Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1318: Silver Moon Blade

"Top of Qinglian (

They plan to grab the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, but other things are said, if they get a Spirit Treasure, their strength will greatly increase, whether it is to fight or make peace, it is up to them to decide.

Wang Changsheng's body flickered, turned into an afterimage, and went straight to the stone cabinet in the upper left corner, at a very fast speed.

"court death."

Zhang Wuchen's face turned cold, and he slapped his right hand towards the void, and the white giant hand, which was more than ten feet long, flew out and slapped the red giant hammer.


With a loud bang, the young woman in the red dress took a few steps backwards, her wrists going numb.

Shanta had already appeared beside the humanoid skeleton, and his right hand grabbed the storage ring on the skeleton's hand, and the storage ring was about to fly towards him. At this moment, a small dirt bag suddenly appeared on the ground, and the soil turned into Quicksand, a large amount of sediment flew towards Shanta, a furry rat claw drilled out from the ground, grabbed the storage ring at once, and retracted to the ground.

Seeing this, Sangta was immediately furious, and was about to make a move when Lin Yuzong's gentle voice came from his ear: "Why do you need to be angry, fellow Daoist, since we said we should join forces, it's better for us to make money with anger, and there's no need to fight to your death."

For some unknown reason, when Shanta heard this, she was in a trance and subconsciously said yes. He was shocked and came back to his senses.

A shrill scream of a woman came from behind, and the young woman in the red dress flew out, her face bloodless and pale.

A huge yellow jade seal floated in the air, and a lifelike yellow dragon was coiled around the yellow jade seal, walking around like a living thing.

Lingbao Huanglongxi, this is also a big trump card of Zhang Wuchen.

Lin Yuzong is the descendant of the old man Tianhuan. He cooperated with Zhang Wuchen skillfully. I don't know how many enemies died at their hands, but he was a low-key person, and his reputation has always been unknown.

At this time, Wang Changsheng also arrived in front of the stone cabinet, the wide sleeve robe was rolled up, and the items on the cabinet disappeared.

"Do it, fellow Daoist Wang, kill them."

Zhang Wuchen shouted in a low voice, moving with killing intent.

In her heyday, she was a late-stage cultivator of Nascent Soul, and her primordial spirit was damaged to stay in the early stage of Nascent Soul. However, she has mastered a lot of supernatural powers and secrets. This time, she mainly wanted to see Wang Changsheng's cultivation clearly. Gongfa.

After discovering Seven Star Sword Saint's Zhuanghua Dongfu, she wanted to take this opportunity to strengthen her relationship with Wang Changsheng. They joined forces to destroy the barbarians, which could strengthen their relationship and allow Wang Changsheng to understand their strength.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed fiercely, he threw out a metal ball, punched a magic formula, and turned into a golden luan bird, which spread its wings and rushed towards Sangta.

"I'm entangled with him, you kill one person first."

Wang Changsheng said through a voice transmission that with the fourth-order puppet beast in hand, it would not be a problem for him to entangle a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator.

Shanta let out a roar like a beast, and dense cyan runes appeared on his body. His body more than doubled in height, becoming a cyan giant with a height of 10 feet, holding a 30-meter-long cyan giant axe in each hand. , He moved his arms, the blue light flashed, and two sharp blue axe shadows flew out, splitting Wang Changsheng into three pieces, and the corpse turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

The golden luan bird rushed over, and Shanta wielded a double axe and slashed at the golden luan bird.

The golden luan bird flapped its wings, and its speed more than doubled, avoiding it.


Two cyan axe shadows split on the stone wall, and two long cracks suddenly appeared on the stone wall.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword and slashed towards Sangta's void. With a flash of golden light, the blade turned pale gold, and a large piece of golden blade flew out and turned into a large golden mesh.

The stone room is relatively small, and it simply cannot bear their fighting skills here.

Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong joined forces to attack the young woman in the red dress, and the young woman in the red dress more than doubled in size, waving the red giant hammer in his hand, smashed it on the ground, and immediately smashed a big hole.

A huge roar sounded, and the five Nascent Soul monks fought in the narrow stone room. The roar continued, and a large number of stones rolled down from the wall.

Sangta swung two axes and repelled the golden luan bird. The golden luan bird spewed a large piece of slender golden light, hitting Sangta's body, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing.

He took out a palm-sized cyan rhino horn and blew it gently, a loud horn sounded, and a blue-green sound wave swept out, hitting the golden luan bird, and the golden luan bird flew out instantly and hit the stone wall superior.

Two giant axes with shining blue light slashed and slashed on the golden luan bird, sparks splashed everywhere, and there was a muffled sound of two gold and iron clashing.

The sound of breaking the air was loud, and a biting chill hit, a white light blade spurted, and the cyan giant axe in Shanta's hand blocked forward.

There was a muffled sound, and the white light blade shattered. At this moment, a long golden knife fell from the sky and slashed at Shanta's head. Shanta wanted to resist, and after a rapid bell sounded, his reaction A stagnation.

The golden long knife slashed on Shanta's head, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing.

The physical body of the barbarians is already strong, but Shanta's physical body was taken from a fourth-order monster, and the magic weapon did not kill him.

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, the tip of the knife turned snow-white, and a white cold air emerged. Sangta's head quickly froze, but soon, dense cyan runes appeared on his body, and the ice layer suddenly froze. broken.

A shrill scream of a woman sounded, and the young woman in the red dress flew out, and a huge yellow jade seal smashed. If it was hit by the yellow jade seal, it would definitely die.

Shanta's eyes flashed fiercely, her sleeves flicked, and a black light flew out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

The Taihao Spirit Slashing Sabre in Wang Changsheng's hand shrank rapidly, returned to its original state, and slashed towards the void in front of him.

The black light suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a strange black light appeared above Wang Changsheng's head, and it turned into a ball surrounded by Yin Qi. The black light flashed, and the black ball turned into a huge black light curtain, covering Wang Changsheng. .

Wang Changsheng only felt a flower in front of him, suddenly appeared in a gray space, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling resounded, and the gloomy wind burst.

Thousands of ghost beads, the magic weapon of trapping the enemy.

After a shrill cry of Devil's Cry sounded, a ferocious Specter rushed from all directions.

Most of these ghosts are from the foundation-building stage, and there are three ghosts from the elixir-forming stage. This magic weapon was obtained by Sangta by beheading a ghost cultivator, and it has a good effect on trapping the enemy.

Sangta wielded a double axe and slashed at Huang Longxi.


Sangta took three steps back, and Huang Longxi flew upside down several feet.

"Come on, their strength is no weaker than that of the mid-Nascent Soul monks."

Shanta shouted, turned into a blue light, and ran towards the outside.

He underestimated the human cultivator, Zhang Wuchen had a spiritual treasure in his hand, and with the cooperation of Lin Yuzong, they were not opponents. Once Wang Changsheng got out of trouble, they would surely die.

At this moment, Lin Yuzong flipped his palm, and a small and exquisite golden bell appeared in his hand. The golden bell had a powerful aura, and the surface was engraved with some lifelike designs of It was obviously a spiritual treasure. .

clang clang!

A resounding bell rang, and Shanta and the young woman in the red dress had painful expressions on their faces, and their eyes were dull.

The golden luan bird spewed a golden flame, drowning the bodies of Shanta and the young woman in the red dress.

Huang Longxi suddenly burst into a dazzling yellow light and smashed into the sea of ​​​​fire.

A azure light flew out of the sea of ​​​​fire and flew towards the outside of the cave.

Zhang Wuchen's body was full of silver light, and a silver full moon suddenly appeared behind her.

The silver light flashed, and the silver full moon flew out, hitting the blue light accurately, and a scream sounded.

Shanta was cut in half by the silver moon and split into two.

"Silver Moon Slash..."

His eyes were wide, and his face was incredible.

With a flash of blue light, a mini Nascent Soul flew out, and a silver full moon circled, piercing the mini Nascent Soul.

Zhang Wuchen was panting, her face was bloodless, she was sitting on the ground, her legs were trembling, and she was using the unique secret technique of the Sun Moon Palace, the Silver Moon Slashing Spirit Blade. .

She almost used up all her mana, so she could kill Shanta with one blow. It was also thanks to Wang Changsheng who injured Shanta, otherwise she wouldn't be able to kill Shanta so easily.

Also blame Shanta for the unlucky, Zhang Wuchen and his wife have a spiritual treasure, which is something he did not expect.

He wouldn't know if he died, Zhang Wuchen was the deputy palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace and Moon Palace, and he was replaced by a monk in the early Nascent Soul, but he couldn't kill them so easily.

A black light flashed, and the black light curtain turned into a black ball. Wang Changsheng escaped from the predicament. He glanced at Sangta who had fallen to the ground and the young woman in red dress who had turned into flesh and mud. Watching Zhang Wuchen and his wife alertly.

The wealth and silk are moving, who knows if Zhang Wuchen and his wife will turn their backs.

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