Jinbei took the opportunity to jump in front of Luffy, "Wake up Luffy...!

The magma on Akainu's body became more and more violent, and Marco, who turned into a blue flame, was shocked and retreated.

"The battle isn't over yet!"

"Take Ace's younger brother away, Jinbei!"

Jinbei took Luffy and fled to the rear.

"The straw hat's life is exactly Ace's will to live!"

The blue flame on Marco is getting stronger and stronger!

"We must protect him in place of Ace!"

"It would be a shame for our Whitebeard Pirates to let him die!"

The Whitebeard Pirates roared loudly!

Akainu said angrily: "I should have said that neither of the two brothers can escape!"

The terrifying magma continued to expand and exploded, and Marko stepped back several steps!

Akainu rushed towards Jinping frantically, "Straw Hat Boy!!!"

At this moment, a sharp knife light shone on Akainu's face, and Akainu's expression froze on his face!

The terrifying machete hit the ground, and the huge white-bearded figure stood behind Akainu!

Akainu's body became stiff, and his face became fearful.

Akainu just turned around, and Whitebeard's expression was so gloomy!

Whitebeard's eyes suddenly became hideous, his terrifying fist was raised, and the terrifying shock fruit energy spurted out!

The terrifying white energy directly smashed the red dog into the ground, and the terrifying hurricane blew toward the surrounding!

The energy has been compressing downwards, the surrounding ground is shattered layer by layer, and Whitebeard's face is full of anger!

Akainu didn't even have the courage to resist, and was smashed into the crack of the ground!

"Dad is angry!!!"

"Everyone, get out of here!!!"

The entire battlefield has been trembling violently, and billowing smoke is constantly spreading around!

Akainu was smashed with blood all over his face!

Whitebeard jumped up, and a terrifying **** immediately appeared on his feet.

With a terrifying kick, he stepped on it with violent energy, and Akainu rolled out like a ball, only to escape Whitebeard's shocking blow!

The terrifying kick immediately sank the ground!

Akainu's forehead has been dripping with cold sweat!

Whitebeard raised his foot and burst, raised his knife and charged at the embarrassed Akainu again.

The giant machete slashed straight down, and the Akagi rolled again in embarrassment before hiding, and the terrifying knife touched the ground, instantly causing a thick smoke.

After Akainu stabilized his body, he raised all his strength, and the terrifying strength rushed towards his right hand, and billowing magma immediately appeared on his right hand!

One after another, the magma fists attacked Whitebeard. Whitebeard did not dodge at all, and rushed forward directly, letting the terrible magma fists hit him.

Akainu slowly stood up and charged towards Whitebeard. Even a few punches were easily blocked by Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's terrifying punch sent Akainu flying upside down, and he threw his legs upside down.

Whitebeard slowly walked towards Akainu, who was lying on the ground crying and wailing, the blood on his face looked extremely embarrassed.

Whitebeard raised his fist and was about to hit it. Akainu's eyes became sharp, and he mobilized the strength of his whole body, and terrifying magma spurted out.

"Mighty Dog!!!"

The magma gradually turned into a dog's head and hit Whitebeard directly!

The terrifying strong wind spreads all around!

"Dad!!!" Marco shouted in surprise.

A terrifying flame immediately burned on Whitebeard, and a look of pain appeared on Whitebeard's face.

Whitebeard knelt on one knee on the ground, Akainu looked at Whitebeard with blood on his face.

"go to hell!!!"

The terrifying ghost dog kept burning on Whitebeard.

Ace's figure kept flashing in Whitebeard's mind, and Whitebeard's eyes suddenly became firmer, shrouded in firelight.

Clenching his fists, the terrifying big hand directly grabbed the collar of Akainu through the fire, and Akainu's expression became frightened.

Whitebeard slowly stood up straight and lifted the Akainu directly.

Throwing the red dog directly into the sky, with a fist clenched, an earth-shattering terrifying force appeared on the fist.

A punch hit Akainu, and the space in front of Akainu shattered like a spider web!

Akainu's body seemed to be split into countless pieces, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out of Akainu's mouth.

The entire terrain was cracked into countless pieces, and the terrifying force cracked the entire Admiralty.

The space has been shattering, unable to reunite for a long time, and with the violent shout of Whitebeard, the terrifying power spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Sengoku resisted the terrifying hurricane with his hands, and watched the already unrecognizable Marin Fando become even more messed up!

The terrain keeps separating, and the terrifying power is on display!

"The Naval Headquarters is collapsing!"

Akainu's whole face had a painful expression, and the whole person fell into the crack of the ground along the split terrain.

"Bastard! Whitebeard!!!"

Countless sea soldiers fell into the cracks in the ground, the terrifying power is really like the power of the gods!

"Have you stopped?"

"Where's Dad!!!"

I saw Whitebeard standing opposite them, and the terrifying power completely separated the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates!


One Piece World

"Whitebeard's strength is really terrifying, it turned the entire naval headquarters into ruins," Sengoku smashed his fist on the table and stood up angrily!

"Warring States, I'm in a very bad mood right now, you'd better not mess with me!"

A cold voice came from Garp's mouth.

Whitebeard Pirates

"Dad did a good job, and finally gave out a bad breath for the Whitebeard Pirates, that Akainu is too hateful!"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates cheered enthusiastically.

And Skuard cried with a headache, "Why is my future self so stupid, let Ace die, and Dad is also in danger~www.novelmt.com~ It's all my fault!"

Whitebeard looked at the screen, "I'm really old, and time is not forgiving. I actually let those little devils push me to that point, and I haven't been able to save my stupid son's life."

Naruto World

Nagato was stunned when he saw that Whitebeard's punch on the screen changed the terrain in an instant.

"Damn that Akainu, the power of that white beard is indeed terrifying. Let's observe for a while to see if these powerhouses will come to our ninja world."

Nagato's low voice came slowly.


"The square is divided into two, and the pirates are on the opposite side," said the navy in surprise.

"Completely isolated from Daddy, Daddy!!!"

The cries of the pirates came from the opposite side.

"My stomach was burnt through, yet there is still such a strong power," said Sengoku in surprise.

"It's still a long way off!"

A terrifying power swayed from Whitebeard's body again, and waves of hurricanes slowly rose around Whitebeard.

"Then I will be your opponent."

"Let the horses come!"

The navy rushed towards Whitebeard frantically!

The terrifying power of Whitebeard made countless navies fly upside down!

Tears streamed down Marko's cheeks, "Everyone aboard!"

All the pirates retreated towards the pirate ship under Marco's order.

Whitebeard danced a terrifying machete and fought a mortal duel with an astonishing number of navy!

"Father, please allow my willfulness and let me watch you on a ride!"

Looking at the sky full of navy, terrifying white energy erupted from Whitebeard's machete.

Go down with a knife, like a meteor across the sky!

The entire sky is directly divided into two! ! !

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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