Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1599: 1000 kills, 800 damage

Thousands of cultivators were affected by the azure light, the ground shook, and the air was billowing.

After five breaths, the blue light disappeared, and the radius of a hundred miles was razed to the ground. Zhou Xingguo's face was pale, there was some blood on the corner of his mouth, the robe on his body was torn apart, and blood was dripping on his arms and chest. Liu Xiuyun's face turned pale, the three of them were fine, and thousands of monks evaporated.

The persimmons are softly pinched, Zhou Xingguo and Niu Kun are both in the early stage of God Transformation, but Niu Kun is a monster, even if Feng Wu exposes himself, it cannot cause much damage to Niu Kun.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, you go to support Daoyou Sun and the others. Fellow Daoist Niu and I chase after them. We must wipe them all out. We must not let them escape."

After Liu Xiuyun finished speaking, he turned into a cyan rainbow light and chased after him, and Niu Kun turned into a red light and chased after him.

Zhou Xingguo took out a small mirror with white light, and punched in a magic formula. After the mirror lit up with a white light, Liu Ye's face appeared.

"How is it, Fellow Daoist Zhou, how are those otherworldly cultivators?"

Liu Ye asked impatiently, his tone hurried.

"Beheaded two gods, and a group of high-level monks, fellow Daoist Liu, opened the seal and let me go in to support fellow Daoist Sun."

Zhou Xingguo said excitedly that his injury was not minor, but there was not much time to heal him now, and the time was urgent.

There was a ripple in the void, and a black hole several feet in size appeared, and Zhou Xingguo turned into a ray of light and flew in.

Liu Ye looked Zhou Xingguo up and down, and frowned.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are guarding the entrance, and I will support Daoyou Sun and the others!"

Liu Ye took out a glittering Dharma plate and handed it to Zhou Xingguo.

Zhou Xingguo's current state is not good, and he is likely to be activated by the other party.

Zhou Xingguo also did not refuse, and took over.

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded, accompanied by a scream.

Liu Ye was startled, turned into a sword light, and went straight to the source of the sound.

He had just arrived at his destination and found that Ye Yan's cheating had disappeared. Sun Tianhu had a terrifying bloodstain on his left hand, his face was pale, the ground was a mess, and a large number of corpses could be seen.

A five-tailed fox fell in a pool of blood, and Sun Tianhu fought with a cyan Flood Dragon with a body length of 100 meters and a one-horned horn.

A cyan dragon boat flew towards the black hole high in the sky. , very fast.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, stop them, don't let them run away."

Sun Tianhu said loudly, in a hurried tone.

Liu Ye was about to make his move when a ball of blue light came straight towards him.

At the same time, thousands of huge fireballs the size of water tanks fell from the sky and hit Liu Ye and others.

Before the huge fireball fell, a shocking heat wave hit the face.

Liu Ye frowned and slashed towards the void with his right hand, and a large piece of fierce sword energy flew out and greeted him.


A series of explosions sounded, and the huge fireball exploded in mid-air, turning into flames all over the sky, and scattered on the ground.

The wind was blowing everywhere, and three blue hurricanes more than a thousand feet high came straight towards Liu Ye and the three of them.

Taking this opportunity, the cyan Flood Dragon flew towards the cyan dragon boat at a particularly fast speed.

"I want to leave! Leave my life behind!"

The blood demon blade in Sun Tianhu's hand erupted with a dazzling blood light, and the blood light flashed, and a blood-colored rainbow swept out more than a thousand meters long.

The azure dragon's head flashed in the void, and a small pagoda with glittering aura appeared out of nowhere.

At this moment, a yellow seal flew out from the cyan dragon boat, instantly swelled, and smashed into the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda.


With a muffled sound, the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda flew upside down, but the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda still spewed out a piece of aura, covering the cyan Flood Dragon, but the speed of the cyan Flood Dragon was too fast, and the aura disappeared.

With a flash of blue light, the blue Jiaolong turned into the appearance of Long Xiaoyao and landed on the blue dragon boat.

Sun Hao, Li Shuo, and Long Xiaoyao were all injured. Long Xiaoyao's injury was more serious. Li Shuo's left arm was missing and his face was pale.

They have puppet beasts in the spirit transformation stage and spirit beasts in the spirit transformation stage, but Bai Xin is proficient in illusion, which puts a lot of pressure on them.

They joined forces to kill Bai Xin with the help of Tongtian Lingbao, severely injured Ye Yan, and Long Xiaoyao was also seriously injured, but his body is a wind-type Jiaolong, which is more resistant to beatings.

Long Xiaoyao took out a cyan horn that was about a foot long. The surface of the horn was covered with blue light. He put the cyan horn to his mouth and blew it gently.

A loud dragon roar sounded, and a green gust of wind swept out. After a blur, it turned into a blue-colored wind dragon that was more than a thousand feet long, and rushed towards Liu Ye and the three of them below.

The cyan wind Jiao had not yet fallen, the ancient trees swayed from side to side, countless sand and stones were blown up, and the smoke billowed.

Ye Yan waved the Xuanyang Demon Slayer Banner in his hand, and a large azure flame swept out and greeted him.

With a loud rumbling sound, the cyan flame collided with the cyan wind dragon, and a powerful air wave suddenly erupted.

A sky-high sword light descended from the sky, slashed towards the cyan wind dragon, and smashed the blue wind dragon. With a loud noise, the blue wind dragon burst open and turned into countless cyan wind blades, hitting all directions. .

A huge explosion sounded, and dozens of hills were smashed by the dense cyan wind blades, and the smoke and dust billowed.

The smoke dissipated, the cyan dragon boat disappeared into the black hole, and the black hole healed quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

"Daoyou Sun, Daoyou Ye, and Daoyou Bai died?"

Liu Ye frowned and asked, it is not easy to explain this to the demon clan, to deal with the monks from other worlds together, and Bai Xin died in battle.

"Fellow Daoist Bai is proficient in illusions and helped us inflict heavy damage on the opponent. He was killed by the opponent's focus on fire. They have puppet beasts and spirit beasts in the spiritual transformation period, and there are many magic weapons that reach the sky. Come on, Fellow Daoist Liu, why are you here? Fellow Daoist Zhou, they succeeded?"

Sun Tianhu's expression was tense, Bai Xin died in battle, and Donglijie suffered a huge loss.

"They are currently dead two gods and a group of masters, but one of the monks and a group of masters escaped, and Daoyou Niu and Daoyou Liu are chasing each other."

Liu Ye said truthfully, judging from the current record, Dongli Realm has taken advantage of it. After all, Dongli Realm is their main battlefield. Shen Haoran trapped Bai Linger to reveal his feet, otherwise they might not be able to discover Shen Haoran and others. exist.

"Reinforce the seal immediately, don't let them come over, by the way, we caught a few Nascent Soul cultivators, just to interrogate them, to ask them where they came from, to see which realm the other party is from, maybe we can reach the other party's interface ."

Ye Yan suggested in a weak tone.

This time, his vitality was severely damaged, and he needed to recover for a period of time.

Sun Tianhu and Liu Ye strongly agreed. They hurriedly dealt with the corpse on the ground, searched for the property on the corpse, and left the Falling Immortal Cave.

After leaving the Falling Immortal Cave, Zhou Xingguo gathered the remaining soldiers and organized them to reinforce the seal. In addition to the space passage, the entrance to the Falling Immortal Cave was also sealed. In addition, the millions of miles around the Falling Immortal Cave became a restricted area, prohibiting the intrusion of idlers and others.

A month later, an astonishing news quickly spread in Donglijie.

The monks from the Tianlan Realm invaded the Dongli Realm, and many people have escaped. The leader is a god-turning cultivator named Long Yanji. This person is a fire-type dragon. The major forces in the Dongli Realm have offered a reward of one billion spiritual stones to capture them. Long Yanji and his party will reward those who find clues, and those who hide or fail to report will be punished as accomplices and killed without mercy.

An individual or force who dares to cover up Long Yanji and his party is the enemy of Dongli Realm, killing Wushe.

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