
Vol 3 Chapter 51: Bored Lantian County Master

Chapter 51 The Boring Lantian County Master

Lantian County is basically in a closed state.

Except for some merchants, caravans, and craftsmen who must go out, the rest of Lantian County people seem to have no interest in the outside world.

From the refugees, they basically know what it looks like outside, so no one wants to go out.

The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their old nests. This is the deepest understanding of the Ming farmers. In Lantian County, this understanding is even stronger.

Every year, a large number of refugees come to Lantian County to make a living. The people here are used to facing these refugees, and they can help if they can. This is the atmosphere that has formed a long time ago. Therefore, the refugees who come to Lantian County It can also be better than outside.

In the development of Ningxia Town, Yun Zhao initially called on some large families and large populations to leave Lantian County to live in Ningxia Town. Unfortunately, no matter how good conditions Ningxia Town offers, people will not be moved.

The land in Lantian County is not divided enough, and the land in Guanzhong is not divided enough. From the official population register, the population under the jurisdiction of Lantian County has exceeded 6 million, and this number is in the millions every year. The speed is increasing, and there is no sign of slowing down.

With the increase in population, the prosperous area of ​​Guanzhong is no longer limited to Xi'an and Lantian County, but is constantly expanding to the surrounding areas. Weinan, Baoji, and Qinzhou are also increasingly prosperous.

Today's Guanzhong area has become the largest steel production area in Daming.

It was also the largest supply of linen and cotton cloth in the Ming Dynasty.

Not only that, Guanzhong has become one of the most important grain producing areas in Daming,

It was also the largest export place for large livestock such as mules and horses in the Ming Dynasty.

The largest copper producing area in the Northwest.

It is also an important salt distribution center in the Northwest.

It was also the largest glass producing area in the Ming Dynasty. The output of porcelain has been equal to that of Fuliang County, Jiangxi. It not only supplies the land in the northwest, but also goes far to Mobei and overseas.

These things are only on the surface. In the dark, Lantian County is the largest producer of bird and gunpowder in Daming, and it is also the largest producer of gunpowder in Daming.

Today, half of the gunpowder supply for the Ming Dynasty army is purchased from Lantian County, and 80% of the gunpowder comes from Lantian County.

Therefore, to a large extent, it is difficult for the parties at war in the Ming Dynasty to fight alone without bypassing Lantian County. A large part of the weapons they fought against each other came from Lantian County.

In many battles, both sides used weapons from Lantian County.

Only bird guns and artillery can not be sold in Lantian County, and the rest cannot be sold without any goods.

The above is why Yun Zhao can ignore Li Hongji.

Maintaining neutrality is of great benefit to Lantian County.

However, life in Lantian County is easy. Even if there is no land, locals can find a job at will to support their families. Therefore, it has become a big problem for the people to love their homes.

In Yunzhao’s plan, the well-behaved and well-trained people of Lantian County should go out bravely. However, not many local people are willing to go out, but the graduates of Yushan Academy, as long as they graduate, participate in the completion ceremony. Except for some who were forced to stay by the government, the rest were gone in a blink of an eye.

"Those who should walk or not, and those who shouldn't walk are all over the world..."

After reading this, Yun Zhao couldn't help but sighed in a low voice.

Xu Wu wanted to take a look at Yunzhao’s Secret Agent Booklet and smiled, "Lantian County has matured, and for those who have good eyes and low hands, there are not many opportunities to make achievements here. They can only deal with some writing slips, or other trivial things. , Naturally it is better to beat down a piece of world outside with bare hands.

Look, this guy named Shao Wen is now with the prefect of Hangzhou Prefecture. He is still an important cleansing guest under the prefect. This guy named Pu Cunchi is now..."

Yun Zhaoshun closed the booklet and looked at Xu Wu bitterly.

Xu Wu wanted to spread his hand and said, "I sorted out these things. You are now guarding me, it's too late."

"your wife……"

"My wife and children are about to give birth, why do you still doubt her?"

"If you marry my girl, you won't doubt you. You don't have the habit of talking in sleep, do you?"

Xu Wu wanted to stand up straight and said, "Xianzun, if you want the people of Lantian County to go out, it's not impossible."

Yun Zhao put the book back in the drawer and said lightly, "Talk about it."

"Tempt it with profit."

"Nonsense, unless the benefits I give are greater than the benefits of their staying in Lantian County, if I am willing to pay such a big benefit, the people in Ningxia Town will have become rich a long time ago, and there is no need to send the people here forcibly. ."

"Land, there is nothing else in Ningxia Town, there is so much land."

"Does Lantian County people know the formula? I would rather have a bed in Lantian than a thousand acres of food!"


The two chatted and laughed for a while, then sat down again, worrying about the affairs of Ningxia Town together.

Duan Guoren's plan can not be described as incomplete, the only thing he didn't expect was the problem of people.

Whether it is the people who migrated from northern Shaanxi, or the people who passed from Guyuan and Haiyuan, they all have symptoms of inadequacy after they went to Ningxia Town. People who came to Ningxia Town all fell sick, diarrhea, vomiting, and sleep. No, I thought it was a disease at first, and I was extremely nervous for a while. After the doctor's inspection, I found that it was just a simple inadequacy.

If the number of people is small, 30% of the people in northern Shaanxi who have left have such symptoms, which is extremely detrimental to the forthcoming land reclamation.

The problem is that among the personnel sent by Lantian County to guide the people in the land reclamation, none of them are unacceptable. Not only do they do not, but the officials and caravans in Lantian County do not have this symptom.

When the matter was reported to Yun Zhao, according to Yun Zhao’s guess, this has a lot to do with the diet of the people in Lantian County. There are many types of food and there are many ways for the people to obtain various nutrients. Even if they go to a strange place, they store various kinds of food. Nutrition is enough for them to support them for a while, until they get used to the local diet, and then use new ways to obtain these nutrients, naturally there is no problem of inadequacy.

However, the poor people in northern Shaanxi are different. They have lived on the plateau of northern Shaanxi for many years. They have their own set of ways to obtain nutrients and minerals. Suddenly they were transferred to Ningxia Town. This structure was destroyed and naturally There will be various symptoms of inadaptability. Although there are people in Guyuan and Haiyuan, they are much less than in northern Shaanxi.

From a certain level, Yun Zhao’s guess is correct, but he can’t explain it to others. Even people like Xu Wu can’t say it. After all, once this matter is to be clarified, it will be involved. Many of the knowledge points they had never encountered before, Xu Wu asked for advice if they didn't understand it, and had to break the habit of asking the bottom of the casserole, Yun Zhao had to think about it and forget it, because he also knew what it was but didn't know why.

"More than one hundred and sixty people died. This is very troublesome. It will make people in northern Shaanxi think that it is a wrong thing to come to Ningxia Town."

"What is the method now?"

"Some elderly people in northern Shaanxi brought some soil when they left their hometown. They were using the soil to soak in water. It was strange. It was useful for some people in the same village, but it was useless for people outside."

Although this further confirmed Yun Zhao's guess, it was still useless.

If this method is spread, there will soon be a natural alliance between the village gods and the local people. The last group of closely united guys are firmly kneaded by the gods or the ancestral spirits, and there will inevitably appear to dominate the village in the future. thing.

Rural clan is a natural social organization that the government hates most. This kind of thing firmly held the country's lowest power until Yun Zhao went to the countryside in his previous life.

Yun Zhao had seen the village chief beat up the county chief, even if the yakuza came, the villagers dared to fight the yakuza. The scene was so tragic and the villagers had forgotten their lives, and Yun Zhao shivered and shivered. .

In the end, the county chief forgave the villagers generously, but the village chief walked into the yamen like a heroic sacrificing righteousness on a day of heavy rain, and claimed that something happened to him. Come, we should decapitate, go to jail, and don’t care about other people’s affairs.

The county magistrate's face was blue, and he wished to strangle this guy, but for the sake of the overall situation, he had to stand in the rain and hold the guy's hand and say nonsense like "Let's take this as an example."

At that moment, Yun Zhao thought this man was a god.

This is the power of the rural clans, which makes people like Yun Zhao unforgettable. Such clans must be banned, otherwise they will become the biggest source of instability in society.

Especially in places like Ningxia Town, people living in groups seem to be instinctive. It is a dream to make a group of people on the plateau who have never been taken care of by the government to believe in the government in a short time.

If you want to prevent the village gods from appearing, you can only solve this matter in an explainable way.

Suddenly, Yun Zhao's mind suddenly appeared in his previous life to study in Ningxia Town, wherever he went, people invited him to the kang and used a dirty half aluminum beverage can to make tea for him...everywhere. It's all so! !

"Drink tea...deliver 100,000 catties of tea bricks to Ningxia town...every year!"

This is a price that Yun Zhao is extremely unwilling to pay. Now, more than 90% of the tea produced in Guanzhong has been pressed into tea bricks and transported to the grassland on the plateau, and a few of them are exchanged for Guanzhong every year. Endless cattle and sheep, as well as all kinds of hides.

One pound of Poria Golden Tea Bricks can be exchanged for a yak on the plateau...

After making this painful decision, Yun Zhao's heart was bleeding.

"Can you solve this by drinking tea?" Unexpectedly, Xu Wuxiang took out his notebook again to record his explanation.


The irritable Yun Zhao roared out. At this moment, he felt that he was the county magistrate.

Everyone thinks that after becoming the master of a place, all they consider are military affairs, but they don't know that the military affairs are definitely not something Yun Zhao can solve with a single sentence. It is a collective decision-making process.

At this time, there is absolutely no arbitrariness in Gang Gang. If Gang Gang’s arbitrariness fails, it will be a fatal blow to the prestige of the lord.

When Yun Zhao stayed in the position of Lantian County's master for a long time, he only discovered that-Yao Xiang Gong Jin back then, Xiao Qiao was married for the first time, with a majestic appearance.

Lupin and Lun towel, between talking and laughing, disappeared in ashes. Such passages are completely obsessed with Fatty Su.

The lord did more of the big things like the people in Ningxia town having troubles, vomiting, and not being able to sleep...

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