Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1301: Small punishment Yanshui real person

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"As guests, it depends on Mrs. Lu. If Mrs. Lu wants one-on-one, then one-on-one, if Mrs. Lu wants two-on-two, then two-on-two."

Wang Changsheng said calmly, no matter which method, they are not afraid.

When they arrived at the Lu family this time, they were well prepared. You must know that there were as many as five Yuan Ying cultivators gathered at the Wang family.

"Since it's a discussion, let's do it one-on-one! The concubine also wants to experience Wang Daoyou's magical powers. This is not a place to discuss, let's go to another place!"

Lu Yongyi rolled her eyes, said with a smile, and flew into the distance.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan followed closely, and the middle-aged scholar moved his lips a few times and followed.

It didn't take long for them to land in a huge valley surrounded by mountains. The ground was sparsely vegetated and scattered with a lot of gravel, making it look a bit desolate.

A group of Lu family cultivators were practicing their techniques in the valley, and the roars continued.

"Everyone leaves here immediately. Without my permission, no one is allowed to approach this place for a hundred miles. Violators will be severely punished."

Lu Yongyi said solemnly, if the Qinglian Immortal Companion came to ask for trouble, the terrain here would be favorable for them to deal with the Qinglian Immortal Companion. The Yuanying cultivator's fighting technique caused great damage, and the low-level cultivator was hit by the aftermath of the fighting technique and would surely die.

"Yes, the ancestors." The Lu family cultivators said in unison, and left here one after another.

Wang Ruyan and the middle-aged scholar stood watching the battle from a distance, Wang Ruyan's expression was calm, and the middle-aged scholar's face was as usual, but there was a bit of worry in the depths of his eyes.

"Mrs. Lu should be careful, her fists and feet have no eyes."

Wang Changsheng solemnly reminded, smashing his hands towards the void, the sound of breaking through the air was loud, and a little blue water vapor emerged, quickly turning into a turbulent blue river, the blue river surging violently, tumbling around Wang Changsheng, with As time passed, the volume of the blue river became larger and larger.

Lu Yongyi did not dare to neglect, the blue light on her body flashed, and she slapped towards the void.

Countless water vapors emerged, turning into a blue giant palm more than ten feet long, and patted it towards the opposite side. Wherever the blue giant palm passed, the void made a muffled "humming" sound, and a wave of water ripples swayed. ripple.

Before the blue giant palm got close, a powerful smoke and dust swept in, and a powerful pressure was oncoming.

Wang Changsheng was not in a hurry, his right fist hit with a roar, and an invisible fist wind flew out.


The blue giant palm suddenly burst open, turning into a large number of blue water arrows, splashing on the ground, and dozens of dirt pits appeared on the ground.

The whistling sound was loud, and a blue tornado with a height of dozens of feet swept in. Where the blue tornado passed, the ground was torn apart, as if an earthquake, and countless gravels were involved in the blue tornado.

Wang Changsheng flipped his palm, a blue light flashed, and the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword appeared in his hand, the white light flashed, the tip of the blade turned snow-white, and there was a slight chill.

At this time, the blue tornado was less than ten feet away from Wang Changsheng, and a gust of wind swept through, making Wang Changsheng's hair flutter, and a strong sense of oppression approached him.

Lu Yongyi grabbed the void with her right hand, and a thunderous sound rang out. Countless silver arcs gushed out from her body and turned into a silver thunder spear more than five feet long. Lightning lingered throughout her body. The fist of an adult was thick and emitting a A terrifying energy fluctuation.

The Taihao Spirit Slashing Sabre in Wang Changsheng's hand slashed towards the front, and there was a "humming" sound in the void, and a white light blade more than ten feet long flew out, accurately slicing on the blue tornado.

The speed of the blue tornado slowed down, and after advancing several meters, it stopped and turned into an ice sculpture, all frozen.

The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and a silver thunder spear with a length of more than five feet suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.


A deafening thunder sounded, and a large piece of silver thunder light drowned Wang Changsheng's body, a powerful air wave swept away in all directions, and countless gravels were blown into the air.

Lu Yongyi flipped his jade hand over, white light flashed, and a white jade ruler about a foot long appeared in his hand, and the surface of the jade ruler was cold.

I saw her swaying gently, the sound of breaking through the air was loud, and the dense white ruler shadows flew out, turning into a white torrent, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

The white ruler was ten feet closer to Wang Changsheng, and a large white blade of light flew out.


The white ruler shadow was shattered by the dense white light blade slashes, unable to approach Wang Changsheng ten feet.

A deafening dragon's roar sounded, and a blue water dragon more than twenty feet long rushed out of the silver lightning, heading straight for Lu Yongyi.

The white jade ruler in Lu Yongyi's hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and a large white ruler shadow flew out, and at the same time, a trace of water vapor appeared all over the body, turning into a blue tornado dozens of meters high, sweeping towards the opposite side.

The white ruler collided with the blue water dragon, and it shattered like an egg smashing a stone.

The same is true of the blue tornado. It was torn apart by the blue water scorpion in a single encounter, and a large blue water vapor erupted.

Lu Yongyi's appearance changed, and a large silver arc emerged on the surface of the body, turning into a silver lightning spear lingering with lightning all over the body, and when she approached it, the short white ruler in her hand emitted a dazzling white light, turning into a white line of more than ten feet long. Ice python, pounced on it.

As soon as the silver thunder spear approached the blue water dragon, it was swallowed by the blue water dragon. A silver thunder light lit up on the belly of the blue water dragon, and the size of the blue water dragon shrunk a little.

The white ice python collided with the blue water dragon. The body of the blue water dragon quickly froze, but at this moment, the body of the blue water dragon suddenly burst open, turning into countless blue water arrows, rushing towards all directions.

Lu Yongyi hurriedly threw out a round blue shield, and a watery aura emerged from her body.

The dense blue water arrows hit the blue shield, and there was a muffled sound. The blue water arrows hit the ground, and suddenly huge potholes exploded, and the ground became wet.

A puddle near Lu Yongyi lit up with a blue light, and Wang Changsheng appeared, it was the Water Escape Technique.

The Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword in Wang Changsheng's hand lit up with a dazzling white light, and a piercing chill emerged. The Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword slashed towards Lu Yongyi. Lu Yongyi felt a huge mountain hit him, and his body was like a kite with a broken string. Fly out.


Lu Yongyi spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence, and her body froze at a speed visible to the naked Before long, she turned into a huge ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged scholar's heart tightened, and he quickly turned into a flash of light, flying towards Lu Yongyi.

At this moment, after a rapid sound of the pipa, a dense blue light blade spurted out, blocking the middle-aged scholar's way.

"Since it's a pair of everything, it's better for fellow Daoist Lu not to interfere."

Wang Ruyan smiled and said with a smile that was not a smile.

Before the huge ice sculpture that Lu Yongyi had made landed, a large silver arc appeared, and the ice layer suddenly shattered, and Lu Yongyi regained her freedom.

At this moment, a blue fist that was more than ten feet in size flew towards Lu Yongyi.

Lu Yongyi flew out again, spewing a mouthful of blood again, and smashed into the steep rock wall, sinking her body into the rock wall.

The alarm sounded loudly, and ten alchemy cultivators flew from a distance, all holding a blue-light flashing flag in their hands, their faces full of alertness.

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