Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1595: Welcome to Donglijie

"Junior Sister Long, if there is an ambush, Shi-nephew Zhao and the others won't be able to find it, don't forget, this is Dongli Realm, people have an advantage in fighting at home, if you want to make the fish bite, you have to give some bait. , I'll make a trip myself! Anyway, my lifespan is running out, and if I die, you will give me the greatest reward for cultivating my descendants with all your strength."

Yang Tianhai took the initiative to stand up. He was born in a loose cultivator, has more than two hundred years of life, and has old injuries. He fought with the army this time to find a way to survive. After many years of life, there is no hope of impacting the late stage of God Transformation.

His descendant Yang Zongli has cultivated to the late Yuanying period, and Yang Zongli stayed in Tianlan Realm.

Many of the cultivators in the Tianlan Realm have died smuggling, and Yang Tianhai is unwilling to follow the example from the past. , It took more than 600 years to open the space channel for the first time. Before the people from Tianlan Realm passed, the channel was blocked. This is the second time to open the space channel.

"Senior Brother Yang, let me take a walk with you! I am a Jiaolong, and it's hard for the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure to kill me."

Long Yanji is also willing to go. After more than 600 years of getting along, the cultivators of Tianlan Sect are particularly united. They have to find a way to survive for themselves. The people behind the tree enjoy the shade, some things must be done by someone.

"In terms of reaction speed, no one is faster than me. I will go too. The three of us join forces. Unless ten cultivators take action, it will not be so easy to kill us."

Feng Wu also stood up. She is a fourth-order monster, and no one can match her in terms of speed.

The three god-turning monks took the initiative to take the lead, and other monks took the initiative to ask for help. After more than 600 years of military preparations, the language and currency were unified, and the Tianlan sect disciples were particularly united. If there is a disadvantage, the new generation of high-level monks have no experience. Most of the life-and-death struggles are in ascetic practice.

Long Yanji's three gods took the lead, and selected a hundred monks, twenty Yuanying monks, and eighty pills.

They carefully patrolled in the Falling Immortal Cave, but did not find other immortal cultivators, but touched some restrictions. Fortunately, there were three deity transformation cultivators present, and there were no casualties.

Two days later, they appeared above an endless black jungle, supported by a huge blue cloud.

There is a black hole several feet in size in the void in front of it, shining with aura, which is the exit of the Falling Immortal Cave.

Long Yanji and the three of them opened their spiritual consciousness and explored the situation of thousands of miles. However, it was a little troublesome that the Falling Immortal Cave was originally an ancient battlefield, and there were many restrictions on their spiritual consciousness.

After a cup of tea, they withdrew their consciousness, and the three looked at each other and shook their heads.

They used exotic treasures to observe and did not find other monks. They found a lot of restrictions, but I don’t know if it was the original prohibition of Falling Immortal Cave or it appeared later. Case.

"Forget it, even if someone hides in the Falling Immortal Cave, most of them are using the Heavenly Spirit Treasure to hide, plus the restrictions here are heavy, the opponent has the home field advantage, and it is meaningless to continue to look for it, it will only give the opponent more time to prepare, let's go out. Come on! When necessary, I will stay behind."

Yang Tianhai flipped his palm, blue light flashed, and a trident with blue light flashed in his hand.

Tongtian Lingbao is not a Chinese cabbage, and Tianlan Realm can't do one piece of God Transformation cultivator. Yang Tianhai is a loose cultivator, and naturally he does not have Tongtian Lingbao.

The blue cloud supported them to fly towards the black hole, and it didn't take long for them to fly out of the Falling Immortal Cave.

"There was nothing abnormal when we entered, exactly the same."

Shen Haoran said to himself, carefully observing everything nearby.

Long Yanji's three people's consciousness was wide open, and they carefully scanned thousands of miles, but found nothing abnormal.

Yang Tianhai frowned, gently waved the blue trident in his hand, and a dazzling blue light flew out, hitting a certain hill.


With a deafening roar, the mountain top exploded and dust flew.

"Senior Brother Yang, let's use that treasure! No matter how precious the treasure is, it is still far from our lives."

Long Yanji said, her eyes solemn.

Yang Tianhai nodded, flipped his palm, and a silver talisman appeared on his hand. The surface of the talisman was covered with mysterious silver runes. The shape of the silver runes resembled tadpoles, twisting non-stop, like living creatures. The talisman exudes amazing aura fluctuations.

The Nine Heavens Breaking Illusion Talisman, which specializes in breaking down illusions, and the fifth-order talisman, the god-turning monks in the Tianlan Realm only refined two.

If the people from Dongli Realm want to ambush them, the best place to ambush them is at the entrance of Falling Immortal Cave. As long as they occupy the entrance, even if the cultivators from Dongli Realm make trouble in Falling Immortal Cave, they will not cause much trouble. There are also three cultivators in the fairy cave, and their overall strength is stronger than that of Long Yanji and others.

Yang Tianhai threw the Jiutian Breaking Magic Talisman forward, and the silver light flashed, and the Jiutian Breaking Magic Talisman turned into a silver light. After flying high into the sky, it exploded, and a dazzling silver light appeared in the void, covering a radius of 100 miles. The area of ​​​​is like a round of silver scorching sun hanging in the sky, and the silver scorching sun can be seen in a radius of millions of miles.

It didn't take long for the silver scorching sun to disappear, the environment in front of them suddenly changed, and 100,000 monks appeared before their eyes.

One hundred thousand monks are scattered in an area of ​​300,000 miles. More than 360 sets of formations are arranged within a radius of 300,000 miles. The most powerful is the fifth-order formation and the ten-square demon-killing formation. The base stage, the highest cultivation base is the middle stage of God Transformation.

"Fellow Daoists, welcome to Dongli Realm."

Zhou Xingguo smiled slightly, his eyes full of killing intent.

Beside him stood a young girl in a green skirt with thick skin and a red-robed old man with a dove face and a high nose.

The girl in the green skirt wears a Zhu hairpin on her head, a jade pendant on her waist, and has a slim figure and long sleeves. She was born in the Han Dynasty, her surname is Liu and Xiuyun, and she is in the middle of the transformation of gods.

The red-robed old man has a pair of scarlet horns on his head. Niu Kun, in the early stage of spiritual transformation, came from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons in the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie.

This time, in order to deal with the monks from other worlds, Dongli Realm mobilized seven gods, hundreds of Yuanying, thousands of pill formations, and tens of thousands of foundations.

The other god-turning cultivators were either closing in on their lives, or they couldn't get out of the way, or they were sitting in their old nests. After all, no one knew if the otherworldly cultivators had successors.

The same is true for the monks in the Tianlan Realm. Instead of sending all the spiritual monks, they chose elites to take the lead and seize the bridgehead.

In the face of a common enemy, the cultivators of the Dongli Realm united to fight against the enemy, while the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm in order to invade other interfaces.

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