Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1306: black grass

"Top of Qinglian (

In a vast green grassland, Wang Qingling stood on a low soil slope, with an endless grassland in front and a red dense forest in the back.

"Where is this place? It doesn't seem to be the place recorded on the map."

Wang Qingling said to herself that the map Wang Changsheng gave her did not have the grassland in front of her. It seemed that she was teleported to a place outside the map.

The Qianyuan induction technique did not respond, which means that Wang Changsheng and the three were tens of thousands of miles away from her.

Considering that there are fourth-order monsters here, Wang Qingling did not choose to fly in the sky to avoid being targeted by fourth-order monsters.

She released a pony puppet and jumped on it.

The puppet puppet beast kicked its legs and walked towards the red jungle, not very fast.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound from the ground, and a large piece of smoke and dust emerged from the red jungle, as if something was about to rush out.

Wang Qingling stopped quickly, his consciousness widened.


Accompanied by a deafening wolf howl, hundreds of giant black wolves about the height of one person rushed out of the red jungle. The wolf king at the front was two feet long and covered with black fluff. His eyes were full of fear, as if he had encountered something terrible.

A group of fist-sized blood-colored mosquitoes flew out of the dense forest. The blood-colored mosquitoes had four wings on their backs, a pair of sharp mouthparts were exposed, and there was a sharp blood-colored thorn on the tail, which looked extremely ferocious.

Dozens of blood-colored mosquitoes caught up with a black demon wolf, and an astonishing scene appeared. The black demon wolf let out a howl, quickly turned into a mummified corpse, and fell to the ground.

The blood-colored mosquitoes of the black demon wolf caught up and were sucked into mummified corpses, and the black demon wolves fell to the ground one by one.

There are as many as tens of thousands of blood-colored mosquitoes, and they are densely gathered together, like a huge cloud of blood, which makes the scalp tingle.

"Bloodthirsty mosquito! It's such a vicious insect."

Wang Qingling screamed inwardly, and quickly released the earth dragon earth, put away the pony puppet beast, and jumped on the back of earth dragon earth.

The earth dragon worm made a strange hissing sound, the body surface lit up with a yellow light, and it disappeared into the ground.

Not long after Wang Qingling escaped, the wolf king was also caught up by the bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Hundreds of bloodthirsty mosquitoes lay on the wolf king. tragic.

Hundreds of feet deep underground, Wang Qingling sat on the back of Dilong Earth, with a look of fear on his face.

If it weren't for the bloodthirsty mosquitoes being attracted by hundreds of demon wolves, it would not be easy for her to escape.

"You have to meet up with Ninth Uncle or Senior Zhang as soon as possible, or you will be in trouble if you encounter a fourth-order monster."

Wang Qingling spoke to himself, and the yellow light on the earth dragon earth body rose sharply, speeding up.


In the huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there was a deafening roar from time to time in the valley, and the ground shook non-stop, like an earthquake.

In the valley, Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong are besieging a red toad that is as big as a hill. The red toad has bulges all over its body, looks very ugly, and has a golden vertical eye on its head.

Three silver short blades slashed at the body of the red toad, and there was a muffled sound.

The red toad opened its **** mouth and spewed red fireballs the size of houses, smashing at Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong.

Just as the giant fireball approached them ten feet, the cyan Yuxiao in Lin Yuzong's hand suddenly lit up a large piece of blue light, a rushing Xiao sound suddenly sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out, the giant fireball collided with the blue sound wave, and suddenly burst Come on, the flames are scattered.

The red toad stuck out a scarlet red tongue and slapped the cyan sound wave.


The cyan sound wave burst, and a powerful air wave erupted, blowing up countless gravel, the red tongue swung left and right, and shot at Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong. All the bulges burst, and a large piece of extremely foul-smelling red liquid flew out and hit the two of them.

They swayed and avoided it with ease. The red liquid splashed on the ground, and the ground was corroded into large pits and bursts of blue smoke.

"Quick fight, this beast is only a low-level fourth-order, don't waste time on it."

Zhang Wuchen frowned and said, the jade hand patted the void, the wind whistled past, a large white hand more than ten feet long emerged out of thin air, and patted the red toad, where there was a wave of water ripples in the void. marriage.

The thick and long tongue of the red toad slapped the big white hand fiercely, and the big white hand suddenly burst open, turning into a large white mist, and two silver lights flew out without warning, hitting the forelimb of the red toad at once. , it made a miserable scream, and saw two long white spikes that fixed its forelimbs on the ground.

Yellow light flashed, a palm-sized yellow jade seal appeared on top of its head, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a lifelike yellow dragon roamed on the surface of the yellow jade seal. It was the Huanglong Seal.

Huang Longxi's radiance soared, and its body soared, turning into a yellow mountain more than 100 feet high. Before it fell, a strong sense of oppression came The red toad wanted to resist, Xiao Sheng It became low, making people feel dizzy and drowsy.

"Beasts, don't die!"

Lin Yuzong shouted loudly, and the red toad felt dizzy and heavy, as if someone had hit him with a heavy object.

The dragon roared loudly, and the Huang Longxi slammed down quickly.

Zhang Wuchen made a move with one hand, Huang Longxi quickly shrank and flew towards her. There was a huge pit on the ground, and the red toad turned into a pile of meat mud.

"The power of the Huanglong Seal is so great, it's no wonder that the real person Huang Long doesn't use it easily, it can be used as a killer."

Lin Yuzong said in an envious tone.

"Okay, let's meet up with fellow Daoist Wang! I hope they don't teleport directly to the fourth-order monster's lair like us."

Zhang Wuchen urged that their luck was not good, and they were teleported to the lair of the fourth-order monster. Fortunately, they were not far away, otherwise they would not have solved this fourth-order low-level monster so quickly.

Put away the body of the red toad and searched the contents of the monster's lair, the two of them turned into two rays of light and left here.


In an endless brown swamp, Wang Changsheng floated in mid-air, the double-eyed mouse was lying on his shoulders, and his tail swung back and forth.

Following Wang Changsheng's gaze, he could see a large purple giant flower as tall as a person. The buds of the purple giant flower were closed, but they had not yet bloomed. The blades of the grass are rhombus-shaped with some golden lines on the blades.

The wood demon moved quickly towards the giant purple flower, walking on the ground in the swamp, very fast.

"Wujincao, at least a thousand years! This is the main medicine for refining and detoxifying Xuanqing Pill."

Wang Changsheng said to himself, Xuanqing Dan is a fourth-order medicinal pill, which can cure most poisons.

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