Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1308: Blood Lizhi news

"Top of Qinglian (

Generally speaking, immortal practitioners will plant restrictions on spirit beasts. Once the owner dies, the spirit beast will also die.

In order to get a third-order Flood Dragon, the black-robed old man naturally had to say something nicer, and hoped that Wang Qingling would cooperate with him honestly.

Naturally, Wang Qingling would not believe this kind of words. If she really lifted the ban, she would definitely die, but the other party was a cultivator of Yuan Ying.

"What? You didn't understand the old man? Do you still think the old man dare not take you?"

The black-robed old man's expression turned cold, his face full of murderous intent, and he had the attitude of killing someone if he disagreed.

"Junior Qinglian Island Wang Qingling, Qinglian Immortal Companion is the elder of the younger generation, and I hope the seniors look at the nine uncles and nine aunts, please forgive the juniors!"

Wang Qingling bit her head and said, in fact, what she said was useless, and she didn't expect the other party to let her go, but it was just delaying time. She could see that the other party wanted Bingfeng Jiao, if he wanted to kill her , already started.

"Qinglian Island? Qinglian Immortal Companion?"

The black-robed old man frowned. He had heard of Qinglian Immortal Companion. Wang Qingling was really a junior of Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"You are the Bailing Fairy Wang Qingling? Qinglian Immortal Companion is also in Tianxu Cave?"

The black-robed old man suddenly remembered something. The Qinglian Immortal Companion was famous in the South China Sea. The Nascent Soul cultivators had heard of the Qinglian Immortal Companion. By the way, they had also heard of the Bailing Fairy Wang Qingling.

He is mainly conspiring against the Ice Wind Jiao. If the female cultivator in front of him is really the Bailing Fairy Wang Qingling, even if he gets the Ice Wind Jiaojiao, he would not dare to release it easily. Once it is recognized, the trouble will be big. Qinglian Immortal Companion is also in Tianxu Cave. If he kills someone and grabs a treasure, if Qinglian Immortal Companion arrives, it will be troublesome.

"Well, the seventh brother was injured when he was born, and the ninth uncle and nine aunts went to Tianxudongtian to pick a few spirit medicines to heal the seventh brother."

Wang Qingling made up a lie, she specifically told the other party that Wang Qingshan had entered the Yuan Ying stage, and hoped that the other party would be afraid.

"Hmph, how does the old man know that what you said is true or false? Do you think that moving out of the Qinglian Immortal Companion will scare the old man?"

The black-robed old man snorted and sneered.

"Junior has absolutely no intention to scare the senior, but the senior is a cultivator of Nascent Soul, and it is impossible to care about the junior. The nine uncles and nine aunts are indeed in Tianxu Cave, and there are senior Zhang and his wife from Qingli Island."

Wang Qingling lifted Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong out, looking a little nervous.

The black-robed old man's face was cloudy for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

At this moment, a high-pitched sound came from Wang Qingling's body, and there was a silver mark on his right arm that flickered non-stop.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qingling's face was filled with joy, and the killing intent in the black-robed old man's heart disappeared without a trace.

"Since you are the junior of Qinglian Xianlu, then forget it, the old man and you wait for them here! I hope you did not deceive the old man, otherwise the old man will not be polite to you."

The tone of the black-robed old man was much better, and his threat was undoubtedly revealed.

Wang Qingling nodded repeatedly, and he was relieved. The old monster in the Nascent Soul period changed his face very quickly. He looked like he was going to kill her just now, but now it's like a different person.

After a cup of tea, there was a muffled sound on the ground, and a large earthbag swelled up, and the earthbag quickly moved towards Wang Qingling.

"Ninth Uncle, you are finally here."

Wang Qingling smiled happily, and the stone hanging on her heart was completely put down. She knew that Wang Changsheng had a third-order double-eyed rat, and the double-eyed rat was proficient in earth escape.

It didn't take long for the earthbag to stop, a yellow giant rat came out from the ground, and Wang Changsheng lay on top of the yellow giant rat.

He just met a fourth-order mid-rank demon bird and used his double pupils to escape. As a result, the Qianyuan induction technique responded, and he rushed here.

"Hey, who is this fellow Daoist?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on the black-robed old man. In his impression, he had never seen the black-robed old man.

"Old man Mo Yunzi, I have met Daoyou Wang. I have long heard the name of Dao Hao Daoist. When I saw it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

The black-robed old man said with a smile, his tone was familiar, and he looked familiar.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation. Thinking of the happy expression on Wang Qingling's face, Wang Changsheng vaguely guessed something.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this old man found several thousand-year-old Xue Lizhi not far from here, are you interested?"

The black-robed old man said genially, his tone full of temptation.

"Xue Lizhi, are you sure?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said suspiciously.

The growth environment of Xueglasszhi is special, and it has the effect of replenishing qi and blood. Many kinds of healing medicines will use Xueglasszhi. However, because of the special growth environment, it is difficult for artificially cultivated Xueglasszhi to grow for a thousand years, even if it can grow for a thousand years. , the effect is not as good as the wild one.

Fairy Ziyue was seriously injured. If she got a thousand-year-old Xuelizhi, even if it was a living suit, she would be able to recover faster, and Zhenhai Ape could also take Xueglasszhi to heal her injuries.

"What the old man saw with his own eyes, naturally there is no fake, but Xue Lizhi grows in the lair of a fourth-order low-grade blood toad beast. The blood toad beast is very ferocious. This old man can't deal with it alone. Xue Lizhi, what do you think?"

Mo Yunzi's expression was solemn. What he didn't say was that ice attribute and thunder attribute spells could restrain the magical powers of blood toad beasts, which was also an important reason why he wanted Bingfeng Jiao and Wuque.

"A blood toad beast of the fourth-order low-grade?"

Wang Changsheng frowned, the two of them plus Wang Qingling's words might kill the blood toad beast, but he has no friendship with Mo Yunzi, will the other party turn his face halfway? Why did the other party want to cooperate with him? Now that you know the location of the blood toad beast, why not invite your friends to hunt the blood toad beast together? Who doesn't have a few friends?

Seemingly seeing the confusion in Wang Changsheng's heart, Mo Yunzi continued: "The old man invited a friend to enter the Tianxu Cave together, but he has not reunited with the old man. The old man is worried that the blood toad beast will eat the blood glass. I asked Daoyou Wang for help."

"How many strains of Xue Lizhi are there?"

"Three, but the blood toad beast may swallow the blood glass, and the old man can't guarantee that there will be three blood glass.

Wang Qingling suddenly said, "Uncle Ninth, why don't you wait until Aunt Ninth comes over."

She was implying that Wang Changsheng, Mo Yunzi thought that Wang Ruyan had also come to Tianxudongtian.

If the Qinglian immortals were all in the sky, and when it was time to divide the property, Wang Changsheng would have more confidence, and Mo Yunzi would have to consider Wang Ruyan's existence even if he was greedy.

"If this is the case, the old man can't cooperate with Wang Daoyou, the old man should wait for the friend to come over!"

After Mo Yunzi heard this, he was about to leave.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, you're right, the blood toad beast will devour the blood glass at any time, so I won't wait for my wife, let's go kill the blood toad beast first!"

Wang Changsheng stopped Mo Yunzi. His words made Mo Yunzi feel a little jealous. In case Mo Yunzi's friend arrives and Mo Yunzi is afraid, he will not come here.

"Great, come with me!"

Mo Yunzi looked happy and strode forward.

"Let's go! Qingling, be careful."

Scarlet warned and followed, Wang Qingling put away the Bingfeng Jiao and Wuque, and followed.

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