Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1597: The **** of self-exposure

In the East Wasteland, an endless green mountain range, tens of thousands of monks are fighting with hundreds of thousands of monsters, roaring loudly.

Immortal cultivators are divided into multiple teams, or control formations, or arrange battle formations to deal with monsters. There are many monsters, and high-level monsters are entangled by high-level monks. They are not opponents of immortal cultivators at all. Advantages, the monsters and the cultivators are tied.

Hundreds of high-level cultivators were fighting at high altitudes, and all kinds of magical magic weapons collided together, and a powerful air wave broke out.

Wang Qingshan's expression was indifferent. Nine azure swords trapped a red-clothed youth with a stubborn back. The red-clothed youth had thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The body of the red-clothed youth is a fourth-rank middle-grade golden-patterned bear with infinite strength and thick skin. Even the cultivators in the late Nascent Soul could not help him.

Nine azure glass swords turned into nine cyan rainbows, dancing around the red-clothed youth.

The young man in red only saw afterimages one after another, his hands lit up with a dazzling red light, and his hands turned into furry bear paws, grabbing towards the afterimages around him.

There was a muffled sound of "keng keng" and sparks flew everywhere. He glanced at his palms, and the skin was scratched.

The young man in red was furious, opened his mouth and spat out a red sound wave, hitting the void in front of him.


After a few muffled noises, nine cyan sword lights flew out one after another, and the red sound waves went straight to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan was in no hurry, the sword chanting was loud, and the nine blue glass swords burst into a dazzling blue light. After one blur, the nine blue glass swords merged into one, turning into a blue dragon with wide mouth and fangs. To the red sound wave.

With a loud noise, the red sound wave exploded, and the cyan Flood Dragon arrived in front of the red-clothed youth. The red-clothed youth waved his thick palms and slapped the cyan Flood Dragon. The cyan Flood Dragon suddenly burst open, and countless sharp cyan swords flew out. , slashed at the young man in red one after another, and there was a "kengkeng" sound of gold and iron clashing, and the blue sword energy seemed to be slashing on the copper wall and the iron wall.

A loud dragon roar sounded, and a blue-colored sword dragon with a body length of hundreds of meters flew towards it. Wherever it passed, the sound of breaking through the air continued, and the air waves were billowing.

The young man in red was startled, and slapped his right palm towards the opposite void.

With a flash of red light, a red bear's paw more than ten feet long flew out and shot at the blue sword dragon.

After the booming explosion sounded, the cyan sword dragon was smashed and turned into a sword energy that shot towards all directions.

The sound of sword chants was loud, and nine cyan sword lights shot out from all directions. This time, the nine cyan sword lights were faster, and the young man in red could only wave his palms non-stop and pat them all around.

Monster Beast attaches great importance to cultivating the physical body, making use of strengths and circumventing weaknesses.

Only listening to the muffled sound of "keng keng", sparks splashed everywhere, and there were more than a dozen tiny bloodstains on the palms of the red-clothed youth.

Wang Qingshan snorted coldly, the sword art changed, and the sound of the sword resounded throughout the world, everyone could hear it clearly, the nine cyan sword lights blurred, turned into nine huge cyan dragon heads, and opened their blood. With a big mouth, he rushed towards the red-clothed youth from all directions.

The young man in red was so frightened that he opened his mouth, and a gap flew out, turning into a shield with red light, flying around him non-stop.

With a loud noise, the red shield was torn to shreds by nine cyan dragon heads, and the nine cyan dragon heads bit the body of the red-clothed youth and pulled it hard.

An extremely painful scream sounded, the red-clothed youth turned into a rain of blood, and a miniature bear flew out towards the distant sky.

Wang Qingshan flicked two fingers, and a cyan sword light shot out, the sword technique changed, and the nine cyan dragon heads turned into nine blue flying swords, releasing thousands of cyan sword qi, and slashing at the mini bear.

At this moment, a white light suddenly lit up, which was a white orb the size of an egg, releasing a soft white glow, protecting the mini bear.

"Friend Wang Dao, I haven't seen you for many years, your magical powers have soared!"

A melodious female voice suddenly sounded, and a white light flew from a distance and stopped near the mini bear.

Bai Guang converged, revealing the figure of Bai Linger.

"Bai Ling'er, are you not dead?"

Wang Qingshan was full of confusion. This battle was caused by the killing of Bai Linger. Bai Linger was alive and well. Why did the demon race counterattack the human race? After all, there is not much benefit for the demon clan to do so. The Northern Border and the South China Sea Xiu Xianjie are not for watching a show. If the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan and the Six Great Immortal Sects fight each other, both will suffer, and the Northern Border and the South China Sea Xiu Xianjie will intervene, and the demon clan will be in trouble.

Bai Linger smiled sweetly and said, "What? Daoyou Wang wants me to die?"

"Your life and death have nothing to do with me, I'm not interested."

Wang Qingshan's tone was indifferent.

"Stop, don't fight, retreat, all monks stop."

A majestic man's voice suddenly sounded, spreading for tens of thousands of miles.

A loud wolf howl sounded, and the demon clan looked at each other in dismay.

"The ancestors have an order to retreat."

Bai Linger's voice was not loud, and all the demon clan could hear it clearly.

The high-level executives of the two clans were confused, and Wang Qingshan didn't know what was going on. Just now, they fought to the death and the battle was stopped now?

Wang Qingshan retracted his flying sword and flew back to the Terran camp.

In a palace with blue bricks and glazed tiles, more than 30 Nascent Soul monks gathered together. They looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

They didn't even know the reason for their retreat. So many cultivators were killed and wounded. Why did the war stop suddenly without any warning?

At this moment, a middle-aged Taoist priest in a purple Taoist robe walked in. He was tall, with a national face, eyebrows pierced into the temples, and eyes like knives, which gave people a sense of sternness.

Li Yunluo, in the early days of spiritual transformation, was born with a clear view of the body.

"Disciple (junior) pays respect to Master Li (senior Li)."

Wang Qingshan and other monks saluted one after another with respectful expressions.

Li Yunluo swayed, suddenly appeared on the main seat, and sat down. The monks stood and did not dare to sit down.

"I just received the news that there are people from other interfaces who want to invade our Dongli World. The catastrophe is likely to be the case. It is not clear which interface the monk is. If you continue to fight, it will only be cheaper for the monks from the other world. , I ordered to go on, without my order, all cultivators are not allowed to take the initiative to attack, and those who violate it will be severely punished."

Li Yunluo's gaze swept over the monks and commanded in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master Li (Senior Li)."

The monks agreed in unison.

Wang Qingshan was a little confused, why did Bai Linger fake death? Could it be that this battle was a show for otherworldly cultivators? What is the purpose? Intentionally attracting otherworldly monks to invade?

The cultivator of God Transformation uses the cultivators as chess pieces, and invites cultivators from other worlds to set up the layout?


Central Plains, Falling Immortal Cave.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and a dazzling blue light drowned for hundreds of miles in a radius.

Zhou Xingguo, Liu Xiuyun, and Niu Kun were pale and looked at each other.

"I actually revealed that I broke the ten-direction Demon Extermination Formation! How daring."

Zhou Xingguo said solemnly that the monks from other worlds suffered heavy casualties under their siege, and a spiritual monk exposed himself and destroyed two formations.

A silver light lit up in the blue light and went straight to the sky.

"Want to go! Stay with me!"

Zhou Xingguo shouted loudly, before he had time to act, a loud chirping of birds rang out, and a huge cyan peacock rushed towards them.

The cyan peacock's feathers had fallen off in half, and there were many bloodstains on the body surface.

"Not This guy may have to expose himself, hurry up and avoid it."

Zhou Xingguo's face changed greatly, and he was taken aback.

The three of them hurriedly avoided, and the cyan peacock's body suddenly burst into blue light, disappearing into a gust of breeze.

The next moment, the cyan peacock appeared over the mountains hundreds of miles away.

As soon as it appeared, countless thick beams of light flew out from the ground, blocking the retreat of the cyan peacock.

A variety of magic auras lit up in the area of ​​​​100,000 miles, forming a set of formations.

The rumbling sound of the rumbling sounded, the fourth-order formation could not trap the fifth-order demon bird at all, the cyan peacock slammed its wings fiercely, and countless cyan wind blades flew out, rushing away in all directions.

There was a scream, and hundreds of monks were chopped into pieces by the dense cyan wind blades, and dozens of hills were smashed to pieces.

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