Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1297: The return of Qinglian Xianlu

"Top of Qinglian (

To say it is a good thing, the Wang family is equal to an extra cultivator of Nascent Soul. It is said to be a hidden danger. If Ye Haitang allows the ghosts to kill, the Wang family will also be unlucky.

Wang Qingshan wanted to find out more about the origin of this Nascent Soul ghost. Ye Haitang left Qinglian Island for more than 30 years, and actually got back a ghost from the Nascent Soul.

You must know that Ye Haitang is only at the stage of forming an elixir, and there is no guarantee that one day, the ghost will lose control and destroy Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang seemed to have long known that Wang Qingshan was coming, the courtyard door was open, and she was sitting in the stone pavilion drinking tea.

"Cousin Qingshan, come in and talk!"

Ye Haitang's face was calm, she had long known that Wang Qingshan would come.

Wang Qingshan walked in and sat down opposite Ye Haitang.

"Cousin Haitang, what's the matter with that ghost? You are only in the elixir stage, can you control a ghost in the Nascent Soul stage? The more monks it kills and the stronger its strength, the greater the threat it poses to you. , if you lose control, you'll be in trouble."

Wang Qingshan's face was solemn, and anyone could hear the concern in his words.

Ye Haitang gave a wry smile and recounted the whole story.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I can't blame you, but you'd better not let her out, otherwise it will be troublesome if she loses control. Let's wait until the ninth uncle and ninth aunt come back! Maybe they have a solution."

Wang Qingshan sighed and said, Ye Haitang signed the co-birth spell with the ghosts, and if the ghosts were destroyed, Ye Haitang would also die. Wang Qingshan didn't know how to unlock the co-birth spell.

Ye Haitang nodded, why didn't she know! It's just that in that situation, she had no other choice.

After chatting for a while, Wang Qingshan said goodbye and left.

He returned to his residence, took out a blue jade slip, and stuck it between his eyebrows.

What is recorded in the jade slip is the "Qinglian Sword Sutra". This set of exercises was created by a monk named Qinglian Zhenjun. This person's tone is very crazy, and he has no talent for kendo. Don't practice this exercise, so as not to give him shame.

Wang Qingshan's consciousness was immersed in it, and it didn't take long for his face to show an expression of interest.

The "Qinglian Sword Sutra" is indeed different from the kendo exercises he has seen before, which is understandable. Kendo is known as invincible at the same level, so naturally it is not that easy to practice.

This aroused Wang Qingshan's competitive spirit, and he comprehended the "Qinglian Sword Sutra".

Three months passed quickly.

A huge lion peng beast appeared high in the sky and flew towards Qinglian Island quickly.

It didn't take long for the Lion Peng Beast to slow down and stop in mid-air.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingling, and Wang Qiuming were all anxious. They heard about the family's attack on the road, but they didn't know the death and injury of the family.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan token, the cyan light flashed, and a cyan light flew out, submerging into the Qinglian Island, and the lion peng beast slapped its wings fiercely, speeding up the speed.

After entering Qinglian Island, Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw a large number of people building the outer city.

"The ancestors are back."

Wang Changsheng and his party soon appeared in the meeting room. Murong Bo knew that Wang Changsheng had a lot to deal with, so he found a reason to retire.

Wang Mengfen and others came to the council hall one after another to report to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan how the family was attacked.

"Where's Ji Yu! Although he made an unintentional mistake, if Meng Fen hadn't discovered the abnormality in time, I'm afraid our family would have caused even greater losses, and even wiped out the clan, just locked up? Abolish the identity of Shibaying?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, if Wang Mengfen didn't notice anything abnormal and let the two Nascent Soul monks enter the inner city, even if Fairy Ziyue made a move, it would be impossible to stop them. Great formation of guardians.

They were able to block the enemy, and a big reason was that Fairy Ziyue used the formation to inflict heavy damage on Master Huangsha, and Zhao Meier took action to destroy Master Huangsha and entangled Jin Yu.

If the formation is broken, and the five Nascent Souls will attack together, even if Fairy Ziyue can stop the other party, Wang Qingshan will not be able to successfully form a baby.

Wang Mengfen and others looked at each other, Wang Qingqi was the third-order alchemist in the clan, and Wang Jiyu was the highest level of alchemy among many second-order alchemists in the family. They all hoped that Wang Jiyu would play a greater role, and it was also in Wang Qingqi's face.

You know, among so many descendants of Wang Qingqi, Wang Jiyu is the best.

"Qingqi, tell me your opinion! Ji Yu is your descendant, but he almost caused a catastrophe. Not every time, our luck is so good."

Wang Ruyan looked at Wang Qingqi and asked.

Wang Qingqi took a deep breath and said, "Nine uncles and nine aunts, Ji Yu is my most beloved grandson, and it's because of my lax teaching, I have it, the crime he committed this time is too great, my nephew thinks that Ji Yu can't stay, a warning to all the clansmen."

From the very beginning, Wang Qingqi did not plan to keep Wang Jiyu. Wang Jiyu's crime was too great. If he didn't get it right, the Wang family would be wiped out.

"If you can think this way, that's the best thing. The merits and demerits cannot be equalized. If he makes mistakes, he should be killed, but the merit points accumulated should be left to future generations! Just forgive me, if others make mistakes, don’t they have to forgive me too? Even if our descendants make, they will be punished severely. The family is not a family of one person, but a family of all people. "

Wang Changsheng's tone was serious, if he spared Wang Jiyu this time, how would the other clansmen be punished next time?

Wang Qingqi sighed lightly. He worked hard to cultivate Wang Jiyu, but he didn't expect that he would fold himself in because of female sex.

"Okay, you all go down!"

Wang Ruyan waved his hand and asked Wang Mengfen and others to retreat.

"Hey, if we'd come back sooner, this wouldn't have happened."

Wang Changsheng sighed, with a hint of remorse in his tone.

"I can't blame you for this. We stayed in the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie to dispel the suspicions of Jiuyou Sect. If Jiuyou Sect suspects us and takes the opportunity to attack, our losses will be even greater."

Wang Ruyan comforted, Wang Changsheng couldn't have predicted the prophet, assuming that Jiuyouzong knew that they were murderers, he would definitely send someone to attack Qinglian Island, and their return to the South China Sea was equivalent to throwing themselves into the net. After so many years, Jiuyouzong could not find Wang's family. Could it be that Jiuyouzong did not attack the three strongholds of the Wang family back then? Or is it that Jiuyouzong's enemies in the South China Sea are not only the Wang family? Couldn't find the Wang family for a while?

After this battle, other forces will have to weigh in against the Wang family.

In a short time, they will not leave Qinglian Island. When Wang Qingshan consolidates his cultivation, the strength of the Wang family will become stronger and stronger. To put it bluntly, what the Wang family needs now is time and temperature.

"Husband, this time Junior Sister Tian sacrificed a lot for our family. We owe her too much. If it wasn't for her, our family would have been more fortunate this time. I think you should marry Junior Sister Tian!"

Wang Ruyan suggested that Fairy Ziyue almost lost her life, even if Zhang Wuchen came out later, Fairy Ziyue would surely die.

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