"Even the most basic etiquette can't be considered. If he commits such a mistake, if he can't come back in time, he will be punished." The old man said coldly, "Miss Yuan is an outsider, even if he did it. No, it's not our turn to say."

The two elders would never take the initiative to ask Yuan Keqingchu to come back again and again.

Although they didn't mention it, Yuan Keqing would come.

It is absolutely impossible for them to invite them on their own initiative.

"But now, Miss Yuan hasn't married into Wei's family. You don't want her to accompany her parents to filial piety, and come to our house early to celebrate the festival." The old man said, "Pass it out and let outsiders know. I think our family is domineering. Before people enter the door, they are not allowed to spend the New Year at their own daughters. It is clear that our family is part of the duty, but we are given an unreasonable hat. It's a big mess, isn't it wronged?"

"Not only that, but I also feel that Miss Yuan is too eager to cheat on the Wei family. She hasn't married yet, and even her parents can't take care of her." The old lady said, "No matter what it is, it's not easy to be said. ."

The old lady sternly said, "Ke Li, you are not young anymore. When you didn’t come just now, when you heard your mother and grandma talk about your job, they all said that your business is doing well now. I think you have made progress. You can do a good job at work, and you have to take care of these common sense of etiquette in private."

Wei Keri came here today with high spirits, but he didn't expect that, because Yuan Keqing came with him, the two elders were unhappy again.

Originally, Wei Keri felt that the two elders had a prejudice against him.

No matter how well he did, the two elders would never admit him.

But just now, the old lady said that she knew he was doing well at work.

Although he didn't say any compliments, these words are undoubtedly an affirmation of him.

This made Wei Keri tremble uncontrollably with excitement.

He clenched his fists and restrained himself.

Therefore, Wei Keri thought, the two elders are actually satisfied with his work ability now.

The dissatisfaction of the two elders is aimed at Yuan Keqing.

Perhaps, he really shouldn't bring Yuan Keqing over today.

He didn't think much about it.

It was Yuan Keqing who kept telling him that he has made achievements in his business now and he can return to his old house vigorously.

Let those who look down on them know that they are all wrong.

Let those people know that no matter which aspect, Wei Keri's choice will not be wrong.

At that time, he saw that Yuan Keqing was so happy for him, thinking that Yuan Keqing had also been wronged in the Wei family.

Seeing Yuan Keqing so naturally saying that they came back together, it was as if they were returning home.

Wei Keri agreed without much thought.

I also feel that it is quite natural for the two to come back together.

Moreover, even though Yuan Keqing was wronged in the Wei family, he still did not go home to file a complaint.

Otherwise, even with the exchange of conditions mentioned by Wei Zhijian before, it would still be a bit difficult for the Yuan family to invest in him.

But forgot, although Yuan Keqing is now his fiancée, she is not yet a husband and wife.

It was unreasonable to throw his parents to Wei's house for the so-called reunion dinner on New Year's Eve.

Yuan Keqing has no relations with the Wei family. Where are the members from?

Wei Keri couldn't help thinking, if Yuan Keqing hadn't come, would he not be blamed by the two elders?

The second elder would only praise him for doing a good business?

Praise that he is indeed capable?

It was just because Yuan Keqing was there and because this matter was not handled well, so his business success was obliterated because of Yuan Keqing.

Wei Keri has no other thoughts now, only angry with Yuan Keqing.

Had it not been for Yuan Keqing's initiative to follow along, such unpleasantness would not have happened today.

Could Yuan Keqing couldn't even think of such a simple thing?

No, Yuan Keqing would definitely want it.

But she put herself in front of him.

In Yuan Keqing's heart, she herself always ranked first.

Therefore, Yuan Keqing didn't care about his interests at all, knowing that the two elders would not wait to see her, but even wanted to follow Wei Kerli.

Wei Keri thought to himself, that Yuan Keqing was always gentle and considerate before, putting him first in everything.

Always consider him.

How did it become like this now?

Not daring to annoy the two elders anymore, Wei Keri still wants to get some support from Wei's house again through his outstanding performance in business.

"It's kind, I'll take you back first." Wei Keri said.

Of course Yuan Keqing was unwilling, "But, my parents must have already started eating there. They all know that I'm here, so I'll go back like this..."

What a shame.

Yuan Keqing certainly couldn't say this.

"They don't even know that I will go back, and they won't wait for me. When I go back, they might have finished their meal."

But this time, Wei Keri said nothing would be left to Yuan Keqing, "How can the New Year's Eve dinner be finished so quickly. I will take you home first, and I will bring you here tomorrow."

Yuan Keqing was reluctant.

Wei Keri sank his face and said in a low voice: "I remember you used to be particularly sensible, always thinking about me. Why is it now?"

"Okay, I'm leaving." Yuan Keqing said goodbye to the old man with tears in his eyes, and went out with Wei Keri.

On the way from the main hall to the door, Yuan Keqing thought about it.

In this matter, she can give in temporarily.

It's not because of Wei Keri.

But the two elders were determined and she knew that she would never be able to stay.

That's why he gave in.

But here in Wei Keri, she definitely can't say that.

Out of the door of the old house.

After getting in the car, Yuan Keqing said, "Brother Keri, I have endured this grievance today for you. You just said that I always think about you, so you know."

Wei Keri turned his head to look at Yuan Keqing, and he didn't quite understand what Yuan Keqing meant.

Yuan Keqing said with moist eyes: "But, Brother Keri, I always think about you, and I will be tired, and I hope you can think about me for a while."

"All the time, I have been thinking about you, considering your success or failure, and worrying about your mood. So that I completely ignore my uncomfortable pain, I have to endure my grievances, and I am completely lost of myself." Yuan Keqing Looking at Wei Keri, "Brother Keri, maybe once, you can think of me too."

Wei Keri was softened by what she said, and thought of Yuan Keqing's goodness again.

Thinking that Yuan Keqing had suffered too many grievances and was eager to get affirmation from her elders.

"Don't worry, I won't make you wronged." Wei Keri said nicely, but he didn't need to be responsible for good words anyway.

"Today I will take you home first, and tomorrow morning, I will pick you up for the New Year's greetings." Wei Keri said, "The second old man also said, Tan Mo is not here today, and will come to visit the New Year tomorrow. She can, so can you. You Coming tomorrow, no one can say anything, neither can the two elders."

What Yuan Keqing wanted was his words.

She was worried before, because of the attitude of the second elder, even tomorrow, Wei Keri did not intend to let her come.

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