Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1336: Luwang 2 cooperation

It has been more than a hundred years since the battle between the monsters and the monsters, and the various forces have slowly recovered their vitality, and fought again for the resources of immortal cultivation.

There is no way, there are only so many resources for immortal cultivation, if you don’t fight, you can only watch others surpass you.

"Old Ancestor, we can support our in-laws to participate in the war on the pretext of helping them deal with the Golden Swordsmen. Even if we cannot destroy the Golden Swordsmen, destroying the Golden Swordsmen, and occupying some territory is not bad, if we don't do it, other forces will. The news is that the Sanctuary Alliance in the Golden Clam Sea Area has already intervened."

Wang Mengfen said excitedly, as the head of the family, he is more eager for the family to expand its territory than anyone else.

"What about your opinions! There are no outsiders here, they all share their opinions."

Wang Qingshan looked at Wang Qingqing and others, and wanted to hear their opinions.

After brainstorming, Wang Qingshan can act arbitrarily, but he wants to see the opinions of other clansmen.

"This war can be fought, but if it gets too big, will it get out of control? It's definitely going to be fought, but I need to draw more forces to level the risk."

Wang Qingqing's view is relatively conservative. There is only one Liu family, and the benefits are great, but the risks will also increase. By pulling several forces and sharing the risks, the benefits will definitely be reduced.

Her proposal was approved by many people.

"I think we should stay on the sidelines. The forces in the Golden Clam Sea must also want to do it. When the Golden Clam Sea starts, it is not too late for us to intervene. It is not a good thing to intervene in this battle too early. We should calm down and be the biggest winner. ."

Ye Haitang expressed her opinion. The war broke out in the Fire Dolphin Sea area, and the Wang family was eyeing it? The immortal cultivators in the Golden Clam Sea area were not interested?

The more it is at this time, the more you have to calm down, and you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry? Of course? If the immortal cultivators in the Wulong Sea Area and the Golden Clam Sea Area are all on the sidelines, the war is likely to end as soon as possible? The major forces in the Fire Dolphin Sea Area are not Stupid, will keep fighting.

"And what else! Are they not outsiders? Let me tell you something."

Wang Qingshan looked at Ye Zhongchen and Chen Xudong? He hoped they would speak.

They didn't say a word. This was the first time they participated in such a major decision. How could they dare to speak casually?

"Seventh brother? If we just wait and watch the show, the immortal cultivators in the Golden Clam Sea area may not be able to do it. They all understand the truth of the snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit. I think we can send a small number of troops to participate in the war, and muddy the water first? We are in-laws with the Ye family of Hongye Island in the Golden Clam Sea, and we can join forces with them to fight together, which can not only reduce the risk, but also strengthen the relationship between the two families.”

Wang Qingling put forward his own suggestion. The Wang family is located at the junction of the three sea areas. Once a war breaks out, it is impossible for the Wang family to stay out of the way.

"I agree with the tenth sister's opinion."

A hearty male voice suddenly came from outside, Wang Qingjun strode in, and a one-armed young woman in a red skirt followed him.

"Twelfth brother, who is she?"

Wang Qingshan's eyes fell on the young woman in the red dress, and his eyes were a little suspicious.

"Ancestor, this is Mrs. Liu. She was born in the Liu family of Hongyun Island. She is the aunt of Hua Hao's concubine."

Wang Mengfen quickly explained that the Liu family and the Wang family had frequent exchanges, and Wang Mengfen naturally recognized the identity of the young woman in the red dress.

"Junior meets Senior Wang."

The young woman in the red dress did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly saluted Wang Qingshan.

"Seventh brother, this is the case, I met them on the road..."

Wang Qingjun briefly explained what happened. They encountered many immortal cultivators fighting their way along the way, and the Fire Dolphin Sea area was now a mess.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, your injury is serious, I'll take you down to heal!"

Wang Qingqi stood up, he could only make alchemy, and even if there was a war, he would not be able to go to the front line.

The young woman in the red dress was also sensible, and followed Wang Qingqi down.

"My opinion is to attack the scattered cultivators in the Golden Clam Sea area. Don't look at the war breaking out in the Fire Dolphin Sea area. If the Nascent Soul cultivator doesn't take action, the situation is still under control. Even if we win, how to divide the territory is still a problem. There are three advantages to attacking the Sanxiu Alliance. First, the Sanxiu Alliance has not been established for a long time. Compared with other forces, the Sanxiu Alliance is a soft persimmon. In the second battle, let's deal with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and we can sell it to the Ye family for a favor; third, the Golden Clam Sea is rich in clam beads, which can be used to form formations, refine tools, and use them to refine the core of puppet beasts to attack and break up. Cultivating the alliance can get more benefits; in addition, it is also to muddy the water and let the immortal cultivators in the Fire Dolphin Sea area let go of their hands and feet."

Wang Qingshan said slowly, the fire dolphin sea area is now full of thunder and rain, and if anyone invades the fire dolphin sea area for the first time, even in the name of assisting allies, the other forces in the fire dolphin sea area will probably stop fighting as soon as possible and concentrate their firepower on the Wang family. , any power is exclusive.

To deal with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, other forces in the Golden Clam Sea area may not intervene. The Loose Cultivation Alliance has not been established for a long time, and who doesn't want to pinch soft persimmons.

Wang Mengfen suddenly took out a blue-colored Dharma plate and punched in a magic formula. He frowned. He looked at Wang Qingshan and said:

"Old Ancestor, Lu Hengbin, Fellow Daoist Lu, is here and is outside now."

"What is the purpose of the Lu family visiting our Wang family at this time?"

Wang Qingqing and the others looked at each other in dismay. The Lu family has been very peaceful these years. There is no dispute with the Wang family, and the Wang family does not want to have a dispute with the Lu family.

"The Lu family may have come to cooperate with us. They probably intervene in this war. Meng Fen, you go see him and see what his plans are. Come and report later."

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengfen agreed and turned to leave.

After a meal, Wang Mengfen returned to the council hall.

"Old Ancestor, as you expected, the Lu family really wants to cooperate with They also want to deal with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but they have a great appetite and want seven or three points. They are six and we are four. , in return, they are willing to give us part of the islands bordering us."

The islands controlled by the Lu family are relatively scattered, and the islands bordering the Wang family are far away from Baihe Island. If they are attacked, the Lu family is inconvenient to support them. Instead, it is better to hand them over to the Wang family. The Lu family can shrink their own forces together. Strengthen defense.

"You go and tell him that you can cooperate, but how to divide it specifically, talk about strength, you have to do it quickly, and when the war in the Fire Dolphin Sea area is over, there will be no such a good opportunity."

Wang Qingshan instructed in a deep voice that there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Half an hour later, good news came from Wang Mengfen, the Lu family agreed with Wang Qingshan's opinion, and the Lu Wang family frequently mobilized staff.

In addition to the twenty cultivators, the Wang family's affiliated forces could also gather seventeen cultivators. The Wang family recruited some of the forces, and the Xue family, as the most loyal affiliate of the Wang family, naturally stood in front.

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