Sengoku looked at the onslaught pirates in disbelief, "Can just such a brat increase the number of soldiers?"

"Luffy!!" Garp worried.

"But it won't have any impact on the battle. Don't panic, and act according to the instructions."

Sengoku commanded the battle with a wave of his hand!

Whitebeard grinned, "The **** in the Warring States period, is he saying that there is no need to observe the execution time with the pirates?"

Marco with a blue flame landed next to Whitebeard, "Dad, it is said that the marines have been notified of Ace's advance action."

"Don't panic, let's accidentally hear this kind of mistake, that guy in the Warring States period can't make it," Whitebeard laughed.

When the pirates were attacking, suddenly a golden light smashed over, Boom!

Someone was blown away immediately!

"Flash Kick!!"

The golden light flashed, and a terrifying figure appeared, "You've lost your mind, how could it be possible for you to break through!"

"It's General Yellow Monkey!"

Luffy rushes towards here!

Looking at Luffy, Kizaru said: "If we don't catch you, the Tianlong people will come to bother us every day, Luffy the straw hat boy."

Kizaru exuded a terrifying aura, raised his right foot, the golden light on his foot shone, and the entire naval headquarters was trembling!

Luffy looked at it at a glance, the sky was full of golden light, extremely terrifying!

"The straw hat boy will die!"

At this moment, Ivankov rushed out, "Death wink!"

The terrifying impact directly sent Luffy flying out, escaping the catastrophe! The terrifying golden light directly caused a terrifying explosion, the momentum was terrifying, and the smoke was billowing!

Luffy also escaped the catastrophe!

"Straw hat boy, are you alright!"

"It's dangerous, thank you, little Ivan!"

Another golden light appeared, and the sky was full of gold!

Ivankov was shocked: "Is it Kizaru again? No... not right!"


I saw the king's Qiwu Haibasuojun Mixiong appear, the golden light in his mouth shone, and the entire sky of the seal was a golden color.

A terrifying golden light shot towards Ivankov, "Rotating beauty!!"

Evakov's whole body spun up, dodging several terrifying golden light attacks!

The rumbling sound of the explosion is endless!

"Basuo-kun Mixiong, you are going too far. Although you are the king of Qiwuhai, you can't shoot such a dangerous laser at my old friend!"

Before Ivankov finished speaking, another golden light shot from the side, and a terrifying explosion came from behind.

"Little Ivan!!"

"Don't worry about me, leave it to me here, go away!!"

Luffy had to answer, "I see!"

Luffy was frantically blocked by the navy, and Luffy used the speed of second gear to quickly rush towards Ace.

The King's Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria laughed frantically, "Straw Hat Luffy, you are still so imposing!"

"Come out, zombie soldiers!!"

Zombie soldiers crawled out of the ground one by one, "Go, tear up my straw hat Luffy!"

Luffy saw the zombie soldiers rushing towards him, "Moonlight Moriah? Here comes a troublesome guy!!"

One Piece World

"Why didn't Luffy see us," Usopp, Sanji and others looked for their figures everywhere.

"Don't we go to the battlefield? How is it possible, how can our Straw Hat Pirates let the head of the team take the risk alone?"

Sanji couldn't believe it!


Luffy is also stunned!

Whitebeard Pirates, "Is this kid quite imposing, a bit interesting!!"

"Ace's brother is very good!" Marco laughed.

Ace smiled, "Luffy is like this, he still hasn't changed at all in the future!!"

There were bursts of laughter from the Whitebeard Pirates!

Dragon Ball World

Wukong smiled, "The powerhouses in this world are very interesting, and I have never seen all kinds of abilities, very interesting!"

Frieza looked unhappy, "These weak people can be on the list, why didn't this emperor be on this list!"

Jie Wang Xing, Jie Wang looked at the screen with a smile on his face, "The power of another world is very interesting, so the world is so big!"

And Beerus, the God of Destruction, just ate a dessert, "This list has been on the list for so long, and I haven't seen a decent powerhouse. I'll go to sleep first, and there are interesting powerhouses appearing for my attention. Down."

death world

Aizen looked at the screen with a smile on his face, "The abilities of this other world are quite similar to ours, and the abilities of that general Aokiji are quite similar to those of Toushiro, but they are probably compared to my ten blades... "

Ichigo climbed on the school table, "This video list has been around for so long, why isn't it over yet, will there be a false appearance next time!"

Luffy dodged left and right to avoid the attack of the zombie soldiers, but the strength of these zombie soldiers was really good, and Luffy was already scarred!

And the number of zombie soldiers is still increasing!

"Yes, this is the battlefield, there are as many zombie soldiers as there are dead people!!" said Moonlight Moriah.

Countless admiral-level navies also rushed towards Luffy!

Luffy fought the navy desperately, and he didn't know how many knives he had been cut, but he still insisted on gritting his teeth.

Ace's eyes were already round, "Don't come here, Luffy!"

"You should understand, you and I are both pirates", we should have sailed freely on the sea! "

"I have my adventures!"

"I have my companion!"

"You have no reason to take care of my business!"

"A coward like you came to save me!"

"Do you think I'll allow it?"

"There is nothing more disgraceful than this!"

"Go back quickly, Luffy!!"

"Why are you here!"

Ace screamed in pain!

"Please, UU reading Luffy, I don't want to implicate you!!"

Luffy's entire face turned hideous!

"I'm your brother!!"

Ace's tears were already rolling in his eyes, and the image of the two of them sworn for the first time when they were children appeared in his mind!

"Luffy, after drinking this bowl of sworn wine, we are brothers!"

The two little people held up two bowls and touched each other!

"This way we will be brothers from now on!"

The villain in his mind overlapped with Luffy in the battlefield, and Ace was extremely painful.

"He did say just now that it's his younger brother. Could it be that he is also Roger's..."

Luffy rushed and said, "The rules of pirates are none of my business!"

"I will save you even if I die!!"

"Why don't you understand!!"

Suddenly a burst of turbulent sea water rushed towards the face, and the terrifying sea water rushed directly on the zombie soldier!

Any zombie soldier who touches the sea water immediately goes to heaven, and the corpse falls down.

"The former king's seven martial arts Haixia are very flat!!"

Jinbei jumped over, "Moriya, your zombie soldiers are afraid of salt water!"

"Luffy, leave the zombie soldiers to me to clean up, let's go!!"

Luffy nodded, "Please!"

"What are you all doing? Don't let a small person disrupt the battle," Sengoku said to the phone bug.

"That guy is the righteous brother who grew up with Ace and is also the son of the revolutionary army leader Long, so he must die here!"

The Warring States gave the order again.

"It turned out to be the son of the world's great criminal who founded the Revolutionary Army Dragon!!"

The navy immediately dispatched with full force, "Since this is the case, we must let him end up here today!!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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