Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1326: Zhou Ningshuang's purpose

Qinglian Peak, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was surrounded by a large piece of blue water vapor, which flowed into his body along his nose and mouth.

After a while, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes, and his eyes flickered.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and a large piece of blue light emerged, smashing towards the stone wall in the void.

Countless blue water vapor emerged out of thin air and turned into a blue fist shadow more than ten feet in size, with a piercing sound of breaking through the air, hitting the stone wall.


The entire stone room shook slightly, and a faint yellow light appeared on the stone wall, blocking the blue fist shadow.

The blue boxing shadow disappeared, and there was a large piece of thin white ice debris on the stone wall.

"Yes, if all these ice-type spirit waters are refined, their power will increase a lot."

Wang Changsheng spoke to himself, got up and walked out.

Walking out of the secret room, he came to the secret room where Qinglian Ding was.

He punched a tactic on the formation plate, the silver glow dissipated, the Qinglian Ding fell on the ground, and there was a muffled sound.

Wang Changsheng grabbed the top cover with one hand and lifted the lid of the cauldron with ease. Inside the Qinglian cauldron was a long glass bamboo.

The Wang family has collected some thousand-year-old glazed bamboos over the years. Wang Changsheng plans to refine a set of flying swords for Wang Qingshan. With a set of flying swords in hand, Wang Qingshan's strength will be stronger.

Speaking of which, he has refined several sets of flying swords for Wang Qingshan, and other clansmen do not have this treatment.

Wang Changsheng put away the glazed bamboo, put in a piece of pale golden ore instead, and punched a magic trick into the array.

There was a muffled sound of "humming" from the array, and a large piece of silver glow flew from the array, holding up the Qinglian Ding, and the blue lotus on the Qinglian Ding suddenly brightened.

When I came outside, the tortoise was playing in the lake.

It has grown to two feet in size, with a slender neck. There are palm-sized blue scales on the neck, and some light blue lines appear on the turtle shell.

It seems to have noticed, and the blue light on the body surface is greatly released, turning into a little blue light and disappearing.

The next moment, a trace of water vapor appeared under Wang Changsheng's feet, and the figure of the tortoise appeared.

It is already a second-tier top grade, proficient in water spells, and more proficient in the use of water shadows.

Wang Changsheng took out two palm-sized blue fruits and fed them to the turtle. After eating the two blue fruits, it was not satisfied, and circled around Wang Changsheng, making a strange hissing sound.

Wang Changsheng flipped the palm of his hand, and a blue wooden box appeared in his hand. The wooden box contained two third-order low-grade water attribute demon pills.

The tortoise ate two third-order demon pills, became drowsy, swayed, suddenly appeared in the lake, and dived into the bottom of the lake.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Wang Ruyan walked in.

"Husband, are you out of customs?"

"Madam, the baby ceremony is coming soon! How many guests are there?"

Wang Changsheng attaches great importance to this ceremony of conceiving babies. This is a way for the Wang family to show its strength to the outside world. Networking is also a kind of strength.

"Many people came. The Qianyang Immortals from the Northern Xinjiang, the Dayan Royal Family and the Murong Royal Family from the Central Plains, the Taiyi Immortal Sect, the Wanhua Sect, and the Tang Family from the Eastern Wasteland, the Wanjian Sect from the South China Sea, and the Ouyang Family all sent Yuan Ying. The cultivators came here, especially the fellow Martial Daoists, who came to Qinglian Island in person, giving us enough face."

Wang Ruyan also did not expect that Qianyang Xianlu would come to Nanhai in person to attend Wang Qingshan's ceremony of conceiving babies.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "They have a heart. This favor must be repaid. Didn't fellow martial daoists talk about learning from each other? It's not like him."

He didn't have much contact with Wuchang, but Wuchang left a deep impression on him. According to Wuchang's combative character, it is rare to come to the South China Sea, and he should want to learn from him.

Wang Ruyan said with a smile: "Friend Martial Daoist really wants to discuss with you again, but he has already entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and Zhou Ningshuang, the eldest princess of the Dayan Royal Family, personally led the team and said that he had something to discuss with us in detail."

Although Qianyang Xianlu has a great reputation in the northern border, in terms of strength, the Wu family is far inferior to the Dayan royal family.

"Zhou Ningshuang leads the team in person? Let's go and see each other together! The Dayan Royal Family can't wait any longer."

Wang Changsheng's expression was a little dignified. The overall strength of the Dayan royal family was stronger than Wanjianmen or Taiyixianmen, so he naturally couldn't be neglected.

It didn't take long for them to appear outside a quiet valley. The valley was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a large area of ​​pale blue spiritual flowers grew outside the valley.

Wang Ruyan sent a sound transmission, and soon, a tall middle-aged man walked out, he bowed and saluted, and said:

"Junior Zhou Guofeng pays respects to Senior Wang and Senior Wang, Gu is playing the piano, the two seniors please."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan followed Zhou Guofeng into the valley. There was a courtyard of blue bricks and white tiles in the valley. As soon as they approached the courtyard, they heard a cheerful sound of the piano.

Zhou Ningshuang sat in a cyan stone pavilion, with a silver phoenix-tail qin standing in front of her. She played it with all her might, but did not seem to notice the arrival of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood beside them, listening quietly.

The sound of the piano slowly became gentle, adding a sense of desolation.

After half an hour, Zhou Ningshuang's hands left the strings, and the sound of the piano disappeared.

"Friend Wang Daoyou, Madam Wang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time."

Zhou Ningshuang said in an apologetic tone.

"Mrs. Zhou is joking. This piece of music, Mrs. Zhou, has a different flavor, but it is full of too much sadness, and the turning point is too sudden. It is not easy for the audience to fall into it."

Wang Ruyan commented euphemistically that with Zhou Ningshuang's identity and status, she should not be so worried.

"I forgot that Mrs. Wang is proficient in rhythm. Mrs. Wang said it well. The turning point was that it was a bit rushed, and it was difficult to substitute. This palace also played casually. The two fellow Taoists, please take a seat."

As soon as Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat down, Zhou Guofeng came over with a After putting down a pot of spirit tea and two plates of snacks, he backed down.

"Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, try this golden tea. This is our royal family's special spiritual tea. It has the effect of calming the soul and calming the soul, but the output is relatively small."

Zhou Ningshuang poured a cup of spiritual tea for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan each. The tea was golden and exuded a mellow fragrance.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not polite. They took a sip from the teacup. There was a burst of warmth from their limbs, and then the warmth went straight to their foreheads, followed by a chill that spread throughout their bodies. Don't have a taste.

After a few words of greetings, Zhou Ningshuang talked about the business: "Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, the truth is that this palace is in the South China Sea this time, and I have something to ask for. This matter concerns the safety of the entire Dongli world."

At the end, Zhou Ningshuang's face became solemn.

"Mrs. Zhou said it's okay, we are also a part of Dongli Realm. If we can help, we will definitely help."

Wang Changsheng's expression also became serious. Zhou Ningshuang's involvement in the safety of Dongli Realm must be no small matter.

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