
Chapter 138: My Wanli Red Makeup

The first thirty-eight chapters of my red makeup

The rebels of Feng Ying and Hong Niangzi are not much different from the rest of the rebels. It is not so much an army as it is a group of people who drag their families and talk about life.

The only difference from other insurgents is that there is a backbone of more than 1,000 people, and these backbones are the remnants of the Qijia Army...

It's a pity that these people are a bit older, and many people with gray beards and hair are mixed in the rebel army, which makes people very worried about the combat power of this army.

However, the old weapons and scarred armors held by these people remind everyone that they are the kings on the battlefield in the past.

Nowadays, almost all the able warriors are surrounded by Feng Ying, listening to Feng Ying's description of the purpose of the battle.

After hearing Feng Ying's account, the veteran leader Peng Shou shook his head, a little disapproving of Feng Ying's plan.

The rest of the people waited to prepare, only one-armed Peng Shou stayed.

"Xixia County has three thousand citizens, one thousand five officers and soldiers, and a miscellaneous number of temporarily recruited swordsmen and escorts. The total number should exceed five thousand.

These people blocked the front of Heifengling in accordance with Zuo Liangyu's military orders. Therefore, if we want to break through from the southwest, we must first defeat these people.

Xixia county magistrate Zuo Shen is Zuo Liangyu's nephew, so don't imagine that this person will abandon the city and flee, so this is a fierce battle.

Miss, although Xixia County is a bit richer than the surrounding places, Zuo Liangyu also thought of this, and placed a heavy guard against us.

The old slave thought that Xixia County was not a good goal. "

Feng Ying picked up a rock from the ground and then on the big rock in front of him, pointing to the small rock and saying, "This is a group practice!"

While speaking, he picked up a smaller stone and said: "This is a temporary recruit of swordsmen, escorts."

Finally picked up a big rock and put it at the end and said: "This is the officer and soldier, Grandpa Peng, why do you think Zuo Shen would line up like this?"

Peng Shou said: "Don't worry about group training, don't worry about swordsmen and escorts, and use officers and soldiers as the back line!"

Feng Ying pulled the small stones off the boulder and said faintly: "Cut through the group training camp, drive the group training back and flee, the guards and the swordsmen are a group of waste who only know that they are fighting each other. They can pack these people and attack the officers and soldiers. Array.

We took advantage of our strength to defeat the officers and soldiers. "

Peng Shou sighed and said: "It's too dangerous. If the regimental training is not as weak as the young lady thought, once we are entangled in Xixia County by Zuo Shen, the surrounding officers and soldiers will close together and completely surround us, and it will be difficult to break through. Oh my god."

Feng Ying looked at Peng Shou and said in a low voice; "Xixia County is too close to Shangluo."

Peng Shou frowned and said, "The Yun family will not send troops."

Feng Ying said: "I have been in Lantian County for so long, and I have understood Lantian County's expansion method. They are definitely not using troops to expand their territory, but by infiltration and cannibalization.

The most powerful part of Yun's is not in their strong troops, but in the continuous energy supply of Yushan Academy controlled by their family to provide them with the most elite manpower.

In the past, Yushan Academy only recruited children from the family or bought it. Later, it began to recruit students from Guanzhong. Later, as long as those who were willing to come to Yushan Academy to pass the exam, they would all.

Everyone who has completed their studies at Yushan Academy returns to the local area. What do you think is this?

In the past few years, the Yun family exchanged food from the imperial court for a large number of tribute students. I saw a scene in Yushan Academy where Yushan Academy awarded students the qualifications of tribute.

I thought that if the emperor saw that scene, he would be scared to sleep.

Xixia County is the main road from Guanzhong to Henan. With my brother's method, how could he let it go?

Those students of Yushan Academy in Xixia County, when they return to their hometown, will definitely think about including their hometown in Lantian County. What do you think these students will do?

This is probably the reason Zuo Shen, the Xixia county magistrate, put the regimental training at the forefront. Zuo Shen only controlled the county seat. As for the countryside, it might have long been Lantian County's territory.

This time, it’s actually a good thing that we were trapped in Funiu Mountain. Once we looted the surrounding counties, we will have a lot of food. The money can allow us to farm in Funiu Mountain and let the whole world know that there are still people rebelling. Others are fighting for them with the slogan of "equalize the field and share prosperity"."

Peng Shou didn't seem to care what Feng Ying said.

Since this kid is going to fight the battle in Xixia County and has already decided, he will naturally not object.

After living for so many years, all his thoughts are on this child, life and death are meaningless to old people like him.

He looked at Feng Ying and said, "Girl, I heard that Yun's housekeeper's wife has sent you a letter urging you to return to Yushan to get married. Is there such a thing?"

Feng Yingqiao blushed and nodded.

Peng Shou said: "Do you understand what women should and shouldn't do when they become a family?"

Feng Ying whispered: "I know!"

Peng Shoutan said: "Since you know, what are you doing outside? After getting married, you have to honor your mother-in-law, serve your husband, have children, and manage your family business. How can you continue to fight abroad?"

Feng Ying raised her face and looked at Lord Peng and said, "I need a generous dowry!"

Peng Shou looked around and whispered: "Girl, looting the surrounding counties is just to get a dowry? I'm afraid the red lady will not let you take all the goods."

Feng Ying smiled and said, "Does this wealth Grandpa Peng think that my brother in the world will look at it?"

Peng Shou shook his head and said, "No!"

Feng Yingchang took a breath and said, "My brother's eyes are on the whole world, not one city or one place. However, the whole world is made up of one city and one place. If you want the whole world, you have to take it from one city and one place.

I don't understand why the brother's strength has reached the goal of monopolizing the middle of the gate, why he still can't bear it.

Until I found out that Lantian County had focused on the naturalization city, Qian Shao Shao, who he trusted the most, had been in the naturalization city for three years, and Gao Jie also led 30% of the Lantian county headquarters to the naturalization city. The atmosphere in the west entrance was so blazing that even in Henan, some refugees began to move outside the pass.

What is the purpose of the existence of Guihua City?

I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't understand it, until after they fought a slavery battle outside the city of Naturalization, I suddenly understood.

For Brother Yun Shi, his enemy was building slaves, not the court.

He was waiting for the imperial court to collapse naturally, waiting for Li Hongji and Zhang Bingzhong to end the imperial court, and then he would rule the world.

Brother Yun Shi wants to accept the hearts of the people in the world, and at the least cost, the people who die the least to complete the dynasty change. After all, he is compassionate. He has nothing to do with the incomparable glory of stepping on the bones of his tribe to ascend the throne of the emperor. No interest.

He wants to let all the ills in our ethnic group break out at one time, and show them all, before cleaning up the old mountains and rivers.

However, Li Hongji was so stupid that he lost to Sun Chuanting, and Zhang Bingzhong was even more unwilling to surrender to the court in Xiangyang.

They failed, and it was not these two incompetent dog thieves who suffered the most, but my brother Yun Shi!

The world's giants surrendered to the court one by one, or returned to the mountains and forests. The world seemed to be calmed down. However, the malpractices accumulated in the Ming Dynasty over two hundred years have not changed in the slightest.

The civil servants have different hearts, the generals are greedy and sexual, the emperor is tyrannical, the eunuchs are rampant, the tyrants of the countryside and the strong are in their own way, and the people become fish and live in dire straits.

How can this be done?

There are no thieves to quell the local tyrants and to divide the land to the people, no thieves to strangle the old official houses to distribute the land to the people, no thieves to disrupt the old decadent order, how can Brother Yun Shi rebuild a new imperial court on the ground? ?

The knowledge on Yushan is dazzling and will shine forever. However, these knowledge are very different from the old ones.

The reason why it can be popular in Lantian County is because Guanzhong is a place that was rebuilt after the war.

If it is put in Jiangnan, if Brother Yun Shi wants to implement this set of knowledge of his proposition, he will inevitably be resisted by all Jiangnan tycoons.

At that time You said, should Brother Yun Shi kill all this person?

If he doesn't kill, it is impossible for him to implement new knowledge!

Man Daming, Jiangnan accounted for 80% of the scholars who passed the examinations for Jinshi over the years, and they are the vested interests that Brother Yun Shi often said.

Who would spit out the fat he had eaten in his mouth?

Grandpa Peng, this world has become hopelessly dark. It needs to be destroyed, but it cannot be destroyed by Brother Yun Shi.

If Li Hongji fails, Zhang Bingzhong fails, then I come!

So I rebelled at the most inappropriate time for rebellion. I will carefully nurture this rebel army. They will become a knife and a broom in the hands of the brother, cutting off the thorns of the road for him, and cleaning the ground for him. So that he is really happy and paints according to his own ideas as he pleases.

Give the world a bright future.

Of course, this is also the red makeup I made when I married Yunlang! "

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