous wave.

Ye Haitang sacrificed eighteen celestial ghost flags, flying and circling around her, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling loudly, and the gloomy wind bursting.

At this moment, ripples swayed in the void above her head, and an emerald green ghost claw more than ten feet long appeared out of nowhere and quickly grabbed her Tianling cover.

Ye Haitang was prepared for a long time, her dress flicked, and two black lights flew out, hitting the green ghost claw.

The two muffled sounds of "Keng Keng", the speed of the green ghost claws falling, and Ye Haitang turned into an afterimage, avoiding the green ghost claws.

More than a dozen blue-green fireballs the size of houses smashed into the face, and the eighteen-pole sky ghost flag flew rapidly, releasing countless black yin to protect Ye Haitang.

The green fireball hit the black yin, and the roar continued. The black yin was dissipated a lot, leaving Ye Haitang unscathed.

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and a looming dark green ghost suddenly appeared behind Ye Haitang.

The old man in green robe showed a smug look on his face.

At this moment, a black aura emerged from Ye Haitang's body, covering a radius of 100 zhang.

The green ghost shadow touched Huangquan's forbidden light, and suddenly let out a scream, and a burst of blue smoke rose.

Ye Haitang snorted coldly, flipped her right hand, the Heavenly Ghost Saber appeared in her hand, and a "woo woo" sound of Devil's Cry sounded, and the Heavenly Ghost Saber came out of her hand and slashed towards the green ghost.

The green ghost was imprisoned by Huang Quan's light ban, unable to move.

With a scream, the green ghost was split in half by the Heavenly Ghost Sabre. The green ghost quickly healed again, and the body became translucent, with the appearance of a serious injury to its vitality. The skull on the handle of the Heavenly Ghost Saber A jet of black light sprayed out, covering the emerald green ghost and swallowing it up.

The Heavenly Ghost Knife swallowed the emerald green ghost and burst into a dazzling black light.

The green-robed old man turned pale in shock. He didn't expect that the other party had the supernatural ability to restrain ghosts.

At this moment, a sharp Devil May Cry sounded, and the green-robed old man felt dizzy and cried out in his heart.

There was a black light on his chest, and a black light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering his whole body.

A pitch-black ghost claw suddenly appeared behind the green-robed old man and grabbed the green-robed old man like lightning.

With a muffled "bang", the black light curtain blocked the ghost claw.

The sea surface suddenly burst open, and a huge skull emerged from the bottom of the sea. The head of the skull ape was more than 30 feet tall, and the body was filled with yin. Each hand held a white bone hammer that was more than 10 feet long. There is a pair of bone wings more than ten feet long on the back.

Judging from its aura, this is a ghost king in the Nascent Soul period.

It took Ye Haitang a hundred years to collect a large number of spiritual bones, tempered with the formation method, and the Thousand-Bone Human Demon.

This thousand-bone man demon forged into a ghost of the Nascent Soul, and the magic weapon is hard to hurt.

The Thousand Bones Demon waved the bone hammer in his hand and smashed it at the green-robed old man.

After two muffled noises, the black light curtain shattered, the green-robed old man was hit by a bone hammer, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Before he landed, the nearby Yin Qi violently tumbled and turned into a grimace more than a thousand feet long. The grimace opened a **** mouth, and a black beam of light with a diameter of ten feet shot out, instantly reaching the green-robed old man.

The devil's cry of "woohoo" sounded, and a green light flew out from the sleeve of the green-robed old man. It was a small emerald shield. The surface of the small shield lit up with countless mysterious runes, and its body soared, blocking it in front of him.

There was a muffled "bang", and the black beam of light was blocked by the green shield.

A shrill cry of ghosts and wolf howls came from all directions, making people feel disturbed.

The yin wind was blowing, and the yin qi in a radius of ten miles was violently tumbling, and dense ghosts could vaguely be seen, as well as a large number of skull soldiers.

There were bursts of shrill devil's crying, the voices of men, women and children alike, the ghosts were heavy, and the devil's sobbing continued, as if tens of thousands of ghosts were crying at the same time.

Ye Haitang spent hundreds of years in the Wangui Sea, and she has subdued a large number of ghosts. She has a great advantage in fighting here.

The green-robed old man's facial features were distorted and his face was pale. He felt his head was about to explode and he was dizzy.

This is a high-level spell, Ten Thousand Ghosts Worship Immortals. If the level of the ghost is high enough, he will die directly.

There was a loud sound of breaking wind, and a bone hammer with white light fell from the sky, hitting the green-robed old man.

With a scream, the green-robed old man fell towards the sea with his green shield.

Colorful ghost fires attacked from all directions, with the stance of burning the green-robed old man to ashes.

The green-robed old man hurriedly sacrificed a ball of green light and entered a magic trick. After the devil's cry of "woo woo", the green ball burst into a dazzling green light, covering the green-robed old man, and dense ghost fires Falling on the green light, the green light is slightly dim.

The Devil May Cry sounded, and five house-sized skeletons flew from all directions, opening their **** mouths and biting towards the green light.

The green light was torn to shreds like thin paper.

A painful scream of a man rang out, and the old man in green robe was torn to pieces by five huge skulls.

A green light lit up among the pile of minced meat, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out, but before the mini Nascent Soul flew far, a large net fell from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

Countless black runes appeared on the surface of the **** There were a lot of mini skulls on the surface of the big net.

The devil's cry of "woo woo" sounded, and hundreds of miniature skulls spurted out a slender black thread, entangling the body of the mini soul, and the mini soul was entangled by the black yarn, unable to move.

The black net pocket quickly shrank and flew back to Ye Haitang's hand.

With the assistance of Zhao Mei'er and the Thousand Bone Demon, plus the 18-pole Heavenly Ghost Banner, the green-robed old man was no match for Ye Haitang at all.

The time is right and the place is right, and the green-robed old man did not occupy the same place, so naturally he was not Ye Haitang's opponent.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, and a huge wave more than a thousand feet high was set off on the sea.

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