Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1593: The vanguard of the Tianlan Realm

"Tianhu family! Bai Xin! Bai Ling'er!"

Long Yanji raised his eyebrows, and several Yuanying monks went deep into the hinterland of the demon clan to trap and kill Bai Linger, a clansman who was mainly cultivated by the Tianhu clan? It's simply a fantasy.

This may be a game, a game against the cultivators of Tianlanjie. Maybe when a large number of cultivators of Tianlanjie come to Donglijie, when they die, there may be a large number of ambush soldiers outside, and there are a lot of restrictions.

The road ahead is difficult and full of dangers. She must go on, even if she kills, she must find a way to survive.

"Have you ever thought about Bai Linger's suspended animation? The other party is setting up a game for you to jump in?"

Long Yanji asked coldly, her eyes fixed on Shen Haoran, if eyes could kill, Shen Haoran was already dead.

Shen Haoran shuddered and his face suddenly turned pale. Of course he thought about this question, but he didn't have much life expectancy, and he was worried that he would be robbed by other colleagues to open the space channel connecting to other interfaces and cut his own back path. Only then did the passage to Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm open.

"The disciple has doubts, but the disciple believes that as long as Master Zhao and the others come over, the sect should be able to take over the entire Dongli Realm, it just takes a little more time."

Shen Haoran said in a low voice, looking nervous.

Long Yanji looked at Song Yuzhen and the four of them. The four of them were silent, and knelt down one after another, and said in unison, "Disciple convicts, and asks Master Long to punish."

Shen Haoran also knelt down, his back wet with sweat.

"This sect will be punished for faults, and rewarded for meritorious deeds. Every yard is a yard. You have opened the space channel connecting the two worlds. You have contributed greatly. This is a reward for you. You are familiar with the situation in the Dongli world, so stay and fight with the army. , make up for the faults, and after the war is stabilized, you will return to Tianlan Realm to cultivate."

Long Yanji took out five exquisite storage bags and handed them to Shen Haoran.

With both grace and power, Shen Haoran and the five were convinced and agreed.

"Junior Nephew Ma, you should set up the formation immediately. Let Senior Brother Li and the others come over first. Hmph, you want to ambush us, do you think we are unprepared? It's not certain who will kill who!"

Long Yanji commanded coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Ma Hongfei even claimed that it was, and organized manpower to arrange the formation.

After half an hour, thirty-six thick white beams of light rose into the sky, blocking the area for thousands of miles, and a pale white light curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering the area for thousands of miles.

Outside the Falling Immortal Cave, hundreds of thousands of cultivators were arranging formations. Under the guidance of the formation masters, all kinds of formation equipment were buried in designated positions, and they were very busy.

Thanks to the unique system of the Central Plains Cultivation World, the Central Plains Cultivation World has a strong management of the grassroots and strong mobilization ability. In less than a month, 100,000 monks were recruited, including more than 50 Yuanying monks. , There are tens of thousands of foundations, and with the Falling Immortal Cave as the center, various restrictions have been placed in a radius of 300 million miles.

Zhou Xingguo stood on the top of a steep sky-high giant peak, looking at the Falling Immortal Cave from a distance, his eyes dignified.

Zhou Ningshuang stood behind Zhou Xingguo, looking nervous.

"Old Ancestor, is this crisis even more severe than the battle between the righteous and the devil more than 4,000 years ago? Are we too few people?"

Zhou Ningshuang asked cautiously, in order to keep the secret, the monks recruited did not know what they were going to do beforehand. When they arrived at the destination, they only knew that they would build a ban, mainly to prevent leaks. No one knew how many traitors the foreign world had bought.

"There's no way to do it, there are too many people to mobilize, and it's easy to scare the snakes. Who knows the methods of the monks from other worlds, as long as the ten directions are set up, it is not so easy for the monks to get out of the trap when they are trapped. Let people speed up, more Arrange some formations, yes, send someone to the Western Desert and tell the old monks of Wanfo Temple about the news here, if the monks from other worlds invade, they should come out to save the world, they like to do this kind of thing the most."

Zhou Xingguo commanded in a serious tone.

"Yes, old ancestor, I will order it immediately."

Zhou Ningshuang responded and turned to leave.

"In troubled times, a hero is born, and once a general is successful, thousands of bones will die. In this war, I don't know how many people will die."

Zhou Xingguo muttered to himself, a look of sadness on his face.

Inside the Falling Immortal Cave, there was a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Three hundred monks gathered in the valley. Long Yanji and Li Shuo were the leaders. They were all in the early stage of God Transformation.

The cultivators present had the lowest cultivation base and also had an elixir-forming stage, and there were as many as a hundred cultivators in Nascent Soul.

Shen Haoran glanced at the black hole high in the sky, frowned, his eyes were full of anticipation, he hesitated again and again, summoned up his courage and asked Long Yanji, "Uncle Long, Master Zhao, can't you come?"

"The power of the interface is too strong, he can't get through, the risk is too great, Senior Brother Zhao and Senior Brother Lei are on the other side to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Long Yanji explained that the power of interface is not a joke.

"Don't worry, this time we brought a lot of treasures here. In addition to the heaven-spanning spirit treasure, there are also fifth-order spirit beasts and fifth-order puppet beasts. It took a hundred years to refine a fifth-order puppet beast, and the use of the fifth-order puppet beast this time is already very worthy of the monks in the Dongli world."

Li Shuo explained with a proud look on his face.

Concentrating on doing big things, the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan world, integrating all the resources, the digital cultivators joined forces, and it took hundreds of years to refine a fifth-order puppet beast. Possibly refined.

"Someone is here, why is there still someone here?"

Shen Haoran said with some surprise, a blue light lit up in the black hole, it was a blue dragon boat, the blue dragon boat was a hundred feet long, and the hull was thirty feet wide. The astonishing aura fluctuations are obviously a heavenly treasure, or a flying treasure.

Hundreds of cultivators stood on the blue dragon boat, three god-turning cultivators, three men and one woman, stood at the front. And there are several cyan scales on the arm, which is obviously a monster.

Long Xiaoyao, in the early days of God Transformation, was able to rank in the top five among the God Transformation cultivators in the Tianlan Realm, and his body was a fifth-order Flood Dragon with the wind attribute.

The other three cultivators were Sun Hao, Feng Wu, and Yang Tianhai. All three were in the early stages of cultivating gods. Sun Hao was the deputy head of the Tianlan Sect, Feng Wu was a demon clan, and Yang Tianhai was a loose cultivator.

The blue dragon boat slowly stopped over the valley. Long Yanji flew to the deck and asked excitedly, "Senior Brother Long, Junior Brother Sun, and Qinglongzhou have been refined?"

"That's right, it took Brother Shangguan three hundred years to refine this treasure. With this treasure, we can travel between the two worlds more conveniently, safely, and escape faster."

Long Xiaoyao said with a smile, this azure dragon boat is made from the bones of the fifth-order middle-grade wind scorpion as the main material, and is refined from a variety of rare materials. One person, Shangguan Tianhong, spent three hundred years, and the Jiaolong family took out the bones of their ancestors, and then refined this treasure.

All of this is for the purpose of ascending to the spiritual world.

Shangguan Tianhong is the first person in the Tianlan in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation, proficient in the art of refining.

"By the way, Junior Sister Long, which interface is this, and how many cultivators are there in this world? How about magical powers?"

Long Xiaoyao asked in a deep voice, if they can't beat them, they will use the blue dragon boat to escape back to Tianlan Realm.

Long Yanji repeated what she knew, and she specifically mentioned Shen Haoran's suspicion of trapping Bai Linger.

"Hmph, although Senior Brother Shangguan and the others can't come, it's enough for us, let's occupy the Falling Immortal Cave first. If you want to kill us, you won't be afraid of breaking your teeth."

Long Xiaoyao said coldly, with murderous aura, Tian Lanzong smashed a lot of resources to cultivate immortals, and cultivated a large number of masters, just for this day.

With the Qinglongzhou in their hands, they can attack and defend. The premise is that they must defend the space passage. If the passage is damaged, they will not be able to go back. Come here, otherwise these two heavy treasures will fall into the hands of the cultivators of Donglijie, and Donglijie can counterattack into Tianlanjie.

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