Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 78: clues on the code

California, San Jose, eBay corporate headquarters.

As the door of the conference room was pushed open, a male engineer in his thirties walked into the room.

"Hello, I heard that you are here to find me?"

The man looked curiously at the two gentlemen sitting opposite him, one was an Asian man in his 20s, and the other was a white man in his 30s. The two sat opposite him. On the table, from the time he entered the house, the two kept looking at him.

"Is that Mr. Steve Riggins?"

"Yes, you are... sorry we met before?"

"No! We haven't met! In fact we are..."

As Sean said that, he took out his ID card from his pocket and put it in front of Riggins.

" are the FBI!"

Hearing Riggins' shocked and terrified question, Sean nodded with a sneer.

"It seems that you have already guessed the purpose of our coming to you?"

After seeing Riggins' expression, Lin Xiuyi, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly asked the other party.

"I...I don't know what you mean by that!"

Riggins could avoid Lin Xiuyi's eyes, he lowered his head and replied in a low voice nervously.

"I thought maybe you should look at this first?"

"As soon as Lin Xiu spoke, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and then found a photo in the video collection and placed it in front of Riggins."


Seeing this photo in front of him, Riggins couldn't help but feel puzzled. The background of the photo is black with a few lines of text displayed in green font. And the sentence with a horizontal line below it reads:

"If you encounter any problems, you can contact steve-Riggins@gail." Anyone who deals with programs often knows that this text is usually placed in front of a certain piece of code as a comment message.

"This... it's just a comment, basically all the code I write will add this message. What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Riggins first breathed a sigh of relief, and then pretended to be relaxed and asked Lin Xiuyi and Sean.

"You just said that this line of information is added to every piece of code you write? Does it also include the code you contributed to the Black Death?"

As soon as Lin Xiu finished speaking, Riggins first looked at the two people sitting in front of him in surprise, then suddenly ran towards the door.

"Catch him, Sean!"

"Don't worry, Lin!"

As Sean said that, he suddenly jumped on the table and chased out. When Lin Xiuyi just stood up, both of them ran out of the room.

Lin Xiuyi pursued Sean hard. I saw Sean running towards Riggins at his fastest speed. Many people in the office who were working did not know what the two were doing. It wasn't until the two of them disappeared around the corner that Lin Xiuyi suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Miki who was waiting downstairs.

"Miki, that Riggins ran down and stopped him for me! Tell everyone to block all exits of this building..."


Lin Xiu explained and ran to the corner, only to see that Riggins had been pushed to the ground by Sean.

"Miki! The order just now was cancelled, and the person has been caught by Sean!"

"Hey, I understand the police department, please be more careful..."

Miki answered with concern over the phone.

"Steve Riggins, you are now suspected of being involved in a serious criminal case. From now on, every word you say will be recorded by us for future evidence..."

Sean held the handcuffs and put Riggins's hands together unceremoniously, while announcing the terms of rights to him viciously. Those who were working in the office gathered around the corner and watched Riggins being controlled by Sean from a distance. And Lin Xiuyi turned around and said to the crowd surrounding him:

"Everyone, let's go back to work, it's no big deal, don't worry, this gentleman is the FBI, as Lin Xiu said, he remembered that Sean's documents were still in the room just now, and then he followed the same path. I ran back to the room just now and retrieved my certificate."

With Sean's assistance, Steve Riggins, who is suspected to be the author of the Black Death program, was taken away from eBay's headquarters by the FBI.

When Lin Xiuyi and Sean brought Riggins back to the car, Riggins suddenly burst into tears. Seeing this, Lin Xiuyi couldn't help asking him:

"What do you mean by crying, do you still think we wronged you?"

"No, I...I just regret it! I regret leaving those comments on the source code...I really..."

"Hey, you guy, do you just regret it? The last thing you should do is to create this website, let's talk... How much money did you get from this website in total?"

"No... not much money... just over twenty thousand dollars, plus... plus some marijuana..."

Riggins said to Sean regretfully.

"It seems that you didn't write this website for money. Can you tell us who asked you to write most of the programs for the Black Death?"

"Yes... it's a friend I met at the University of Texas. His name is... Alexander Ulbricht!"

"Why do you help him write these much do you know about him?"

"I...I don't actually know him very well. I only know that he is a doctoral student in the Department of Economics, but he seems to be very interested in programming. We met at a party. At the time, he told me that he wanted to Building an e-commerce website based on bitcoin transactions, asked me if I was interested in doing something together, I had already found a job at eBay, and I thought there was nothing to do anyway, so I agreed..."

"And then? What did you do?"

"Our website business has not been good, so I basically gave up on the things over there and concentrated on doing the work that I am interested in. Occasionally Ulbricht will ask me to help him with some technical matters. Thing, although it sometimes gives me some money, most of the time it gives me some marijuana in return. I helped him move the bubonic plague to the dark web, and soon after he got it from another guy at school Shang bought a 3D printer that could make gun parts, and then he started secretly selling that kind of engineering plastic guns and marijuana on the dark web!”

"I was terrified and thought he was a lunatic and continued dealing with him would only get me into trouble... So I cut off all contact with him... Two officers, I swear, everything I said was real!"

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