Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1315: Ancient monk cave

"Top of Qinglian (

"I don't know how long the ban will last. To be cautious, let's hurry up and pick the flowers for nourishing the soul and leave here!"

Wang Changsheng urged.

Zhang Wuchen nodded and flew towards the cave.

Not long after, she flew out of the cave, threw a cyan wooden box to Wang Changsheng, and said, "The soul-raising flower is of great use to the concubine, Daoyou Wang, after leaving here, the concubine will definitely be grateful."

"Let's get out of here first! It would be bad if the restriction suddenly increased."

Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

The four returned along the way they came, and it didn't take long for them to return to the outside.

"Friend Wang Dao, let's leave Tianxu Dongtian together!"

Zhang Wuchen got the soul-raising flower, and she didn't want to stay in Tianxu Cave for a moment.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and was about to say something when a deafening roar came from a distance, and a huge cloud of red mushrooms rose in the distant sky, very conspicuous.

"Someone is fighting?"

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes and looked towards the source of the explosion.

Zhang Wuchen didn't want to be too busy, a five-color escape light flew from a distance, and the speed was quite fast.

"Be careful, someone is coming."

Lin Yuzong frowned and his expression became solemn.

Behind the five-color escape light, there is a cyan light and a red light.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to see clearly the true face of the five-color escape light, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Wuling Sanren's aura was sluggish, his body was dripping with blood, and there was a blood hole the size of a fist on his left shoulder, which looked like his vitality was severely injured.

"Wang Daoyou, Madam Zhang, help, the barbarians murdered the human race."

Wuling Sanren exclaimed, his eyes full of fear.

Just after he finished speaking, there was a piercing sound of breaking the air behind him, and a cyan shadow of more than ten feet smashed towards him. Where the cyan shadow passed, the void distorted. At the same time, a The golden light suddenly appeared above the heads of the five spirits, and it was a small golden print.

After the small golden seal lit up with a dazzling golden light, its size skyrocketed and turned into a giant golden print more than a hundred feet in size. The whole body was covered with a dazzling golden glow.

The golden light flashed, and the golden giant seal sprayed out a large piece of slender golden light, hitting the Wuling Sanren.

The three golden arrows turned into three golden rainbows, breaking through the air, targeting the Wuling Sanren.

Wuling Sanren's face turned pale, his hands moved towards the void, and a group of five-colored auras emerged out of nowhere, protecting his whole body.

The slender golden light hit the five-color aura and bounced out one after another, but after a golden light swept across the surface of the golden giant seal, it quickly smashed down.

At this moment, a trace of water vapor appeared around Wuling Sanren's body, and quickly turned into a big blue hand more than 20 feet long, holding it up.

The golden giant seal was supported by the big blue hand, and the speed of falling slowed down. A large piece of white sword energy flew out, smashing the cyan fist shadow, and three golden Changhongs defeated the white sword energy, hitting the five-color aura. Above, suddenly bounced out.

Wuling Sanren took advantage of the situation and flew forward, landing beside Wang Changsheng and the others.

As soon as he landed, his sleeves shook, and a shield glowing with five-color aura flew out, dancing around him indefinitely.

There are several small cracks on the surface of the five-colored shield, obviously suffering from trauma.

He quickly took out a cyan porcelain bottle and poured some cyan liquid into his mouth, his pale complexion slowly returning to rosy.

At this time, the two escape lights also stopped. There is a tall young man in green shirt and a young woman in red skirt with round beads and jade. The young man in green shirt has a pair of bull horns on his head, shirtless, and his body is full of muscles. reverie.

They are all in the middle Nascent Soul, and the young man in green shirt is Sangta.

After he left the Soulless Sea, he returned to the barbarian tribe and used the barbarian's cultivation resources to slowly cultivate to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. However, it was not easy for him to restore his cultivation in the later stage of Nascent Soul. Fortunately, he had passed through the sky before.

Wang Changsheng, Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong's hearts tightened when they saw the two barbarians in the middle of Nascent Soul. They were all in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Wang Qingling frowned, her eyes full of worry.

"Fairy Dustless, Real Tahoe!"

The red skirt young woman's pupils shrank, and her face became solemn.

Both of them are Nascent Soul cultivators who are famous in the South China Sea, with extraordinary strength.

"Barbarians! You also go to Tianxu Dongtian to join in the fun? This is not where you stay."

Zhang Wuchen said coldly, not afraid of the two of Sangta at all.

"Don't meddle in your own business. He stole our stuff, and he is courting death himself. If you don't want to die, leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Sangta said coldly, staring at Wuling Sanren with venomous eyes.

Wuling Sanren shuddered, and quickly said: "Daoyou Lin, Daoyou Wang, don't believe what he said, the old man found an ancient monk's cave, and they also discovered that cave for some reason, and they want to kill people. It took hundreds of years to find a way to break the ban, and I can help break the ban."

If Zhang Wuchen and the others ignore him, in the current state of Wuling Sanren, they will surely die.

"Ancient monk's cave?"

Zhang Wuchen suddenly became interested, she suddenly thought of something, with a hesitant expression on her face.

"Hmph, this is the one who discovered the ancient monk's cave first. When it came to your mouth, you found it? It's ridiculous."

Santa sneered, with a look of disdain.

"It doesn't matter who finds out, and you can make money with anger. I think we will open the ban together and share the treasure. Even if we want to fight, we must see the treasure and fight again. If we haven't seen the treasure, we will fight to the death.

Lin Yuzong rolled his eyes and suggested.

Santa pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice, "No problem, but if you guys are making a fool of yourself, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhang Wuchen was a little tempted, thought for a while, looked at Wang Changsheng, and asked through voice transmission, "Friend Wang Dao, what do you think?"

"It's okay to promise him After seeing the treasure, it's not too late to turn your back on him."

Wang Changsheng replied by sound transmission, before seeing the treasure, there is no need to fight to the death.

"No problem, Concubine also reminds you not to play tricks, otherwise Concubine wants to learn the magical powers of barbarians, and concubine has also killed barbarians."

Zhang Wuchen said at the end with a murderous look on his face.

Originally, I had to fight to the death and shake hands and make peace in the blink of an eye. In the final analysis, there are no absolute friends or absolute enemies in the world of immortals.

Shanta smiled contemptuously and didn't say anything, the two flew towards the way they came.

"Friend Tong, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng turned his head to look at Wuling Sanren with a concerned expression on his face.

Wuling Sanren is one of the five overseas immortals. He is not the opponent of the two Yuanying barbarians. It seems that these two Yuanying barbarians are extremely powerful.

"I lost some vitality, Mrs. Zhang and Daoyou Wang, thank you for your help. This is the way to break the ban. This old man will not go, so as not to drag you down."

Wuling Sanren took out a blue shell and handed it to Zhang Wuchen.

No matter how precious the treasure is, it must be used with life. In his current state, the fighting method will definitely suffer.

Zhang Wuchen swept away his consciousness, nodded, and handed it to Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng's consciousness was immersed in it, and he quickly withdrew and nodded.

"The green hills will not change and the green water will flow forever. Goodbye, three fellow Taoists."

Wuling Sanren breathed a sigh of relief and turned into a five-colored light that broke through the air and walked away.

"Qingling, leave here too! Find a safe place to hide and don't run around."

Considering that he might turn against the barbarians, Wang Changsheng planned to let Wang Qingling leave Tianxudongtian.

Wang Qingling did not object and agreed.

Wang Changsheng and the others chased after the two of them, and soon disappeared into the sky.

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