Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 483: wave chaser

   Chapter 483

   This two-eighth account sounds simple and fair.

   But in fact, as long as you understand the mainland movie market, you can understand that Takeshi Iwata has already taken a lot of money.

   Based on the current reality, the mainland film market is obviously stronger in the north.

   In other words, the north has a higher proportion.

  Iwata Takeshi's side mainly casts to the north, which is of course an advantage.

   However, this is not to give Long Wu a chance at all. After all, he is a Hong Konger himself, and he must have an advantage over Iwata Takeshi in the Pearl River Delta region.

   In addition, everyone on both sides actually holds a part of the shares, which is equivalent to a very good form of cooperation.

  Although Long Wu was taken advantage of a lot, he also knew that he would not suffer in doing so.

   So, of course, this cooperation was reached.

   Of course, everyone knows it.

  What Long Wu needs is a new direction of development. Hong Kong is about to die. He has to run out.

  Continent is a very good choice. Originally, he was still undecided, but now, he is determined.

   Moreover, Long Wu probably didn’t expect it, his subordinate Wang Fatty actually yearns for the mainland more than Long Wu’s boss.

   That's right, Fatty Wang is really annoying, and many fans also take pleasure in scolding him for making bad movies.

   But one thing is true. Fatty Wang is very smart. He can be said to be one of the Hong Kong filmmakers.

   Therefore, there is really no problem with the three views of this product, and even the essence of Hong Kong has been clearly seen long ago.

   He later settled in the capital, and even scolded many Gangcans.

   All in all, this man is indeed the king of bad movies, but he is actually good, very transparent, and very smart.

   On the side of Takeshi Iwata, the biggest benefit he got was not a split account.

   That's right, it's to share the risk.

   Well, there's a lot more to go into here.

  The cinema is a good thing, not that it cannot make money, and there are many other things in it.

   Many people may not understand that cinema has a very special attribute.

   That is real estate.

  Iwata Takeshi believes that many latecomers must understand the relationship between theater chains and real estate, at least everyone must have heard of the largest theater chain company in our country.

  Wonderful, right?

   In fact, this is a classic case of a cinema chain backed by real estate and then developing rapidly.

  It must be said that it is true that the old Wang family and the others played a bit of fun. When they were developing at a high speed, the speed of this theater shop was too fast, and even foreign media used the word 'crazy' to describe it.

   is really crazy, the foreigner is really frightened.

   It's no wonder they haven't seen the world, because in foreign countries, the development of theater chains is really slow.

   So, is there anything special here?

  Iwata Takeshi is not a Pharaoh, he can't do those real estate operations, and even, because of his Japanese identity, it makes it difficult for him to participate in real estate at all.

   Indeed, Takeshi Iwata has made many layouts, but those are the cultural tourism industry.

  Real commercial real estate is hard for him to do.

   And now, the opportunity has come!

   Yes, Long Wu does have a bad background, but he is also a Hong Kong businessman.

   Remember the 14k bigwig Chen Huimin?

   Right, at this time, as long as you don't do anything, as long as you focus on zhongyang, then there will be no problem.

  We must be good, stop doing any underworld, and do our best to do serious business.

   Then, you will be welcomed and supported.

   Later, Long Wu and his family were like this.

  But these, Iwata Takeshi, the Japanese, really can't get it, he has no such advantage at all.

   So, bring Ryuwu, which is very important to Takeshi Iwata.

   There is another key point, that is, the real profit-making means of being a cinema.

   First, it has to be bigger.

  A theater chain must have a scale and sufficient influence in order to achieve real profits.

   Then, in order to achieve this goal, you must enter the venue early.

  Perhaps, the earliest cinemas may not have the last laugh, but it is difficult for later cinemas to surpass the previous ones.

It’s like, although Wanda’s theater chain later had the most screens, in fact, the second-ranked theater chain was established in the first batch of theater system reforms, based on the Yangtze River Delta. company.

   Therefore, Takeshi Iwata must start the operation early.

   And after it gets bigger, then we can consider the issue of profitability.

   Where is the profit point?

   is actually not complicated, this profit is obtained in the game with commercial real estate.

  Iwata Takeshi was originally a person who lived more than 20 years later. He has seen a lot of things. For example, few people know that mobile phones in the future will be so smart.

   Naturally, few people know about it, and you can watch all kinds of interesting videos on your smartphone.

   Some of these videos are very useful and really reveal some truth.

   For example, Takeshi Iwata has seen such a video.

  In the era of so much online shopping, why are there still many large shopping malls being built?

   Also, are these big malls still profitable?

   Maybe this video is wrong, but it does give an interesting perspective.

   What does this video say?

   is very simple, he just put forward an angle, that is, the survival and profitability of large shopping malls, in fact, do not depend on customers at all.

   That is to say, the number of customers is not the determinant of the profitability of the mall.

   So, who is the determinant of shopping malls?

   are those small businesses.

The truth of    is actually very clear, that is to say, the large shopping malls eat the entry fees and decoration fees of small businesses.

   These are worth much more than the consumption of customers.

   Then, what about the big merchants?

   These big businesses are all actively recruited by shopping malls and real estate companies.

   In other words, for those powerful big brands, big merchants, and commercial real estate companies, they will directly give 0 settlement fees, or even 0 rent.

   Instead, calculate the deduction points with them, that is, how much you buy, just divide a part.

   Even, there are many shopping malls, begging those big brands to move in.

  Whether a shopping mall can really survive, investment promotion is very, very important.

   So, there is a more interesting angle here.

   Should there be a movie theater in the mall?

  This idea, Iwata Takeshi can even be sure that most people in mainland China will never think of it.

   Can you watch movies in the mall?

  Yes, it really is.

   At present, our ordinary people have not seen the movie theater in the shopping mall.

  The current mainland cinemas are basically still in the form of independent theaters.

  The cinema does not have to only show movies, it can also do other things, such as some drama performances, or reporting performances, or even the opening ceremony for the school.

   There are even more than one movie theaters in the capital with more than 1,000 seats.

   But this model of cinema will be eliminated in the future.

   Now, not to mention foreign countries, it is Hong Kong cinemas, many of which are located in commercial buildings.

   And in the future, in that era of turbulent commercial real estate.

   What if you could master a powerful cinema chain?

   That's right!

  Iwata Takeshi had figured it out early in the morning, what he wanted was to seize the opportunity in this tide.

   With a cinema chain with a very strong influence, the layout of commercial real estate is achieved.

  If everything goes well, then the future commercial real estate will come and ask him for Takeshi Iwata's cinema chain to open a new store in the newly built shopping mall!

   Even at the cost of reposting.

   This is definitely a rare way for a guy like Takeshi Iwata to catch the tide.

   Yes, in fact, the real key to the entire layout is that.

   Takeshi Iwata doesn't want to be abandoned by the tide of the fast-growing motherland in the future!

   It should be said that the country of Japan has been ignored by this tide.

  Although Takeshi Iwata wanted to say "abandoned", but after all, Japan is an independent country.

   But in fact it is.

  Japan, a country that had the opportunity to ride a ride because of China's economic rise.

   The result is repeated attempts to die, and in the end nothing catches up.

  Iwata Takeshi knew that he couldn't stop this from happening. What he could even do was to borrow the affinity of spring water to make Japan have some lower limits.

   So, what Takeshi Iwata thought was that he himself had to catch this wave.

   He cannot sink with Japan.

   Now that the layout is almost done, he is naturally very satisfied.

   The movie "Fireworks", let's make it quickly, after all, the old man can't wait.


  PS: Sorry, it's really late.



   (end of this chapter)

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