Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1329: Infant ceremony

After a few simple greetings, Wang Changsheng talked about the business: "Martial daoist, the northern border is rich in mineral resources, we want to buy a batch of immortal cultivation resources from you, I wonder if the martial daoist can help, in exchange, we are willing to help collect the South China Sea. The unique resources of immortal cultivation will be sold to your martial family."

The Wang family has a stronghold in the northern Xinjiang, but there are too few people. The only high-level cultivator is Wang Qingjun, and his ability is limited. The strength of the Wu family in the northern border cultivation world is not weak.

Taking precautions, the Wang family is now planning to expand their army and prepare for war, and refining the puppet beast requires a lot of materials.

The Wang family cooperated with Wanhuazong and purchased a large number of alchemy materials. The sales of the Wang family's puppet beasts are getting better and better, and there is a great demand for raw materials.

Puppet beasts are made of metal ore or spiritual wood. There are more spiritual woods in the South China Sea Xiuxian world, but there are relatively few metal ore veins.

Wang Ruyan took out a blue shell, handed it to Wuchang, and said with a smile, "This is an order, the quantity is relatively large, and it can be delivered in batches."

Wuchang found the blue shell, his consciousness swept away, he was stunned, and said in surprise: "Friend Wang Dao, this batch of goods is worth more than ten million, you are not kidding!"

"How could Wang make such a joke? The northern Xinjiang is rich in mineral resources, and the South China Sea is rich in monster resources. Our cooperation is a win-win situation."

Wang Changsheng's tone is sincere. The Wang family has been recuperating and recuperating over the years and has accumulated a lot of property. This time, the expansion of the army and preparations for war is not all for the purpose of coping with a possible war, but also for the purpose of enhancing strength. No one knows what will happen in the future. There are too few weapons, and a war really breaks out, which cannot be dealt with.

The number of monks in the Wang family is increasing, and the sales of puppet beasts are good, and they are sold to many sea areas, and the demand for raw materials is relatively large.

"Young Daoyou Wang, Mrs. Wang? Take the liberty to ask? Is there something big about to happen?"

Wuchang asked vaguely, is it abnormal for the Wang family to buy ore worth tens of millions all at once?

Wang Ruyan nodded? Repeated what Zhou Ningshuang said.

After listening to Wang Ruyan's statement, Wuchang and Li Linger looked at each other? Their expressions were solemn, with Zhou Ningshuang's identity and status? The metal ore of thousands of spirit stones.

Qianyang Immortals have been to the South China Sea, but they don't know the situation in the South China Sea? The South China Sea is indeed rich in monster resources? There are also many battles. ? The real Huanglong attack on the Wang family is a good example.

"You have too many things to buy, so let's go! You will send someone to the northern border to negotiate with our clansmen? Leave this kind of thing to the people below!"

Wuchang agreed, as the highest combat power of the family? They seldom asked about specific matters, but only occasionally asked? Yuanying monk nodded?

"Okay? It's a word."

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

In the early morning of the second day, the sky was just bright, and the Qinglian Island was lit up with lanterns. Every member of the tribe showed a thick smile on their faces. Wang Qingshan held the baby-making ceremony, and a large number of monks came to participate in the baby-bonding ceremony.

A bluestone square with a size of more than 100 acres, thousands of immortal cultivators gathered here.

Hundreds of cyan jade tables and cyan futons were placed on the bluestone square, with two cyan jade tables in front of them, and the seats were empty.

There are hundreds of cyan jade tables of the same size on the left and right sides. Hundreds of guests sit in their seats. The position is determined according to the level of cultivation. The higher the cultivation, the higher the position.

Ye Zhongtian was sitting behind a cyan jade table, and Chen Xudong was sitting beside him, their expressions were very excited.

There are not many monks with foreign surnames who can participate in the Qinglian Jianzun Infant Ceremony. It is a great honor for them to participate in Wang Qingshan's Infant Ceremony.

"Clang clang clang!"

With the sound of a heavy bell, the monks present stopped communicating and looked towards the sky.

A large number of cyan auras suddenly appeared in the sky, like the stars, extremely gorgeous.

"I have Qinglian Jianzun please."

Two deafening dragon roars sounded, a red dragon and a white dragon flew from a distance, and the two dragons pulled a blue-colored flying car. Xiaguang.

Wang Qingshan was wearing a cyan vestment, his expression was indifferent, his hair was fluttering in the wind, and he was quite immortal.

He originally wanted to fly over directly, but in order to show the strength of the family, Wang Changsheng made a special arrangement, let the only two third-order dragons in the Wang family pull a flying car, and Wang Qingshan sat on the flying car.

Two Flood Dragons hovered in the sky for a while, and from time to time they made a sound of dragon chants, and the sound spread throughout Qinglian Island.

Seeing this scene, there was a commotion among the sitting guests. They did not expect that Wang Qingshan would appear in this way.

Two third-order Flood Dragons slowly landed on the ground, their huge bodies shook the ground, and strong air waves spewed out of their noses.

Looking at the two dragons that were close at hand, Chen Xudong and other cultivators of the Wang family were flushed, this is their family.

A cyan lotus seat flew from the distant sky, and after a few flashes, it landed on the bluestone square.

Wang Changsheng was dressed in a blue robe with a majestic face, while Wang Ruyan was dressed in a blue palace attire with light makeup on his face.

Under the watchful eyes of the cultivators, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingshan slowly walked towards the two cyan jade tables in front of them.

All the monks stood up one after another to show their respect.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat at the same table, while Wang Qingshan sat alone.

"Welcome to the Daoist friends to attend the Qingshan Infant Ceremony. There are too many guests, and there is a place where the reception is not well~ I hope you will take care of it."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists at the monks and said politely.

"Young Daoyou Wang is very polite. It is an honor for this old man to participate in the ceremony of the Qinglian Sword Master. On behalf of Wanjianmen, this old man congratulates Daoyou Wang on marrying Nascent Soul. Be careful, not respect."

Dai Ren's tone was warm, the Wang family was an affiliate of Wanjianmen, and Dai Ren had already arrived at the Wang family.

At the beginning, it was Dai Ren and Qinglian Immortal Companion who shared the merits and facilitated the Wang family's induction of Wanjianmen. Whenever the Wang family had a large-scale celebration, Dai Ren would participate.

The stronger the Wang family is, the more benefits Dai Ren will get.

Wanjianmen held a sword-fighting conference, and Wang Qingshan’s skills were overwhelming. If Wang Qingshan was not a disciple of Xiaoyao Swordsman, Wanjianmen would have robbed people long ago.

A handsome Wanjianmen cultivator stepped forward, took out a string of storage beads, and said respectfully, "Wanjianmen He Qinglian Jianzun has married the Nascent Soul, and he will send a piece of the thousand-year-old colored glass bamboo and five taels of Gengjin sand... A turtle shell of a fourth-order vajra."

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