Tan Mo returned to the dormitory with his class schedule and books.

Xin said that Professor Tang was able to directly give her sophomore courses without understanding her knowledge, which was considered as confident in her.

On the first day of school, there was no delay in talking about Mo, so I went to Professor Gu with her translated text.

"So fast!" Professor Gu was also a little surprised, Tan Mo's efficiency is not generally high.

Professor Gu can even recite these contents back and forth, naturally knowing which part is more difficult.

Professor Gu looked through the words that were difficult to read and the places that were difficult to translate.

Extremely accurate!

Tanmo is very meticulous.

She first translated the original text verbatim into modern simplified characters.

Then, under each line of the sentence, it was translated into modern vernacular with a smaller font size.

The sentences in classical Chinese are short, and one word can often represent one word or more.

After being translated into vernacular, a sentence is obviously longer.

So talk about it one sentence and one line, and follow the translation below.

When she printed it out, there was a lot more paper, and she held a thick pile in her hand.

But it is also clearer.

Just from her sorting out like this, we can see that Tan Mo is really taken care of.

Professor Gu nodded while watching: "Yes, I really didn't expect you to finish it so fast."

"This Gu Li..." Professor Gu asked with a smile, "You don't know all of them, do you? Didn't you check the information?"

Otherwise, just the corresponding fonts will be time-consuming.

"I have a good memory, and I still remember it." Tan Mo was also humble.

Professor Gu: "..."

This is not bad.

This little girl didn't know if she was really humble or irritating.

"Do you still have classes later?" Professor Gu glanced at the time.

"Nothing." Tan Mo shook his head.

Only after making sure that the time is very empty, I came to Professor Gu.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the research institute." Professor Gu got up, still holding the textbook translated by Tanmo in his hand.

"Professor Gu, let me get it." Tan Mo stretched out his hand.

A thick stack, which is quite heavy.

Professor Gu smiled, not polite, and gave Tanmo the stack of translated texts.

"The current research project of my team is to organize ancient documents of China into volumes and translate the books." On the way, Professor Gu introduced, "There are too many ancient documents in my country, not limited to paper documents. In papermaking Before the surgery, pottery, bronze, tortoise shells, animal bones, cloth silk, bamboo slips, etc., were all used as writing materials."

"Not to mention that in some archaeological discoveries, some are written on walls and stones, and some are carved on. Although the writing is not so complete due to the erosion of the years, it is a little bit recognizable, and maybe you can find some clues. Piece together the little bits of history."

"These materials are in our collection!" Professor Gu said.

Professor Gu didn't use multiple voices, but Tan Mo could already feel the vastness of this project.

Once completed, this is a great contribution to human civilization!

"Our research actually cooperates with the Department of History. They are responsible for sorting out, and we are responsible for sorting out and translating them." Professor Gu said, "This small part of the Liye Qinjian for you to complete this time as an assessment In fact, it is also within the scope of our planning."

Looking at the books in Mo’s hand, Professor Gu smiled: “Although this is an assessment for you, you have also helped us and reduced our workload.”

To talk about Mo's efficiency and accuracy, Professor Gu had to pull her into his research team.

Following Professor Gu into their research room, here is completely different from what Tan Mo imagined.

I thought everyone was doing research in small rooms.

But I didn't want to, it was very lively.

Stacks of books are placed on the bookshelves one by one, and the bookshelves are labeled with various colors.

Tanmo didn't take a closer look, so I don't know what each label means.

In the middle of the research room, there are four whiteboards about the size of a sixty or seventy-inch TV screen, forming a square.

Sheets of A4 paper are being fixed on the whiteboard with magnetic nails.

Printed on the paper are all kinds of ancient fonts scanned and copied.

"Found it!" A girl yelled joyfully, took one of the papers off the whiteboard, and then recorded something on the paper, and finally recorded it on the computer.

"Professor Gu, talk about Mo!" Wang Yuemu spotted them first and hurried over.

Others don't just put down their work in the first place.

Instead, first choose to finish what you want to do.

Then, they stopped one by one and looked over.

"Talk about ink?" Everyone kept their eyes on the little girl beside Professor Gu.

The little girl was pure and unassuming.

Ordinary jeans have holes in both knees.

But they are there, no matter boys or girls, who haven't had a few holes in their jeans yet.

The upper body is a short-sleeved floral pattern with white background, with drawstrings on the cuffs and the middle of the front of the hundred.

As soon as the rope twitched, the wrinkles came out, and a short section of the waist was exposed.

The orange-red broken flower called her skin whiter, and the broken flower also called it more colorful.

Although only a small section was revealed, it was a glimpse of surprise.

"I will introduce you to everyone." Professor Gu walked in with a smile, "In the future, Tan Mo will join our team and complete the compilation and translation of ancient documents with us."

Professor Gu waited for a while, intending to wait for someone to raise objections, and then take out the texts translated by Tanmo.

In the end, everyone looked at Tanmo curiously as if they were looking at a panda, but no one raised any objections.

At this time, a girl finally raised her hand.

Tan Mo saw that it was the senior sister who had just removed a piece of paper from the whiteboard.

"Professor." The girl said, "Senior Sister Wang said, you gave some of the contents of the Liye Qinjian to Tanmo, let her translate, and then you will bring her over. Then you brought her over today, is she finished? "

Professor Gu smiled and glanced at Wang Yuemu.

"I said that these little guys today are so good, and they are not arrogant anymore. It turns out that you explained to them in advance." Otherwise, some people will definitely be dissatisfied.

"Since Talking Mo wants to join, everyone will be partners in the future. It is better to get along with each other happily and work together. There is friction at the beginning, even if you explain it clearly later, if there is still a gap in your heart, it will not be good for everyone's work." Wang Pleasantly explained.

Professor Gu smiled and nodded.

Wang Yuemu has prestige and the right to speak in this team.

He just took a fancy to Wang Yuemu as long as it was about academic research, he would definitely be single-minded and try to get rid of anything that is not conducive to his work.

With Wang Yuemu here, their team has become more united.

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