Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1605: Shen Haoran vs Ziyue Fairy, Ye Haitang

   Chapter 1620 Shen Haoran vs Ziyue Fairy Ye Haitang

   In the depths of the Wangui Sea, a three-foot-long black flying boat slowly swept through the sky. Three Nascent Soul cultivators, two men and a woman, stood on the black flying boat, and the three looked alert.

   "We have to speed up, I don't know if they will use a secret technique to catch up."

   A potbellied young man in black robe frowned and said in a weak tone. He was Shen Haoran, who had changed his face.

  Many ghosts are sealed in the depths of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sea. Because of the strong restrictions, these ghosts cannot leave the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sea. What Shen Haoran has to do is to break the ban and let those ghosts out.

  These Specter Ghosts have been imprisoned in the Wangui Sea Area for many years. Once they break out of the Wangui Sea Area, they will definitely start killing people. The South China Sea Xiuxian Realm will definitely be in chaos. At that time, Long Yanji will take big actions.

The three of them went out day and night. They wanted to avoid the inspectors who were inspecting the sea area, but they were discovered by the inspectors. The inspections made a lot of people, and the local fighting style had an advantage. , fled quickly, and was wounded on the way.

   "The yin here is too heavy! If you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

   An old man in green robe with a somewhat hunchback said excitedly. The old man in green robe had sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a goatee, and his body exuded strong Yin Qi fluctuations.

   "Junior Brother Song is a ghost cultivator. You like the environment here, but we don't. Let's break the restriction quickly!"

   A plump young woman in a purple dress frowned and said, the young woman in a purple dress has gorgeous facial features, fair skin, and a pair of peach blossom eyes.

   "It's weird, I remember we clearly flew past here, and we came back here again? Is it a ghost hitting the wall? Or a formation!"

   Shen Haoran frowned and looked at a deserted island below.

   "Look at the ghost mirror. If it is a formation, it will definitely not be able to hide from the ghost mirror."

   While talking, the old man in green robe took out a small green mirror the size of a palm. The edge of the mirror was engraved with several skull patterns, and the opposite was a hideous grimace.

   After the mirror lit up with a green light, a shrill Devil May cry suddenly sounded, and the skull at the edge of the mirror seemed to come alive, its mouth opened and closed, and each spewed out a green mist.

  The green light flashed, and a large green glow flew out, covering the void.

  The green glow moved quickly, and when he moved to a certain void, he saw a faint white light.

   "It is indeed a formation. It seems that there are monks here who have settled here. It is very likely that they are ghost cultivators in the Yuan Ying period."

   The old man in green robe frowned and said, according to the road map given by Situ Mei, this is the only way to go.

Detours are very risky. There are not only restrictions in the Wangui Sea Area, but also fourth-order Yin beasts. The most serious thing is that they have been discovered by the monks in the Dongli Realm. If they retreat rashly, Long Yanji will not be able to spare them. Can break the restriction at the fastest speed, and then join with Long Yanji.

   "Break the formation, unless the cultivator is here, there will be no mercy."

  Shen Haoran said coldly, the longer the delay, the greater the risk of their exposure.

  The three of them sacrificed magic weapons one after another, attacked the formation, and the roar continued.


  Zhenhaizong Ruins, a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, a thousand-foot-long silver waterfall hangs on the steep stone wall.

   Fairy Ziyue and Ye Haitang were sitting in the stone pavilion chatting. Fairy Ziyue was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and Ye Haitang was still in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

  Wang Qingqing is also at the Zhenhaizong site. She has not been a baby for a long time and is practicing in the fifth-order spiritual vein.

   After years of hard work, Fairy Ziyue has refined a fourth-order puppet beast. She has been staying at the Zhenhaizong site and has no idea what happened outside.

   "I didn't expect such a big thing to happen in the outside world, and the Tianlan Realm almost came in."

   Fairy Ziyue had a thoughtful expression on her face, if Tianlan Realm came in, it would indeed be a catastrophe.

   Ye Haitang nodded and said, "Yes! Fortunately, Tianlan Realm didn't come in, but there were fish that slipped through the net. It's hard to say. I hope that the fortuneteller's prediction of the catastrophe is false. Let's..."

   Before Ye Haitang finished speaking, there was a whimper of Devil May Cry from her sleeves.

   She frowned and took out a palm-sized white skull with many cracks on the surface.

   "Someone attacked my formation outside! Could it be from the Sun Moon Palace?"

   Ye Haitang said with a frown, her eyes a little suspicious.

  If it is a monk of the Wang family, it is impossible to attack the formation, and ordinary monks cannot break the formation. More than ten years ago, there was news that the Zhenhaizong site was in the depths of the Wangui Sea, maybe the Sun Moon Palace came to the door.

   "Sun Moon Palace! I was thinking of meeting them for a while, let's go, let's go out and see, if they are from Sun Moon Palace, then destroy them."

   Fairy Ziyue's eyes were full of cold light. She is now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and she has two fourth-order puppet beasts, plus Zhenhai Ape, even if she faces the monks in the later stage of Nascent Soul, she still has the strength to fight.

   With her divine sense, it is not bad to be able to control a fourth-order puppet beast and Zhenhai Ape, after all, she still has to control magic weapons.

   Ye Haitang nodded, looking a little excited. The Heavenly Ghost Banner has been sacrificed for many years, and it is just time to try the power of the Heavenly Ghost Banner.

   They turned into two rays of light and walked away, leaving the Zhenhaizong site.


  The three of Shen Haoran floated in the air out of thin air. They looked at the island below with different expressions.

  There are more than a dozen large pits on the island. Inside the pits are a large white skeleton. You can see several spiritual medicine gardens and a large number of buildings. This place seems to be the cave of a certain Nascent Soul cultivator, but the Nascent Soul cultivator is not seen.

   It looks like the Yuanying cultivator is out.

   "I didn't expect that we would pick up a cheap one. Maybe there is a spiritual treasure on the island."

   The old man in green robe turned his small eyes and said with a smile, his eyes were fiery.

   "Cheap? Hmph, three fellow Taoists broke into my cave for no reason, and they still want to **** away the treasures I've accumulated? Don't you really take me seriously?"

   An indifferent female voice suddenly sounded. Shen Haoran turned his head and looked behind him, and saw two beautiful women appearing on the sea at some point.

   A girl in a purple dress with a hot body, and the twin peaks are about to come out. An ordinary girl in a black dress is Fairy Ziyue and Ye Haitang.

   Shen Haoran and the three changed their faces, but Ye Haitang did not recognize their identities.

   "Two fairies, we didn't mean to offend, but we were offended. We were just passing by without any malice. I hope the two fairies will understand, and we are willing to pay a sum of money to compensate."

   Shen Haoran said politely, he didn't want to do too much, as long as the ban was lifted, he could pat his **** and leave.

   He is injured now, and he doesn't want to fight with each other.

   "No malice? Killing the ghost pawns I have worked so hard to cultivate, is this called no malice?"

   Ye Haitang sneered with a look of confusion in her eyes.

   One late Nascent Soul, one middle Nascent Soul, and one early Nascent Soul, the opponent's strength is stronger than them, logically speaking, there is no need to be so polite to them, if it is a mistake, why attack the ghost pawns on the island?

   "You are from the Sun Moon Palace?"

   Fairy Ziyue's eyes were fixed on Shen Haoran and the three of them, her eyes a little suspicious.

   Shen Haoran was stunned for a moment. The Sun Moon Palace is one of the ten major sects in the South China Sea. If they pretended to be members of the Sun Moon Palace, the other party might be able to talk better.

   "Exactly, we are indeed from the Sun Moon Palace. We also ask the two fairies to forgive us for the sake of our Sun Moon Palace."

   Shen Haoran's tone was sincere.

   He didn't know what he said, and Fairy Ziyue couldn't let them go.

   "Sun Moon Palace! Hmph, I didn't go looking for you, but instead you came, so there's nothing to say."

   Fairy Ziyue's face turned cold, and a golden light flew out, turning into a giant eagle with golden light all over its body. The surface of the giant eagle was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns. This was a fourth-order puppet beast.

   (end of this chapter)

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