By the time Sonia got home, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

"I'm back." Sen Xia opened the door and went in. She found that xuenai was sitting in the dining room reading, and the dishes and chopsticks on the table had not been moved.

"My brother came back a little late today Well, it's not my brother's sportswear, is it Snow is to put down the book, looking at Sen Xia, the first eye noticed the Sen Xia body sports clothes.

"Ah..." Oh, I forgot to change my clothes.

Sen Xia was embarrassed: "ah, send a classmate who didn't take an umbrella home, and then he got wet by the rain, so he took a shower there."

"Really..." Snow is looking at Sen Xia, let him cold sweat DC.

"Well, since that's the case, wait for my brother to change the clothes and I'll help you clean them." Snow is to smile and walk to the side of Sen Xia.

"Oh, oh." Senxia nodded quickly.

Well, I managed to muddle through.

In fact, senxia didn't know why she was so nervous, but he just didn't want xuenai to know that this dress belonged to the president. Almost subconsciously, he wanted to muddle through, but fortunately, Xue didn't seem to want to go into it.

"These are girls' clothes." However, xuenai's next word, she gave the senxia half dead.

"Cough, it's the president." Frank lenient, sister tube Yan senxia finally honest account of the facts.

"Really, it's the chairman of the auspicious courtyard with the blood of a half breed and a lovely appearance." Snow is to smile, "really did not expect elder brother you still know with President."

Sen Xia looked at the ceiling: "well, by chance, it rained heavily today, so I gave her a ride."

"Well." Snow is not talking, but back to the table began to clean up, "brother should have eaten it, then these do not need."

I protest. It's cold violence!

Senxia cried in her heart, but she did not dare to say it.

"Oh, by the way," xuenai put the plate back into the kitchen, and then came to senxia. "Brother, take off your clothes as soon as possible. I'll take them to have a good cleaning. Since they are long things, I must clean them from the beginning to the end."

Mori Xia: "it's just

This day was the most miserable day for mori.


"Oh, it's rare. It's the first time I've seen Sen Xiajun. You bring breakfast to school."

The next morning, when Tonggu Xiaoyi arrived at school, he saw mori, who was chewing bread.

"Ah, um..." Sen Xia was absent-minded. Today's Sen Xia didn't bring lunch because Xue was not prepared for him at all.

At the moment, Mori's face is full of tears.

"Nah, senxia, I'll tell you a good thing." Tonggu patted Sen Xia on the shoulder, "Harada said, after the holiday, she would formally introduce her sister to me. I am so happy!"

His face was full of excitement.

"Oh, congratulations." Senxia is still gnawing at her own bun.

"Well, I'll tell you a good thing." After finishing with senxia, Tonggu is entangled in the well that just came in. He seems really excited. As for

At noon, Mori's food was still bread, or fried bread.

Japan is a very strange country. It's the same for them to eat. Have you ever seen noodles as a dish and then eat with rice? Well, Japan is.

Mori's fried noodles and bread are also common in Japan.

After angering xuenai, senxia can only eat bread to satisfy her hunger. Well, it's really outrageous to go home in girls' clothes.

While eating bread, senxia looked at the sportswear of Jixiang courtyard which was put in the bag. As xuenai said, the dress was washed several times inside and outside, and the clothes were clean and tidy.

"Well, I'll return the clothes to the president in the afternoon."

Auspicious college big noon, should also not go to the student union room, afternoon to also be similar. After eating the bread, senxia walked all the way to the Ministry.

When she opened the door, she saw her schoolsister reading on the windowsill. At this time, she was sitting on the other side of the Department. She was holding an album of paintings that seemed to be used for reference.

"Good afternoon." Senxia said hello to them.

"Oh, Sonia, you're here." When she saw Sen Xia coming, she put down her cartoon. "I'll tell you a good news. I've found you a suitable job. As long as I contact you, you can go to work at any time."

"Ah, did you find it?" Sen Xia was surprised, "well, as long as it's not a strange job anyway."

Well, as long as it's not the weird job of being a witch, that's fine.

"Of course, the working time is about 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., which won't take up a lot of your time. The salary is 2000 yen per hour."

"Oh, that's a great help." With a job, senxia's funds will not be so tense, "but what is the content of the work?""Haha, you'll know it then. In a word, it won't be any strange thing. If you keep some mystery, you'll have a surprise." She said mysteriously.

"Well, but in that case, do you have enough time?" She was looking at the picture album and raised her head.

"There's plenty of time. We're all well arranged." Mori had a plan.

"But there is still one month before the final exam. During this period, I think we should have a good review." Vertebral name reminds way.

"Ah, there are exams..." Senxia patted his forehead. He had completely forgotten about it.

"The final exam is also very important. Although it's nothing to me, we still have a lot of things in hand. If we don't worry, we'll stop for a while, and the work arrangement will be put after the exhibition."

"I don't care." Senxia has no feeling about what to start. As a student bully, she still needs to worry about exams?

As for the arrangement of working, senxia is meaningless. He just made snow angry. Now he doesn't have the courage to go out to work at night.

"If plants fight zombies, we should be able to basically complete the war by the end of the year. If we leave half a month for the witch's house, we will have a good job during this period." My sister is thinking about it.

Senxia has no opinion about this. He still has a novel on hand. It is true that this novel will not be published until next year, so it can only be said that it is still early.

"Well, as long as the schedule is arranged, there will be no problem."

As long as you have a plan, you don't have to worry about being in a hurry.

Senxia said with a smile: "then we can rest for a while. Our plan is impeccable."


As soon as tomato's new book was published, I was kicked down from the top of the hit list This sad Cover your face.

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