"I have experienced many things like this. In fact, I am not surprised. I can treat it with a very ordinary mentality. I never think that a character must belong to me."

"However, I have already entered the group and filmed ten scenes, but I was suddenly told that I don't need to film anymore. Someone will come for me. I have never encountered such a thing."

"I asked why I suddenly replaced me. Why did I perform badly? I didn't dare to say how good my acting skills were, but I still passed the test. I also got the grades of outstanding graduates from Guodian."

"Of course, no one in the crew answered my question, only that there is a more suitable candidate than me. And this candidate is Yuan Keqing. I didn't even know it after the fact. But I was still in the crew. Before I had time to pack up and leave, Yuan Keqing was already on the crew. The makeup artist only removed my hair, and before I had time to remove the makeup, he went to make makeup for Yuan Keqing."

"So, did Yuan Keqing take my role? Yes! Did Yuan Keqing bring money into the group? I'm not sure. Did I get out of the car because of bad acting? No! Even if I really can't act Well, it is better than Yuan Keqing!"

"After the accident, my agent received a call from Yuan Keqing's agent." Guo Saisai thought, and he stood up to speak anyway, it would be better to hammer Yuan Keqing to death and avenge himself.

Moreover, she also knew that Tan Mo Neng must have had an affair with Yuan Keqing when he came to her for this matter.

Maybe, the "I'm a trumpet, don't ask anymore" was found by Tanmo.

That being the case, how about she just stand in line and talk about ink?

Anyway, she is about to join Tanmo's crew.

It's better to have a good relationship with Tanmo, and then rely on your own efforts to win your permanent role in "Broken Continent" as much as possible.

Now I told everything I knew, without any concealment, without any scruples, and completely hammered Yuan Keqing to death.

She has given Tan Mo a name.

Since it is destined to have a fight with Yuan Ke.

She said one less thing at this time and concealed it for Yuan Keqing, and Yuan Keqing would not be grateful to her either.

"Yuan Keqing’s agent asked me to come out and say that Yuan Keqing’s robbing of the show was nothing, and said that as long as I cooperate with Yuan Keqing, then she can also give me another play and let me act as a girl who is very important. Two." Guo Saisai said in the article, "but I refused."

"I can find the role by myself. I have been in the industry for so many years. As long as it is my role, I earnestly complete it. I do my best as an actor, and I still have a good reputation. Although I never thought about agreeing to Yuan Keqing. Conditions, but out of distrust of Yuan Ke’s love character, my agent still asked carefully, what book do they plan to give me, what name? What role? Who is the director?"

"But in the face of these questions from my agent, none of Yuan Keqing's agent can answer." Guo Saisai said, "Is this really trying to introduce me to the show? It's nothing more than drawing a pie for me and deceiving me. First come out and tell the lie, to lie to everyone, to prove that Yuan Keqing did not take my role. After she is all right, she still cares whether I have a film?"

"Moreover, even if she really introduces me, I won't agree. She obviously robbed me of my role and kicked me out of the crew. In the end, I had to cover her up. Why!" Guo Saisai said, "Today, I have to tell everything. If Yuan Keqing has the ability to block me, let her block me! Just so, let the netizens see her face!"

"I didn't mess with her before, so she came to grab my role. If I grabbed my role, let me speak for her. If I don't agree, I will block me. Who did I provoke?" Guo Saisai said "If I really don’t have any filming or appear on the screen in the future, I would be blocked by Yuan Keqing. Please remember what I said today."

"If I can still meet everyone on the screen, and luckily I am not blocked by her, then I must thank everyone who supports me."

"Sincerely, Guo Saisai."

Netizens patiently read Guo Saisai's long article.

"Now the parties have come out to beat, what else can Yuan Keqing have to say?"

"Awesome, a newcomer who has never acted before can grab a role directly."

"Bring money into the team, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Without the small transparency of the backstage, you can only suffer."

"This time someone broke the news first, so Guo Saisai came out. In addition, Yuan Keqing wanted to let Guo Saisai be bullied, and he had to help Yuan Keqing speak in turn. This allowed Guo Saisai to come out and hammer directly. She's gone."

"Yeah, if no one breaks the news, Guo Saisai will probably suffer from this boring loss. After all, there are so many things like this in the entertainment industry. Without the little transparency of the backstage, you can only shrink your neck and recognize it. If you dare to directly Come out, I'm afraid that Yuan Keqing will use means to stumble her. If Yuan Keqing can grab a role from her, he can grab other roles. To put it bluntly, Yuan Keqing can't get any big names. Yes, it is quite easy to grab Guo Saisai."

When Yuan Keqing and Meng Fanzhen went on Weibo to see how things fermented, they suddenly saw that Guo Saisai was on the hot search.

[Guo Saisai responded to being robbed]

Yuan Keqing is still weird. Why did Guo Saisai post on Weibo first without replying to her?

I don't know what Guo Saisai said.

Yuan Keqing felt that Guo Saisai would not reject her with a high probability.

Guo Saisai must either remain silent or speak for her.

If she came out to hammer her, it would not be good for Guo Saisai.

She can **** Guo Saisai's role once, and she can **** it again and again.

She doesn't bother to play the second female role, so she can let others play it in exchange for something more for herself.

With such a confident mentality, Yuan Keqing clicked on this hot search to see what Guo Saisai said.

But when she finishes reading, the whole person is not good.

Yuan Keqing hurriedly contacted Meng Fanzhen, "How did you tell Guo Saisai? Look at what she said on Weibo!"

Meng Fanzhen still wants to complain about Yuan Keqing.

"I just followed what you said and told her." Meng Fanzhen said, "Her agent also asked me, just like what Guo Saisai said in the article, what kind of play, what role and what is going to be given to her? The director filmed it. This...you didn't intend to be free..."

Meng Fanzhen hurriedly swallowed the "Empty Glove White Wolf" that he had just planned to export, and changed her words: "Aren't you going to make a wish for her first? So there is no arrangement to give her a book."

"I can only say that it is hard to find a good book now, and it is impossible to take it out immediately, but as long as you have a good book, you must give it to her. I guess they don't believe this, thinking you are lying to them."

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