Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1343: Seek advantage and avoid disadvantage

Jinjing Sanren has the highest cultivation level. If the Golden Sword Sect can be destroyed, the Jinjing Sanren will get the most benefits. The Wang family is involved at this time. It is to grab food from the Jinjing Sanren, and he will naturally not give Wang Qingshan a good face. .

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this is the Fire Dolphin Sea Area. We are the matter. It's not your Wang family's turn to intervene! Could it be that Fellow Daoist Liu invited you here?"

Jin Yan's eyes were a little suspicious, and he looked at Liu Xinchao.

The Wang family has close contacts with Huoyun Island. Both of their forces are affiliated forces of Wanjianmen. Liu Xinchao invited the Wang family to participate in and share a lot of territory. This is also a reasonable thing.

Liu Xinchao froze for a moment, rolled his eyes, nodded and said, "That's right, Jindaomen has done a lot of evil. I'm worried that things will change, so I invite Daoyou Wang to come over and hold a big event together."

For the sake of their own interests, Jin Jing and the three all think from their own perspectives.

"Wang was indeed invited by Fellow Daoist Liu, but I'm not here to deal with the Golden Sword Sect with you, but to mediate. I hope that fellow Daoists will see that we are all humans, stop making peace, sit down and have a good time. Tan, why do we lose both sides, according to reliable information, the demon clan sent spies to make trouble, and I suspect that this war was planned by the demon clan, if it causes the demon clan to invade again, it will be troublesome."

Wang Qingshan said sincerely, his words were both public and selfish.

The three sea areas of Wulong Sea Area, Fire Dolphin Sea Area and Golden Clam Sea Area are relatively close to the Monster Race. The Golden Sword Gate was destroyed, and the loss of the human race was the power of the human race. The last time the war between the human race and the monster race was due to the human race. Want to join forces to attack the demon clan? But the news was leaked? The demon clan joined forces with the barbarian clan and the sea clan to deal with the human clan.

It's only been more than a hundred years since the war, for no reason? The demon clan will not cause trouble? Wang Qingshan is exaggerating.

"Hmph, Daoyou Wang will be sensational? Don't pour all dirty water on the demon clan, it's only been over a hundred years? The demon clan doesn't have the courage to invade again? ."

Jinjing Sanren disapproved and did not give Wang Qingshan any face.

If he really listens to Wang Qingshan's words, at most he will be allocated some territory. It is impossible for the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton to fall into his hands? Or should he discuss with the Golden Sabre Master in the name of learning? Find a chance to kill him, even if the monsters are really Because of this, he invaded again, and Jin Jing Sanren didn't care, as long as his strength was strong enough, who could do anything to him.

"That's it? Daoyou Wang has been thinking too much, and we actually don't want to embarrass Daoyou Sun? But Daoyou Sun is just unwilling to hand over the fourth-order Flood Dragon Skeleton. Who knows if he will give the Flood Dragon Skeleton to the Yaozu? I think it is better to hand over the Flood Dragon Skeleton. The Palace of Ten Thousand Fires is better."

Jin Yan's words have changed? I hope Master Jindao will hand over the bones of the fourth-order Jiaolong to the Wanhuo Palace, which is the backing of the Seven Flames Gate? If the fourth-order Jiaolong bones are presented?

"I think it should be handed over to Ten Thousand Beast Island? Ten Thousand Beast Island is good at expelling insects and beasts. Maybe they can use the fourth-order Jiaolong bones to research something useful."

Fairy Qianyun expressed her point of view. The force behind Qianyunmen is Myriad Beast Island, and she hopes to dedicate the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton to Myriad Beast Island.

Liu Xinchao shook his head and said, "The two Taoists are wrong. I think it's the right thing to hand over to Wanjianmen."

Jin Jing Sanren frowned, and his face became extremely gloomy. The arrival of Wang Qingshan disrupted his plan. He originally wanted to rely on his cultivation in the middle of the Nascent Soul to obtain the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton, according to the three people of Jin Yan. It is said that the fourth-order Jiaolong bones should be handed over to their backers, and Jinjing Sanren absolutely cannot accept it.

This is a fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton, not an ordinary fourth-order monster skeleton.

"Hey, don't talk about those useless things, Daoyou Wang, there is nothing about you here, Daoyou Sun, how about we discuss everything one-on-one? If you win, the old man will retreat immediately. If you lose, you will give the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton to the old man. , the old man also took people away."

Jinjing Sanren hurriedly got back to business and planned to cook the raw rice to mature rice. If he got the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton, the monks in the late Nascent Soul would dare to fight.

Master Jindao frowned and looked at Wang Qingshan and the five. If he won, he would be fine. If he lost, he might die, and he was really reluctant to hand over the bones of the fourth-order flood dragon.

"Friend Wang Dao, can you help to mediate the war? If you can make them retreat, our Golden Sword Sect will be very grateful."

Jinyue Sanren gave Wang Qingshan a voice transmission, and all four Jinjing Sanren wanted the skeleton of a fourth-order Jiaolong, but Wang Qingshan was thinking from the point of view of the human race.

He knew that Wang Qingshan also had a plan, but the most urgent task at the moment was to get the Jinjing scattered people to retreat.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, don't be used as a gunman without knowing it. If you can destroy the Golden Sword Gate, it's okay to say, assuming you can't destroy Daoyou Sun and Daoyou Song, and let one of them escape, who do you think they will take revenge on? Golden Mirror Sanren or Huoyun Island?"

Wang Qingshan sent a voice transmission to Liu Xinchao, and he had to convince Liu Xinchao, otherwise the resistance would be too great.

This matter all started because of the dispute between Huoyun Island and Jindaomen. If Master Jindao or Jinyue Sanren escaped, or if there were other Nascent Soul cultivators in Jindaomen, they would definitely retaliate against Huoyun Island in the future.

Liu Xinchao showed a hesitant look on his face. In fact, he also had this kind of worry, but Jinjing Sanren repeatedly assured that there was no problem. He also coveted the site and treasures of Jindaomen, so he agreed. Wang Qingshan's words poured on him A basin of cold water brought him back to his senses.

Yes! Is the Yuanying cultivator so easy to kill? Who knows if the Golden Sword Gate has a backhand, the Golden Sword Gate is destroyed, and the rest may take revenge on Huoyun Island. At that time, the Golden Mirror Sanren will probably fall into instead of helping.

"Of course, if you came all the way, you definitely can't go back empty-handed, your losses are not small, you can ask Jindaomen to compensate you for a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, and a half-disabled Jindaomen will give you Huoyun Island There is not much threat, destroying the Golden Sword Gate, you Huoyun Island are not the biggest beneficiaries, but take the biggest risk, why bother!"

Wang Qingshan explained the pros and cons to Liu Xinchao. Of course, he explained it through sound transmission.

"What Daoyou Wang said is that Liu almost made a big mistake, but Daoyou Jin's side."

It's not that Liu Xinchao didn't understand the truth, but Jinjing Sanren's cultivation base was higher than him, and his strength was stronger than him. With the encouragement of Jin Yanzhen and Qianyun Fairy, he would participate in the siege of the Jindaomen main altar.

To put it bluntly, the strength of the Xiuxian world is respected, and whoever has the biggest fist, what he says is the truth.

Wang Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "Wang has long admired Daoist Jin for a long time. I wonder if Daoyou Jin is willing to teach me? If you lose, you will immediately take people away. If you win, I hope you will stop talking for the sake of the human race. And, how?"

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