
Vol 4 Chapter 135: Thunder means

The first three five chapters of thunder means

Yun Zhao has always believed that he is a good emperor who is loved by the people and loves his people like a child.

Of course, that's what the people of Lantian and even Guanzhong think.

However, their views are still somewhat different from what Yun Zhao thinks. They think that rabbits don't eat the grass beside the nest. They are the grass beside the rabbit's nest, and Yun Zhao is the fat rabbit in the rabbit's nest.

Because Yun Zhao's family is a robber's den, after he unifies Guanzhong, the people in Guanzhong will consider themselves to be part of the Yun family robbers.

It is unreasonable for the bandit leader not to rob.

Fortunately, his own bandit leader only likes to rob Mingyue Tower and never rob other places, let alone harm ordinary people. In the eyes of the people, this **** thing is a good thing.

How great is it to rob the Mingyue Tower, there is a beauty den, and there is a lot of money. Taking advantage of the night when the moon is black and windy, your Majesty covered his face with a knife and took a group of guards to rob Mingyue Tower...

The beauties in the building are all charming, and the money in the building is piled up like a mountain.

His Majesty was blessed by those beauties with his face covered. He took the money from the building...and set a fire when he left...that was perfect.

Your majesty's robber inheritance has been continued, and Mingyue Tower's reputation has become even greater. The people know that your majesty has robbed others, so they will not rob others. It seems to be good for everyone.

Mingyue Tower has been robbed many times, and it can be reborn from the ashes every time. Every time it is burned, it becomes more magnificent. It is entirely due to the support of the people in Guanzhong.

Even the male and female stewards in the Mingyue Tower were not surprised at this. At the earliest, your Majesty played too much, and sometimes killed people, and then gradually became immortal, and things became a game.

Originally, the people in Mingyue Tower didn't know that the robbers were your Majesty. Since Yun Yang and the old bustard were fighting fiercely, they accidentally told the old bustard that it would be fine if he didn't resist when he was robbed.

This sentence is very suspicious.

Later, Li Dingguo was unwilling to bear this notoriety on his back. When he returned to Mingyue Tower, he always had to defend himself. So, gradually, people with a little brain understood that the main culprit of the robbery of Mingyue Tower was the Royal Court of Lantian. His Majesty the Emperor.

The reason why Han Lingshan would urge Yun Zhao to rob the Mingyue Tower again is entirely because of this nasty behavior, which is an important bonus in the eyes of Mr. Xu Yuanshou and others.

Seeing someone who never makes mistakes makes mistakes is a great relief for others.

Mr. Xu Yuanshou and others think that there should be no perfect things in the world.

This group of old stubborns who have lived in Shaanxi for many years have to make a small gap in the rice bowl when changing a new bowl. They think that things that are too perfect will not last long, but that that are flawed will last.

The more perfect Yun Zhao's performance is, the deeper their worries will be.

They very much hope that Yun Zhao will suffer a memorable failure... It would be best if he could fail like Cao Cao while still behaving like a hero.

From Hanling Mountain, Yun Zhao finally understood these old stubborn ideas.

However, he attributed all of these people's thoughts to their full support.

Han Lingshan is someone Yun Zhao can absolutely trust, so his appearance greatly eases Yun Zhao's view of certain people in Yushan Academy.

The reason for this misunderstanding was that the group of people didn’t know how to communicate. His neck was as hard as a tree trunk. When Yun Zhao talked to them, they didn’t know how to back down, for fear that they would back down and said some soft words. Will reduce their own personality charm.

If Yun Zhao invites this person to talk together, there may be some public opinion that tends to Yun Zhao, a conversation like his, then it will be over, all of them are diehards.

Zhu Yeqing's wine is very strong. After the two of them drank most of the wine, Yun Zhao became a little drunk and went home staggeringly.

Han Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief after Yun Zhao left.

Yun Zhao hasn't changed much, he is still that wise teacher and brother.

Looking up at the sky, the moon has set, and Zhang Guozhu's state minister's mansion is still brightly lit. The fast horse carrying the flag is still coming in and out, and there are more officials in the yard busy.

Han Lingshan walked into the Guoxiang's Mansion in this way.

When the officials in the yard saw Han Lingshan's face clearly, they froze one by one, until Han Lingshan walked into the room of the prime minister, these people returned to their usual appearance.

Officials may not be afraid of less money, but no one is not afraid of Han Lingshan a little bit.

Everyone knows that Han Lingshan is not actually responsible for monitoring the country, but this person's name represents coldness and danger.

Han Lingshan saw Zhang Guozhu still the secretary and officials crowded around the office.

He said lightly to the people in the room: "Get out."

Everyone froze, Zhang Guozhu looked up at Han Lingshan and said to the officials and secretaries who were at a loss: "Go out."

Everyone left in a hurry.

Han Lingshan closed the door with his feet, put the small half jar of wine under his arm in front of Zhang Guozhu and said, "Take a rest, you can't finish your official duties."

While speaking, he threw the peanuts in the bag and the stewed pork on the table in turn.

Zhang Guozhu grabbed a handful of peanuts and threw it in his mouth, "Did you drink with your Majesty?"

Han Lingshan said: "The things you entrusted me to do are finished, your majesty is not crazy."

Zhang Guozhu said: "Since your Majesty is not crazy, then the old scholars of Yushan Academy are crazy."

Han Lingshan said: "They are not crazy, they are all sober and awake."

Zhang Guozhu said: "You always have to find the wrong side."

Han Lingshan shook his head and said: "There is no right or wrong, but I have narrowed the dispute between your majesty and Mr. Xu. This kind of dispute cannot be expanded. Even if it breaks out, it can only break out in a small area."

Zhang Guozhu smiled and said: "You have actually made a choice by doing this. If the people at Yushan Academy cannot unite with the majority of people, there is no way to compete with your majesty. You are helping your majesty."

Han Lingshan said, "Who should I help him? You know I've always helped my relatives and didn't take care of them."

Zhang Guozhu took a sip of wine and said, "As long as your Majesty doesn't make a big mistake, I'm also on your side."

Han Lingshan said: "In this case, then, your Majesty is going to dismantle Yushan Academy's suggestion, you should have no opinion?"

Zhang Guozhu said: "Yushan Academy is now too large, and the schoolwork is too complicated. It has reached the point where a poor person can't study it thoroughly in his entire life. It is the foundation of cultivating specialized talents.

First of all, the School of Management cannot be moved. It must stay in Yushan, and the Military Academy must stay in Phoenix Mountain. The rest are law, taxation, business, agriculture, water conservancy, money, treasury, general affairs, etc. Wait, now you can prepare to settle down in Shuntian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion. "

Han Lingshan said, "Gentlemen must be very sad."

Zhang Guozhu said: "What is so sad, they are still husbands, and many people have to go to various places to serve as mountain leaders, and the right to speak is more important."

Han Lingshan pointed to Zhang Guozhu and said: "These words of yours are very conscientious. Every old gentleman has become a mountain leader. In the future, he will not teach students specifically. There is a **** when he speaks more powerfully.

Can he affect those of us? The great position has become higher. We respect more and give more money to their college. In less than five years, when more Yushan students take up the position of professor, the old gentlemen will have less right to speak to the students. "

Zhang Guozhu looked at Han Lingshan with a smile while holding the wine jar and said, "Gentlemen's whereabouts are divided by a university. You should know a lot in your heart."

Han Lingshan took a sip from the wine jar and said, "This is a matter of money."

Zhang Guozhu chuckled and said, "Yes, it's only right for my brother-in-law to help my brother-in-law, so let's just be brother-in-law."

When Yun Zhao returned home, he might be drunk and fell asleep. He felt relaxed all over, drifting in his dreams for a long time before falling asleep.

Xia Wanchun did not have such happiness as a master.

He looked sadly at the young businessmen who sat in the room and said, "I will ask you for the railway construction in the future."

The young merchant with tears in the corner of his eyes stood up, and said to Xia Wanchun, "I am willing to do the best for the county."

Xia Wanchun stepped down from his seat, walked slowly past no one's side, carefully looked at every face, and finally bowed to everyone and said, "You are not important people in your respective homes. You can sacrifice them. People.

This time your father and brothers in charge may be wrong.

I recruited you just to reuse you!

You have seen these days. The reason why I deliberately tortured you is to drive away those who are naturally important in your family.

To be honest, you can say that for the old merchants, the Lantian imperial court disagrees with their **** way of starting a business.

And Lantian cannot use people who have not been transformed by the new dynasty in large numbers.

Now that we have unified the world, the way of doing things needs to be discussed. The State Minister's Office has decided that you will replace your old father and brother with people who have no status in your family.

Lan Tian does not need to take away your property, or even nurture you to help you become a new generation of Ming merchants.

Our new generation of merchants will no longer earn the hard-earned money of the common people, and will no longer eat head rice.

We pay attention to using our own money to develop the national economy and people's livelihood, and by the way, achieve the goal of making clean money.

Your family is still there, but it is not your father and brother who continues the glory of your family, but you.

We must unite sincerely, starting with the construction of railways, and expanding our business empire step by step. "

Xia Wanchun's words once again set off the enthusiasm of this group of concubines. Without robbing the family property and harming the lives of his father and brother, none of the concubines thought that he should not be in charge of the family power.

After the assignments were completed, these concubine merchants separated from Lantian County Office at dawn, and each of them seemed to have become a lot more determined.

Master Liu squeezed Xia Wanchun's shoulders and neck vigorously, his technique was very good, and Xia Wanchun also enjoyed it very much.

"Young master, do you think these people will tell their father and brother what happened today after they go back?"

Xia Wanchun groaned: "They saw their father and brother acting in a solemn way under my majesty, and they got my promise to guarantee their status.

In this situation, even the weakest people will give birth to some ambitions.

Taking a step back, how about their father and brother even if they knew my plan?

Seriously, not killing them is the greatest kindness to them. "

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