Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 53: new era

"You want Professor Geoffrey to help us make drugs? Are you okay?"

Osborn couldn't believe what he heard, Lin Xiuyi's request really made him feel incredible. . fastest update

"Calm down Osborn, now there is a gap between Green Poison and dpj because of China Bai. This is a godsend for us. Do you know what I want to do? I want to win Green Poison over. We all know Hei How tight is the deadly disease organization, it's like a mysterious labyrinth, if there are no people inside to guide us, we can't even find the entrance."

Lin Xiuyi sat calmly opposite Osborn and explained to him patiently. In fact, Lin Xiu's reaction to Osborn is understandable. After all, what they're talking about now is actually testing the fringes of the law.

"Think about it, Osborn! Only when we can get enough attractive conditions, can Green Drug decide to abandon dpj's black market in population and turn to our drug trafficking business. In order to let Green Drug have complete trust With our strength, we can only make up our minds by producing the next generation of Chinese white products as soon as possible. Are you willing to watch this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away from us in vain? But it leaked from you..."

Hearing Osborn's words was full of conflicting emotions. Sean rudely scolded Osborn again. Because of previous information leaks, it is very likely that everyone sitting in this room is already in danger. Now that things have finally turned around, Osborn should make his own contribution to everyone, rather than shirk in every possible way.

The speechless Osborn, who was reprimanded by Sean, turned his eyes to the other people in the room helplessly. Now Song Khan has returned to Thailand to ensure Atiza's personal safety. And Lin Xiuyi and Sean always wore a pair of pants. So Osborn felt that the only people who could help him were two police officers from Eastern European countries.

"I think maybe we should listen to the other officers, I don't think everything should be decided by the two of you!"

As Osborn spoke, he turned his attention to Nicola Dusa, an official from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Natalina Ivanova, a police officer from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Mr Osborne, I think I totally agree with Constable Cornwallis and Constable Lim, you may have overlooked the point that none of the 12 victims in the Dover case were British citizens, but the buyer is likely I live in the UK. The purpose of my visit to London this time is to dig up all the **** behind the scenes and give an account to the dead Romanian citizens. However, what meaningful things have the Metropolitan Police done so far? What? So Mr Osborne, this time I choose to stand with the police officers of the countries where the other victims belonged…”

Nicola Dusha said to Osborn with a serious expression, he has now fully seen the current situation. In the absence of law enforcement, it is a luxury to rely on these Scotland Yard idiots to find the murderer. And before because of too much confidence in Osborn's ability and sense of responsibility. The case has been delayed for far too long, and now it's time to do something to move the investigation forward. Joining hands with Americans and Japanese seems to be the only option at present.

"Gentlemen, it seems that everyone's meaning is clear. As for me, I'm happy to agree with the majority of people who are doing it. Officer Osborne, I would like to see the Metropolitan Police in action because so far, I don't see any contribution from you to the Dover case at all..."

With the disapproval in the room, Osborn felt completely isolated from the group. Standing alone in the center of the room, he wanted to say a few words to defend himself, but he didn't know how to say it.

As the room fell silent for a long time, Osborn pondered over and over again how he should choose. Do you really want Jeffrey to revise the molecular formula of China White? In doing so, what's the difference between Jeffrey and those black-hearted chemists who make big fortunes in underground labs by playing legal sidelines.

"Osborn, have you heard of the Silk Road case?"

Just when Osborn was hesitating. Lin Xiuyi suddenly mentioned the Silk Road. This can't help but make Osborn feel a little strange, why Lin Xiuyi suddenly brought up this case.

"Osborn, since the Silk Road was wiped out by the fbi, the dark web has returned to the age of competition. We don't know how many black market sites like the Black Death still exist on the dark web, but one thing is We have to admit it. That is, in the future, trading platforms like the Black Death will only become more and more, but do we police officers really realize that this era has ushered in great changes?"

"In the past, if someone wanted to smuggle drugs on a large scale, they would have to travel across the ocean in person, to the Golden Triangle or the jungles of Colombia to negotiate business with heavily armed drug manufacturers. But now, drug dealers only need to Sitting in front of the computer in pajamas, just clicking the mouse and typing the keyboard can safely conduct drug transactions. Have we really adapted to dealing with such invisible and intangible criminal So , ladies and gentlemen, we are now in a new era of constant change. There are many new things that we have never thought about, or even understand, are constantly being used by those criminal groups to protect their victims. I thought it was an unlawful act."

"I can easily see the clues left by the murderer in a murder case, but I can't do anything about the green poison who is chatting with me on the computer side. The only thing I can do now is to set up for him like a fraudster. A trap, although it sounds very deflated, but in fact, this is the only way we can currently."

"Therefore, Officer Osborn! If you could tell me how else to find the green poison from some corner of the planet, I would not hesitate to abandon my current plan. But if you don't have any If there is a better way, I have nothing to say..."

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he walked straight past Osborn, and immediately opened the door to leave. At this moment, he suddenly heard Osborn's answer behind him.

"I think maybe I should give you a chance to try and see if you can really find the green poison."

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