Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 56: The situation waits for no one

"Hey, man! It looks like it's not just the two of us who are dissatisfied with the DPJ's decision!"

Lu Du casually clicked on the email sent by Gu Mantong, who had been in frequent contact with him recently, and couldn't help but want to reply to the other party. To be honest, since China Bai's business was forcibly removed by DPJ, Green Poison's enthusiasm for the Black Death has gradually become weaker. It was the first time in his several years working for the DPJ that the two had serious disagreements about the future of the Black Death.

Yes, as the founder of the Black Death, DPJ is definitely the well-deserved soul of this organization. On this point, Green Poison has never had any doubts in his heart. However, as the customer service of the website, Green Poison also made a lot of efforts. In order to deal with the large and small transaction disputes on the website, Green Poison has to work an average of 80 hours a week. This is almost twice the working hours of an average office worker. What's more terrible is that whenever DPJ proposes any new idea, no matter how much unfinished work is still in the hands of Green Poison, they need to cooperate with DPJ's work first. After all, the customer service of the Black Death is definitely a thankless role. Green Poison originally thought that his dedication to DPJ would be seen in the eyes, because he has always been generous to himself. But this time, Ludu felt like a rag that could be thrown away at any time. After it was used up, it was thrown aside.

For Green Poison, selling Chinese white is no longer just a means of making a living. On the contrary, it is more like a career that Green Poison loves. After all, China White was researched little by little from his hands.

as a patient with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Green poison developed a heavy dependence on painkillers from an early age. Gradually, the green poison began to learn to use all kinds of evil drugs. At first, it was marijuana, then cocaine. After all these could not make Green Drug forget the pain in his body, he turned his hobby to those mysterious laboratory drugs.

For an average person, drug abuse can cause severe dependence. But for chronically ill patients like Ludu, these things just help them temporarily forget their pain. However, as the body gradually adapts, the relief of physical pain from these drugs becomes less and less satisfying. In desperation, Green Poison can only turn his attention to those laboratory drugs that are more effective and will not cause legal risks.

However, in this way, there is a more serious problem that Green Poison has to face. That is, on the basis that these laboratory drugs are more effective and have less legal risks, they have a lot of unstable factors and toxic side effects. Especially veterinary drugs like China White are excluded from the controlled drugs by agencies like the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) just because the manufacturer indicates that they cannot be used by humans, but if they are really used by people , often resulting in serious danger. However, none of this can deter Green Poison, an amateur pharmacologist, who soon discovered that a cutting agent produced in China can neutralize the overbearing toxicity of U-48800.

As an amateur pharmacologist, Green Poison is most proud of successfully researching drugs such as Chinese white. Its meaning has been far greater than the happiness of money. So in any case, as long as there is a chance of life, Green Poison doesn't want his efforts to be banned like this, even if this person is the DPJ that he has always admired.

"Unfortunately, China White is a masterpiece that I spent a lot of time researching. Now that DPJ has spoken, I can only follow his instructions. By the way, the arrangement of the redesign of the molecular formula you mentioned last time. How's it going..."

Green Poison thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but mention the suggestion Gumantong made to him last time. For Green Poison, he doesn't mind that China Bai can survive with another identity, even if the main substance in it has actually become a brand new organic derivative.

After thinking for a while, Gumantong continued to say to Green Poison:

"We have contacted a master who is proficient in this way, and also analyzed the molecular formula of China Baizhong according to X-ray diffraction. However, there is still a topic before us, that is, where do we come from? A stable and cheap raw material can be obtained…”

Seeing the other party's reply, Green Poison immediately fell into a tangle. He could see that the other party was asking about his purchase channel again. But can this kind of thing be told casually to others? If you really tell the other party, it means that you really want to cooperate with the other party. After all, now the DPJ has issued a ban on China Bai. There is absolutely no way for the green poison to have a supply channel in hand. Therefore, after thinking about it, Green Poison decided to hold the purchase channel in his hands, so that he could easily control this cooperative business.

"Don't worry about the purchase channel, I will naturally help you with this. You just need to tell me when I can see the new medicine you designed..."

Seeing that the other party carefully avoided the question he raised. Lin Xiuyi felt that the other party was more sincere to cooperate. He also knows very well that if everything in this plan follows the meaning of Green Poison, it will definitely make the other party deeply suspicious. Therefore, he felt that he should also set up some obstacles. Only in this way can his plan become more credible.

"It takes some time to design a new drug, although the expert I found said it would not take long. But there is one more thing I must get your help. That is, if you are willing to cooperate with me, UU Reading www.uukanshu Can .com raise some working capital first. According to the expert I found, if you want to prepare this drug on a large scale,

It is necessary to purchase a set of small pharmaceutical equipment. What do you think about half of us? "

"Half for one person? How much is my share?"

Hearing that the other party talked about the specific details, Lu Du couldn't help but ask carefully.

"Of course it's still 50%. Although you are willing to support the source of raw materials and the construction of the factory, I found this underground laboratory that I cooperated with. And I also have to be responsible for most of the production work..."

Lin Xiuyi patiently explained to the other party.

"Investment? How much are you going to pay?"

The green poison continued to ask a little uneasy.

"How about you and me each giving $1 million!"

Lin Xiuyi replied calmly.

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