
Vol 5 Chapter 132: Obedient, otherwise I choose you to go to Yaozhou

  The first and third chapters are obedient, otherwise I choose you to go to Yaozhou

   Yun Zhao is a person who gives orders. In his opinion, every order he gives is beneficial to the country and the people. If this policy is not good, there must be an error in the implementation process.

  In fact, the same is true.

  For example, there is a place called Yehuling outside Yangzhou City, which did not implement Yun Zhao's will.

  Because the people here who were going to Yaozhou were not voluntarily, but were selected by the villagers.

  Two men and one woman.

  The male is called Hou Sheng, Huang Qiang, and the female is called Chen Oushi.

  These three people were originally the three most powerful people in Yehuling Village. For some reason, when someone from the county accepted volunteers who went to Yaozhou, their names were reported by the head of the county.

   After learning the news, Hou Sheng and Huang Qiang were furious, carrying knives all over the world looking for the village elders and the head of the village, but they did not find any of them.

After all, every household closed the gate strictly, no matter how they beat them outside, no one showed up, and they did not dare to set the village on fire, because there were six people standing behind them. Catching nicely.

  Compared with the madness of Hou Sheng Huang Qiang, Chen Ou's performance was very calm, even a little ecstatic.

Quietly packed up her little baggage and carried it on her back, then she looked at her with hatred and said with her mother-in-law: "From now on, you will serve your pickled husband by yourself, and raise your pickled son by yourself. I fed the two pigs you raised in the backyard with half a catty of arsenic in the morning, and the chickens in the henhouse had their necks broken and all died.

Also, I bought a catty of arsenic, and I don’t know where to put the remaining half a catty. It may be in the noodle cupboard or in the rice tank. In short, you have to look for it carefully, and you won’t poison people. All right. "

"You poisonous woman..." The mother-in-law rushed forward panting, but was kicked by Chen Ou's, then opened the door, and said with a smile to the trappers outside the door: "Brother trapper. , I have packed up and can go now."

   "I'm going to the Sentence Officer to sue you--"

  The voice of the mother-in-law came from behind.

  Chen Ou's laughed loudly, and quickly walked towards the catcher to greet him, with an indescribable meaning of liveliness.

  The name Yaozhou is very far away. Chen Ou's doesn't care. As long as she can stay away from this pickled family and run to the horizon, she feels happy. Since marrying to this family, she has not had a good day.

  Beating on the wedding night, eating a bite more and being beaten, saying a word to the neighbor and being beaten, the husband was sick and beaten after pregnancy, the child was also beaten if the child was born with inadequacy, and the husband was beaten even if he was drunk and fell to death...

  Later, after the fact that she bought a pound of Pishuang was publicized by the drugstore, her vicious father-in-law, mother-in-law, and stupid uncle did not dare to move her.

  If he hadn’t heard that he could go to Yaozhou, Chen Ou’s would have planned to use the arsenic he saved to poison all the living things of the family in these two days.

  Waiting to win, Huang Qiang and Huang Qiang have already vented their anger, knowing that their destiny can no longer be changed, and now they are squatting on the wall to organize their baggage.

   "Brother Hou, Brother Huang, when I arrive in Yaozhou in the future, I will ask your two high neighbors for shelter."

  Hou Sheng snorted: "I have no time to get close to a poisonous woman who bought a pound of arsenic and is ready to poison people at any time."

  Huang Qiang couldn’t help but moved to the side and said, “Get out of the way, stay away from me. Our well water won’t break the river.”

   Seeing the tyrannical Hou Sheng and Huang Qiang's appearance, Chen Ou's smile became happier.

The quick catcher looked at the three **** in front of him. Originally, he was trying to figure out where Chen Ou’s remaining arsenic had gone. Turning around, he thought, these people will be distributed to Yaozhou, which is said to be tens of thousands of miles away Go, there is no need to solve the case.

The    case is solved, and the result is not much different. Chen Ou's is destined to go to Yaozhou, even if it is the result of killing people.

"The pig was raised by a concubine, and if it was poisoned, it was the concubine's own body. The same goes for the chickens and ducks. As for the noodle cupboard, I didn’t drop the arsenic in the rice tank. I just scared them. The arsenic left by the concubine is used to kill. Worms are not used to poison people."

  Hou Sheng, Huang Qiang looked at Chen's old godly woman and cried and threw the rice noodles from her home. She no longer wanted to get close to Chen Ou's.

  As soon as they were arrested and re-registered for the three, Chen Ou’s family insisted on removing her husband’s surname. So far, Hou Sheng and Huang Qiang knew that Chen Ou’s had a nice name called Ou Lan.

  Quickly took the three of them back to the county. After meeting with a hundred people who were equally unlucky, they went to Zhouli, and after meeting with more than 800 people, they went to Hangzhou Prefecture.

According to the regulations, the county gave Olan a three silver dollar subsidy, and the state gave her five silver dollars. When the Hangzhou prefecture arrived, the Hangzhou prefecture gave her twelve silver dollars to make up for twenty silver dollars. State settlement fee.

After receiving these three sums of money, Olan no longer worried, because she felt that even if she sold herself, it seemed that it was not worth twenty silver dollars. Now, these twenty silver dollars are in her purse. , The top of the body was on her waist, giving her unprecedented sense of steadiness.

Oulan is not a beauty, but there are also some of Yangzhou women's graceful looks. It stands to reason that such a woman will suffer from being mixed with a group of men. However, the eyes of those men looking at her are like looking at a snake or a poisonous snake. .

It seems that Hou Sheng, Huang Qiang didn’t rest, she announced her drug possession as early as after the meeting. Now everyone has twenty silver dollars in their arms. God knows if this poisonous woman will seduce herself. , And then poisoned and took away these twenty silver dollars.

  Therefore, Olan was very quiet around her, holding her baggage, waiting to line up to board the ship, and then set off to Nanyang.

  It is natural to search the body when boarding the boat.

  When it was Oulan's turn, everyone couldn't help but come and watch.

  As a result, those **** lazy catchers just checked Olan’s package and easily got her on the boat, and they didn’t even have the interest to touch Olan.

  Hou Sheng said loudly: "Official man, this woman is wearing arsenic, half a catty!"

   Catcher turned his head blankly and looked at Hou Sheng and said, "You still have a knife on your body. Do you want me to confiscate your knife as well?"

  Hou Sheng said: "I hold the knife for self-defense."

Catching laughed and said: "People are holding poison for self-defense. If you don't want to be poisoned to death, stay away from her, boy, I tell you, when you go to Yaozhou, you will find that arsenic is nothing. Not counting."

  Hou Sheng roared again: "Your Majesty’s will says it is voluntary, Lao Tzu is not voluntary, let me go, I want to go home."

  Quickly laughed and said: "Your Majesty also ordered you to be law-abiding, good-neighborly and friendly, have you obeyed this? Why, what is good for you is good, and what is bad for you is bad?"

  Hou Sheng’s face was as earthy as he sat on the ground and said, “I’m not going to Yaozhou, I’m not going to Yaozhou.”

  Then, Catching’s face changed, and he drew a short wooden stick from behind and smashed it with his head and face. After the fight, Hou Sheng limped and shed tears on the ship.

Ning Pei, the prefect of Hangzhou, watched the last volunteer aboard the wooden boat, and smiled and said to the director of the Department of Justice and Punishment next to him: "13,721 people, 1,721 people exceeding the quota, look The people here are still very enthusiastic about going to Yaozhou to make a fortune."

Zhao Hai, Director of the Department of Justice and Punishment of Hangzhou, nodded and said: "It is true. It is really wise for Fuzun to select volunteers and delegate power to the people this time. The local people are grateful to the government for delegating power to the people. Volunteers are also grateful to the government for paying the resettlement allowance.

  This is indeed a behavior that the government, the people, and the volunteers are all satisfied with. The officials admire and admire it. "

  Ning Pei said with a smile: "The most important thing is to let the people use the one-person-one-vote method to strip away the black sheep in the village, so as to avoid the abuse of people taking the opportunity to retaliate against others.

  Although the tolls are included, the Hangzhou government has spent half a million silver dollars, which is not worth mentioning compared with the results seen.

  Three or five times in this way, the countryside will be able to achieve a state of prosperity without closing the house at night and the road. "

  Zhao Hai and Ning Pei smiled at each other, then looked at the giant cargo ship pulling anchor and set sail together, laughing together.

Compared with the empty city of Yaozhou, the prefect of Hangzhou was already a headache for the more than seven million people under its rule. The Lantian Dynasty did not have a poll tax rate. Therefore, there were a lot of people and it was of little use to the prefect of Hangzhou. It will only add more work.

This time, all the volunteers from the southern part of the Yangtze River will gather in Hangzhou Prefecture, and the Hangzhou Prefecture will distribute the relocation fee and pay for the transportation costs. Although it has been a little laborious, the Hangzhou Prefecture has not owed any debts to the transportation of the volunteers. , But made a lot of money.

It’s not just people who go to, but also the corresponding goods. Just the money the Queen of Money allocates to buy necessities of life is enough to allow Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Huzhou and other state capitals to take stock of goods. Swept away.

  The entire royal industry is managed by Queen Qian. The gold and silver that enter the royal inner treasury every year is like a landslide and tsunami. Therefore, everyone says that Queen Qian has money, this time it can be regarded as a real experience.

   is just the first grant, which is a full 11 million silver dollars!

  In the eyes of these officials, Your Majesty’s action is simply a timely rain, which not only can make Jiangnan's folk customs simple and natural, but also make Jiangnan's already somewhat stagnant economy more active.

Even those who are sent to Yaozhou will have a good life. I have long heard that the climate there is good, and there are thousands of miles of fertile fields. An island is actually the size of more than half of the Ming Dynasty. More importantly, your Majesty also said that there is an island. There is gold.

  Should be a place where you can live a good life.

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