Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 35: Killing Live

Three days later, the first batch of registered users of the dueling field finally waited for the time to start the game after a long wait. Although these days, Lin Xiuyi and Sean's team continue to publish relevant news about the real life and death duel match in the arena on the well-known social networking site of the watch network. But there were fewer than 150 viewers who were really willing to pay more than $100 to watch the game.

As a beam of projected light shone on the ground, a man wearing a black tights and an executioner mask appeared on the screen. First, he showed a piece of today's newspaper in front of the camera, proving that the game was not pre-recorded. Then, at his command, two players with leather masks on their heads were sent into a dimly lit area.

"Only one of you can get out of here alive!"

"And the one who loses the game also loses his own life."

"If you plan to play negatively, I will immediately terminate the game, let the latter torture you in the most painful way, and then slowly kill you all..."

After some explanations from the host on the field, the two players present were finally released from their ropes. As the host on the field left, the two half-foot-long watermelon knives were immediately thrown at the feet of the two of them.

The two slaves chosen to be the gladiators picked up the weapons under their feet almost without hesitation, and then frantically attacked their opponents.

With the **** scene on the screen, the users in the dueling field quickly went crazy.

"Is this for real?"

"It doesn't look fake, look, the player I bet on slashed the opponent in the face."

"Just like that, kill him, hurry up..."

Because the duel field has stopped the betting function before the start of the game, these registered users can only cheer for the players they support through the tipping function that is open during the game.

As the game continued, the scene finally became more and more bloody.

Even though she knew it was all a lie, Miki couldn't stand the **** scene in the picture. She took a few steps back involuntarily, letting Lin Xiuyi's figure block her sight.

"Police, are these really just movie effects?"

Miki asked Lin Xiuyi a little uneasy.

"Yes, Sean said that the FBI made a special trip from Hollywood to find a director who is good at shooting cult movies. The actors in it are also professional. In order to prevent their identities from being revealed, they Special masks were worn throughout. However, in order to convince others that this was all happening, only the opening video was temporarily recorded and added to this footage.”

Lin Xiu whispered a few words of comfort to Miki, then he walked to Sean's side and asked in a low voice:

"How is the situation, no one can see the flaws!"

"Don't worry, I've been staring at the comment area all the time. Those perverts seem to think that this game is real. MD, where did they find this director? It's so perverted..."

While staring at the screen, Sean picked up the Burger King on the table and took a bite. Lin Xiu couldn't help feeling nauseated when he saw the ketchup on the corner of Sean's mouth.

"Oh... God! He actually stuffed his intestines back..."

Lin Xiuyi took a few steps back in discomfort. Although he insisted on doing this plan, the video in front of him was far beyond the limit of his endurance.

The concealment of the dark web allows everyone to unscrupulously release the darkest emotions in their hearts. If it weren't for the result of the data in the background, Lin Xiuyi would never have thought that someone would actually pay out real money to watch others kill or be killed.

Lin Xiu turned around and slowly walked to Urashima's side, leaned down, and asked Urashima about the promotion of the Gladiator website on the watch website.

Urashima took some not-so-brutal screenshots from the Gladiator website and passed it on to the watch network to attract more users. The reason for this is to make the site Gladiator appear to be, as it advertises, a true-to-life darknet casino with real-life fighting stunts.

"The situation is not very good! The news we posted was basically shut down by those social networking sites. However, many people still saw the news I sent."

Urashima scratched his hair anxiously, and then reported to Lin Xiu with some headaches.

"Let's stop for a while, our purpose is not to make things bigger, but we just hope to attract some guys who often come into contact with underground human trading platforms on the dark web in the short term, and let them help us find those hidden human trading websites!"

Hearing Lin Xiuyi's comfort, Urashima could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He stood up and thanked Lin Xiuyi, then left the room. After all, the cruel screams and **** images in the room made Urashima feel very depressed. However, in order to successfully implement Lin Xiuyi's plan, he still chose to be patient.

After his emotions were relieved a little, Lin Xiuyi went back to the computer again to check the audience's comments in the background. He hopes that through these messages, he can find users who may know about the black market on the dark web.

"Two people are not enough, it would be interesting to have a group of people..."

"Weapons are too monotonous, we should let those of us who spend money specify what kind of weapons the gladiators use..."

"Instead of monotonous videos, I prefer to enjoy the scene of chasing and killing especially those beautiful women, I really hope that next time you can spend money to buy some female slaves to change our taste …”

Seeing this message, Lin Xiu immediately became more vigilant. He raised his hand, thought carefully for a long time, and then simply restored a sentence with the website administrator's account under this message.

"Where can you buy the female slave you said?"

When Lin Xiuyi released the news, his heart immediately rose to his throat. Although Lin Xiuyi very much hopes that the other party is the person he is looking for who can provide clues, but this kind of thing is more or less a matter of luck.

"You don't know? Give you an address and say that Missionary 73 introduced you here."

Along with this reply, a dark web link is attached below.

Seeing this address, Lin Xiuyi couldn't wait to copy it immediately. Then, when he opened the address with the Tor browser, a website called Death (Black Death) appeared in front of Lin Xiuyi.


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